CSC1034: Lecture 4
• Will finish with a worked example
As part of a larger project, building an online ordering system for a Pizza company, we need to design and implement a system for calculating the costs and some other features about a pizza. This system will allow you to build a pizza from a base and some toppings.
• We need somewhere to put the data
• What features do pizza have?
• One Base
• Multiple toppings
Pizza: Iteration 1
• Pizza, pizza bases, and pizza toppings all have names
• Need a list of toppings, and one base import collections
Base = collections.namedtuple( "Base" , "name")
Topping = collections.namedtuple( "Topping" , "name")
Pizza = collections.namedtuple( "Pizza" , "name base toppings")
p = Pizza (
name= "Base"
base=Base(name= "Thin"), toppings=[
Topping("Olive"), Topping("Garlic")
Pizza(name= ' Base ' , base=Base(name= ' Thin ' ), toppings=[Topping(name= ' Olive ' ), Topping(name= ' G
Pizza: Iteration 1
• I have used typed NamedTuples
• Other possibilities
– list of ingredients, with base first,
– (non-named) tuple
– dictionary with two elements
– Class (next lectures!) import collections
Base = collections.namedtuple( "Base" , "name")
Topping = collections.namedtuple( "Topping" , "name")
Pizza = collections.namedtuple( "Pizza" , "name base toppings")
p = Pizza (
name= "Base"
base=Base(name= "Thin"), toppings=[
Topping("Olive"), Topping("Garlic")
Pizza(name= ' Base ' , base=Base(name= ' Thin ' ), toppings=[Topping(name= ' Olive ' ), Topping(name= ' G
• Points to note
• Have test within file not in test, because it’s easier to show
Pizza: Customer Reflections
• We’d like to be able to add a price
• Output is a bit ugly
Pizza: Iteration 2
• Add pizza_price function
• Add pizza_report function
• Add price attribute to Base and Topping import collections import collections
Base = collections.namedtuple("Base", "name") | Base = collections .namedtuple("Base",
Topping = collections.namedtuple("Topping", "name") |
Topping = collections.namedtuple("Topping", "name price")
Pizza = collections.namedtuple("Pizza", "name base toppings") Pizza = collections.namedtuple("Pizza", "name base toppings")
>def pizza_price(p):
> return p.base.price + sum(t.price for t in p.toppings) >
>def pizza_report(p):
> return """Pizza: {name} >Base:
>\t{base}\t\t\t:{baseprice: .2f}
>Toppings: >{toppings} >
>Total:\t{total: .2f} >""" .format(
> name=p .name,
> base=p.base .name,
> baseprice=p.base .price,
> toppings="\n" .join(["\t{}\t\t\t:{: .2f}" .format(, t . > for t in p.toppings]),
> total= pizza_price(p) >)
p = Pizza ( p = Pizza (
name="Base", | name="SimplePizza",
base=Base(name="Thin"), | base=Base(name="Thin", price=1.20),
toppings=[ toppings=[
Topping("Olive"), | Topping("Olive", price=0.70),
Topping("Garlic") | Topping("Garlic", price=0.70)
] ] ) )
print(p) | print(pizza_report(p))
Pizza: Iteration 2
import collections
Base = collections.namedtuple( "Base" , "name price")
Topping = collections.namedtuple( "Topping" , "name price")
Pizza = collections.namedtuple( "Pizza" , "name base toppings")
def pizza_price(p):
return p.base .price + sum(t.price for t in p.toppings)
def pizza_report(p):
return """Pizza: {name} Base:
Toppings: {toppings}
""" .format(
name=p .name,
base=p.base .name,
baseprice=p.base .price,
toppings="\n" .join(["\t{}\t\t\t:{: .2f}" .format(, t.price) for t in p.toppings]),
total= pizza_price(p) )
p = Pizza (
name= "SimplePizza"
base=Base(name= "Thin", price=1.20), toppings=[
Topping("Olive", price=0.70), Topping("Garlic", price=0.70)
] )
Pizza: SimplePizza Base:
Thin :1 .20
Olive :0 .70 Garlic :0 .70
Total: 2 .60
• Use generator expression because why not?
• format within a format is baroque
– I can’t find an easier way
Pizza: Customer Reflections
• Do I have to put the prices for the ingredients in every time?
• Is the pizza veggie or not?
Pizza: Iteration 3
• Add veggie attribute to Topping
• Add pizza_veggie function
• Update pizza report function
• Add catalogue of toppings and bases
import collections import collections
Base = collections .namedtuple("Base", "name price") Base = collections .namedtuple("Base", "
Topping = collections.namedtuple("Topping", "name price") |
Topping = collections .namedtuple("Topping", "name price veggi Pizza = collections.namedtuple("Pizza", "name base toppings") Pizza = collections.namedtuple("Pizza", "name base toppings")
def pizza_price(p): def pizza_price(p):
return p.base.price + sum(t.price for t in p.toppings) return p.base.price + sum(t.
>def pizza_veggie(p):
> return all(t.veggie for t in p.toppings) >
def pizza_report(p): def pizza_report(p):
return """Pizza: {name} return """Pizza: {name} Base: Base:
\t{base}\t\t\t:{baseprice: .2f} \t{base}\t\t\t:{baseprice: .2f}
Toppings: Toppings:
{toppings} {toppings}
Total:\t{total: .2f} Total:\t{total: .2f} >
""" .format( """ .format(, name=p .name,, base=p.base .name,
baseprice=p.base.price, baseprice=p.base .price,
toppings="\n" .join(["\t{}\t\t\t:{: .2f}" .format(, t . toppings="\n" .join(["\t{}\t\t\t:{: .2f}" .format(, t .
for t in p.toppings]), for t in p.toppings]) total= pizza_price(p) | total=pizza_price(p),
> veggie="Is Vegetarian" if pizza_veggie(p) else "Is Not Ve >)
>base = {
> "thin": Base(name="Thin", price=1.20),
> "thick": Base(name="Thick", price=1.50),
> "stuffed": Base(name="Stuffed Crust Monstrosity", price=2 >}
>topping = {
> "olive": Topping(name="Olive", price=0.70),
> "garlic": Topping(name="Garlic", price=0.70),
> "asparagus": Topping(name="Asparagus", price=1.20),
> "mozzarella": Topping(name="Mozzarella", price=0.70), > "scamorza": Topping(name="Scamorza", price=1.00),
> "tomato": Topping(name="Tomato", price=0.90),
> "speck": Topping(name="Speck", price=2.00, veggie=False), >}
> >
>## Nearly a Marghertisa >margherita = Pizza (
> name="Margherta", > base=base["thin"], > toppings=[
> topping["tomato"],
> topping["mozzarella"]
> ] ) )
p = Pizza ( | with_speck = Pizza (
name="SimplePizza", | name="Margherta with Speck",
base=Base(name="Thin", price=1.20), | base=base["thin"], toppings=[ toppings=[
Topping("Olive", price=0.70), | topping["tomato"],
Topping("Garlic", price=0.70) | topping["mozzarella"],
> topping["speck"]
] ] ) )
print(pizza_report(p)) |
>print(pizza_report(margherita)) >print(pizza_report(with_speck))
Pizza: Iteration 3
import collections
Base = collections.namedtuple( "Base" , "name price")
Topping = collections.namedtuple( "Topping" , "name price veggie", defaults=[True]) Pizza = collections.namedtuple( "Pizza" , "name base toppings")
def pizza_price(p):
return p.base .price + sum(t.price for t in p.toppings)
def pizza_veggie(p):
return all(t.veggie for t in p.toppings)
def pizza_report(p):
return """Pizza: {name} Base:
Toppings: {toppings}
""" .format(
name=p .name,
base=p.base .name,
baseprice=p.base .price,
toppings="\n" .join(["\t{}\t\t\t:{: .2f}" .format(, t.price) for t in p.toppings]),
veggie= "Is Vegetarian" if pizza_veggie(p) else "Is Not Vegetarian" )
base = {
"thin" : Base(name= "Thin", price=1.20), "thick" : Base(name= "Thick", price=1.50),
"stuffed" : Base(name="Stuffed Crust Monstrosity", price=2.50) }
topping = {
"olive" : Topping(name="Olive", price=0.70), "garlic" : Topping(name="Garlic", price=0.70),
"asparagus" : Topping(name="Asparagus", price=1.20), "mozzarella" : Topping(name="Mozzarella", price=0.70), "scamorza" : Topping(name="Scamorza", price=1.00),
"tomato" : Topping(name="Tomato", price=0.90),
"speck" : Topping(name="Speck", price=2.00, veggie=False), }
## Nearly a Marghertisa
margherita = Pizza ( name= "Margherta" , base=base["thin"], toppings=[
topping[ "tomato"],
topping[ "mozzarella"]
] )
with_speck = Pizza (
name= "Margherta with Speck" , base=base["thin"],
topping[ "tomato"],
topping[ "mozzarella"], topping["speck"]
] )
print(pizza_report(margherita)) print(pizza_report(with_speck))
Pizza: Margherta Base:
Thin :1 .20
Tomato :0 .90
Mozzarella :0 .70
Total: 2 .80
Is Vegetarian
Pizza: Margherta with Speck Base:
Thin :1 .20
Tomato :0 .90
Mozzarella :0 .70
Speck :2 .00 Total: 4.80
Is Not Vegetarian
Pizza: Future Work
• Proper test suite
• And Price report structure
• Add VAT
• Report output a bit clunky
• Move pizza_price/veggie/report to be methods
• Module is now five years old
• Taught differently every year!
• Welcome feedback on how well it worked
– Especially combined online/in person lecture material
• Hope that I have introduced you to software engineering culture
• You have touched on a lot of topics
• They will take a long time to master
• Hope that you have enjoyed the material
• Good luck and enjoy the rest of the module
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