ECE4179 - Neural Networks and Deep Learning
Deep Learning and Neural Networks
Calculation Exercises - General Comments
For the calculation exercises, ensure that you document any calculations/working-out. You can use a word editor to format your answers properly. You will receive a 0 if you do not provide calculations/working-out.
Calculation Exercise 1: Multilayer Perceptron (MLP)
1. Consider the MLP network in Figure 1. Table 1 shows the value of each of the parameters of the network. The activation functions for all neurons are shown in Table 2. The neurons in the input layer, i.e. neuron 1 and neuron 2, do not use any activation function and simply pass in the input to the network. All the neurons in the hidden layer use a ReLU activation function, i.e., a3 (x) = a4 (x) = a5 (x) = ReLU(x) = max(0, x). The neuron in the output layer uses a Sigmoid activation function, i.e., a6 (x) = σ(x) = 1/ (1 + exp(−x)). For cross entropy loss, ensure you use loge. Answer the following questions.
Figure 1: An MLP with one hidden layer (Question 1).
Table 1: Parameter values of the MLP (Figure 1).
Table 2: Activation functions of the MLP (Figure 1).
1.1. [4 points] Compute the output of the network for x = (x1 , x2 )T = (1, 2)T
1.2. [2 points] Assume the label of x = (x1 , x2 )T = (1, 2)T is y = 0. If we use the Binary Cross Entropy (BCE) loss to train our MLP, what will be the value of the loss for (x, y)?
1.3. [2 points] Now assume the label of x = (x1 , x2 )T = (1, 2)T is y = 1. For BCE loss, what will be the value of the loss for (x, y)? Do you expect the loss to be bigger or smaller compared to the previous part? Why? Explain your answer and your observation.
1.4. [6 points] Assume the learning rate of the SGD is lr = 0 .1. For a training sample x = (x1 , x2 )T = (1, 2)T and y = 0, obtain the updated value of w3 ,6 .
1.5. [6 points] Using the assumptions from the previous part (i.e., the learning rate of the SGD is lr = 0.1, the training sample is x = (x1 , x2 )T = (1, 2)T and y = 0), obtain the updated value of w2 ,5 .
Calculation Exercise 2: Activation Function
2. [10 points] Consider the following activation function:
We stack 1,000 of z, to form. where ◦ denotes function composition. What would be the response of z1000 to x ∈ R? You need to discuss the behaviour of z1000(x) for x ∈ R. We plot the activation function in Equation (1) along with the 45-degree line in Figure 2 for your convenience.
Figure 2: Activation function for Question 2.
Coding Exercises - General Comments
You will code up these exercises with the provided skeleton notebooks. The results and discussions you obtain from the notebook can stay within the notebook without going into a separate PDF. Each task will have its own discussion questions.
Linear and Logistic Regression
3. [25 points] You are probably thinking, these models again! Okay you are right, but there will be addi- tional ideas presented here.
In the first subtask, you will explore the effects of outliers in your dataset and how that can affect your model performance. You will apply a weighted linear regression model so that the resulting model is more robust.
In the second subtask, you will be exploring ways to model non-linearities in the dataset with a linear regression model by transforming your inputs to a linearised space and performing classification in the transformed space with a technique called decay learning rate.
Task 1.1. Weighted linear regression
In this coding exercise, we study the iterative weighted linear regression model. In some problems, every data point might not have the same importance. Having weights associated to samples will provide us with a principal way to model such problems. Consider a data set in which each data point (xi , yi ), xi ∈ Rn , yi ∈ R is associated with a weighting factor 0 < αi ≤ 1. Define the loss of a linear model with parameters w ∈ Rn as the weighted sum-of-squares error:
It can be shown that the optimal weights can be obtained as:
Here, X is a matrix of size m × n where every row is one input sample (i.e., row i in X is xi ). Similarly, Y is an m dimensional vector storing yi and A is a diagonal matrix of size mm with A[i,i] = αi.
The purpose of this task is to train an iterative linear regression model that will weigh the samples as the model is being trained. You need to develop the mechanism to weigh each sample as the model is being iteratively trained. Here, the diagonal matrix A is updated by using the following equation:
where σ is a hyperparemeter you will tune.
You are supposed to implement a weighted linear regression model to explain the data. The data for this question has two sets, a training set (X trn , Y trn(no)isy ) and a validation set (X val, Y val ). You are supposed to use only the training set (X trn , Y trn(no)isy ) to train your model. Note that the training set is noisy (i.e., Y trn(no)isy is noisy). You will use the validation set to evaluate your model and as you might have noticed, the validation set is noise free.
Since in this case, the weight of each sample is not provided, you need to develop a mechanism to approximate how noisy a sample is. One way of doing this is to first fit a linear regression model to your data and then check and see which samples your model cannot explain well (i.e., the prediction is not good). For such samples, you need to devise a way to assign a reduced sample weight. Once you attain the weights according to the error of your predictions, you can fit a weighted linear regression model and repeat this process a few times till you obtain a model that can explain the validation data well.
Implement the aforementioned strategy and report your error on the validation set. For your convenience, a sketch of a possible solution is provided in Algorithm 1.
• You will craft new non-linear features.
• The error of the validation set is
Here, ˆ(y)i(val) = wxi(v)al is the prediction of your model for a validation sample and m is the number of
samples within your validation set.
• You have to tune σ yourself.
• You have to choose a stopping condition.
Algorithm 1: Iterative Weighted Linear Regression
Data: The training set X trn ∈ Rm ×n , Y trn(no)isy ∈ Rm
Data: The validation set X val ∈ Rp ×n , Y val ∈ Rp
Result: The parameters of the optimal model w* ∈ Rn
A ← 1;
for iter in max-iter do
w ← Fit a weighted linear regression model using Xtrn,Y noisy trn , A ; /* Use ?? and note that
A is a diagonal matrix keeping the sample weights ai */
yˆi = w⊤x trn i ;
/* Evaluate your model on all training samples */
aˆi = exp
w* ← the model with the minimum validation error
Task 1.2. Using non-linear features and learning rate decay for better classification
You have been given a set of samples x = (x1 , x2 )T ∈ R2 . In this task, you will apply the knowledge you learned from previous labs to train a logistic model via Gradient Descent and try to improve the performance by implementing a decaying learning rate.
Decaying learning rate can be simply implemented as:
lrnew = (1 − α) * lrold , (6)
where 0 < α < 1 is a hyperparameter. In this task, we use α = 0.1% for the learning rate decay.
You will follow the standard procedure of first loading in your data and visualising it. From there, you will apply nonlinear transformations to your data via GD. You can then visualise your decision boundary and write a decaying learning rate functino to further improve your model.
You can reuse functions sigmoid, compute loss and grad and predict from your previous labs for this task. Plot the decision boundary for above on test data. Compute the accuracy of the resulting model on the test data (X test, y test).
Task 2. Denoising autoencoder (DAE) with Face Data
Whenever you measure a signal, noise creeps in. Denoising (aka noise reduction) is the process of removing noise from a signal and is a profound and open engineering problem. In this exercise, you will learn and implement a Denoising AutoEncoder (DAE) to remove additive random noise from images.
Autoencoders. An autoencoder is a neural model that is trained to attempt to copy its input to its output. Internally, it has a hidden layer z that describes a code used to represent the input. To be precise, an autoencoder realizes two functions/networks, a function fenc to transform the input x ∈ Rn to a new representation z ∈ Rm , followed by a function fdec , which converts the new representation z back into the original representation. We call these two functions the encoder and the decoder (see Figure 3 for an illustration).
You may ask yourself if an autoencoder succeeds in simply learning to set fdec (fenc (x)) = xeverywhere, then what is it useful for? The short answer to that is, the new representation z learned by the autoencoder captures useful information about the structure of the data in a compact form that is friendly to ML algorithms. But that is not all. In deep learning, we can borrow the idea of autoencoding and design many useful solutions, denoising being one.
DAE. In a DAE, instead of showing x to the model, we show a noisy input as x(˜) = x + ϵ . The noise ϵ is task specific. If you are working with MRI images, this noise should model the noise of an MRI machine. If you are working on speech signals, the noise could be the babble noise recorded in a cafe. What you will ask your DAE to do is now to generate clean samples, i.e. x(ˆ) = x (see Figure 3 for an illustration).
So in essence, knowing about the problem and associated noise will enable you to simulate it. This will give you a very task-specific solution, which is in many cases desirable.
Figure 3: Top. An autoencoder is comprised of two subnetworks, an encoder and a decoder. In its vanilla form, the goal is to extract useful structure and information about the input. Bottom. In a DAE, you feed the network with a noisy input and train the model to produce clean outputs.
4. [25 points] In this task, you will implement a DAE to reduce the amount of noise within the dataset. Table 3 shows the hyperparameters and network architecture that you will be using.
Table 3: Hyperparameters for the DAE model. Note that some of the hyperparameters have been replaced with ” ??? ”
You will need to Compute Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) for test dataset. The PSNR isa commonly used metric to measure the quality of areconstructed or denoised signal or image. The PSNR is calculated as the ratio of the peak signal power to the noise power, typically measured in decibels (dB). PSNR can be defined as
• PSNR is the Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio in dB.
• MAX is the maximum possible pixel value (e.g., 255 for an 8-bit image).
• MSE is the Mean Squared Error between the original and the reconstructed (or denoised) image. It’s calculated as the average of squared pixel-wise differences between the two images.
You will be asked to show the PSNR values for:
1. Between the noisy image and original image
2. Between the reconstructed image and original image
We provide you a handy class torchmetrics.image.PeakSignalNoiseRatio for PSNR calculation.
Note: To create the noisy data, you will inject random noise into the data samples during the training step within your network. This is shown in the skeleton code. You will also need to reshape the output predictions to visualize the output image.
Task 3. Speech Command Recognition
5. [20 points] In this final task of your assignment, you will be loading a speech recognition model from the following options:
• Word2Vec2
• Whisper
And using it to extract feature representations from audio files. The goal is to train a model that can recognize ten different voice commands, including ”Yes”, ”No”, ”Down”, and more.
To accomplish this task, you will follow these steps:
• Dataset: You will work with the Speech Commands dataset, which consists of audio recordings of various command words. The dataset is divided into three folders: Train, Validation, and Test. The Train folder contains audio files for training the models, the Validation folder contains audio files for hyperparameter tuning, and the Test folder contains audio files for final predictions.
• Preprocessing: You will preprocess the audio data by extracting meaningful features using your model of choice. You can choose a pre-trained model that has been trained on labeled speech data and can effectively capture spoken language patterns and features effectively. The pre-processing model normally comes with the pre-trained model that we have listed above.
• Model Training: You will train a simple MLP (Multi-Layer Perceptron) model to predict the labels of the voice commands. The MLP model will take the extracted features as input and learn to classify the voice commands into ten different classes.
• Evaluation: You will evaluate the performance of your trained model using accuracy as the eval- uation metric. Accuracy measures the percentage of correctly predicted labels.
• Testing: Finally, you will make predictions on the test dataset using your trained model and submit your results to Kaggle (instruction is provided in the notebook).
• Marking:
– 10/20 points are allocated to the notebook quality.
– 10/20 points are allocated to the Kaggle Competition results. You need to achieve at least 85% accuracy on the test set. The competition marks will be linearly awarded from 0 to 5 points according to accuracy from 85% to highest accuracy in this competition.
Kaggle Competition: The link to the competition is provided here: competitions/ecse-4179-5179-6179-2024-s-2-assignment-1
• Your student email has been registered for the competition.
• You should create aKaggle account with your student email address and then attempt the compe- tition.
• You have access to the dataset from Data tab in the Kaggle page.
By completing this task, you will gain hands-on experience in speech recognition using the pre-trained speect recognition models and learn how to train a model to recognize voice commands. This skill has wide-ranging applications, including voice-controlled systems for smart home devices, navigation systems, and automotive applications.
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