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Assignment One – 15%

Algorithms and Data Structures – COMP3506/7505 – Semester 2, 2024

Due: 3pm on Friday August 23 (week 5)


The main objective of this assignment is to get your hands dirty with some simple data structures

and algorithms to solve basic computational problems. These data structures will also come in handy

for your second assignment, so you should take your time to think about your implementations and

try to make them as efficient as possible.

1 Getting Started

Before we get into the nitty gritty, we will discuss the skeleton codebase that will form

the basis of your implementations, and provide some rules that must be followed when

implementing your solutions.

1.1 Codebase

The codebase contains a number of data structures stubs that you should implement, as well

as some scripts that allow your code to be tested. Figure 1 shows a snapshot of the project

directory tree with the different files categorized.














Figure 1 The directory tree is organized by task. Blue represents directories, Teal represents files

that contain implementations (but are not executable), and Orange represents executable files.

1.2 Implementation Rules

The following list outlines some important information regarding the skeleton code, and your

implementation. If you have any doubts, please ask on Ed discussion.

? The code is written in Python and, in particular, should be executed with Python 3

or higher. The EAIT student server, moss, has Python 3.11.* installed by default. We

recommend using moss for the development and testing of your assignment, but you can

use your own system if you wish.

2 COMP3506/7505 – Semester 2, 2024

? You are not allowed to use built-in methods or data structures – this is an algorithms and

data structures course, after all. If you want to use a dict (aka {}), you will need to imple-

ment that yourself. Lists can be used as “dumb arrays” by manually allocating space like

myArray = [None] * 10 but you may not use built-ins like append, clear, count,

copy, extend, index, insert, pop, remove, reverse, sort, min, max, and so

on. List slicing is also prohibited, as are functions like sorted, len, reversed, zip.

Be sensible – if you need the functionality provided by these methods, you may implement

them yourself. Similarly, don’t use any other collections or structures such as set or

tuple (for example; mytup = ("abc", 123)).

? You are not allowed to use libraries such as numpy, pandas, scipy, collections, and so


? Exceptions: The only additional libraries you can use are random and math. You are

allowed to use range and enumerate to handle looping. You can also use for item in

my_list looping over simple lists.

2 Task 1: Data Structures (5 marks)

We’ll start off by implementing some fundamental data structures. You should write your

own tests. We will try to break your code via (hidden) corner cases. You have been warned.

Task 1.1: Doubly Linked List (1.5 Marks)

Your first task is to implement a doubly linked list — your first “pointer-based” data structure.

To get started, look at the linked_list.py file. You will notice that this file contains two

classes: the Node type, which stores a data payload, as well as a reference to the next node;

and the DoublyLinkedList type which tracks the head and tail of the list, as well as the number

of nodes in the list.

A basic set of functions that you need to support are provided as function templates, and

you will need to implement them. You will also notice that there may be some changes or

modifications required to the data structures to support the necessary operations – feel free

to add member variables or functions, but please do not change the names of the provided

functions as these will be used for marking.

You will need to implement your own tests and run them using:

python3 test_structures.py --linkedlist.

Task 1.2: Dynamic Array (2 Marks)

Unlike the linked list discussed above, which can store nodes at any abitrary location in

memory, we often prefer to have data items stored contiguously (consecutively in memory),

allowing us to access an element x at some index i in constant time. One such way to achieve

this is through the use of a dynamic array.

The file dynamic_array.py contains another skeleton for you to implement. You should

store your data in self._data, and you can add any other member variables to your Dy-

namicArray object. Each function that needs to be supported is provided as a stub. Your

implementations should be efficient and correct, and we have provided annotations to describe

the expected complexity. In this assignment, we have given you a slightly trickier ADT

than the classic append-only array discussed in the lectures. In particular, you must support

prepend operations — that is, allowing an element x to be placed at the front of the array —

in O(1) amortized time, worst case.

Assignment 1 3

You will need to implement your own tests and run them using:

python3 test_structures.py --dynamicarray

Task 1.3: Bitvector (1.5 marks)

In some applications, it is useful to track the state of a collection of objects using simple

Boolean (True or False) flags. A na?ve way to do this is to simply use a (dynamic) array,

storing bool types as the underlying data. However, Boolean types are usually represented

by a machine word (32 or 64 bits), meaning that we waste a lot of space with this approach.1

An alternative approach is to use a bitvector , which stores an array of b-bit integers to

represent each item — unset bits (value 0) represent False, and set bits (value 1) represent

True. Clearly, this approach uses 64× less space than the na?ve approach, as a single b = 64

bit integer can track the state of 64 items.

The file bit_vector.py contains another skeleton for you to implement. Note that it

uses a composition based design where a DynamicArray object is used to store the underlying

data. Each function that needs to be supported is provided as a stub. Your implementations

should be efficient and correct, and we have provided annotations to describe the expected

complexity. We describe two of the more exotic operations that should be supported in more

detail below.

You will need to implement your own tests and run them using:

python3 test_structures.py --bitvector.

Bitvector Operations: Shift

The shift operator handles both left and right shifts, depending on the sign of the dist

parameter. If the dist parameter is positive, we do a left shift by dist. A left shift moves all

bits in the bitvector left by dist positions, replacing empty positions with 0 bits. For example,

the following demonstrates the before (top) and after (bottom) of a left shift by dist = 2:



Notice that the two most significant bits have fallen off (the leftmost 10 on the first bitvector).

The right shifts work the same way, but we move the bits dist positions to the right (and the

least significant bits will fall off).

Bitvector Operations: Rotate

The rotate operator works exactly the same way as the shift operator, except it ensures that

any bits that fall off the end are rotated back onto the start of the bitvector. Using the same

example as above with dist = 2:



1 For the interested student: Most statically typed languages would represent a Boolean value as a

machine word (that is, 32 or 64 bits) for convenience. Python is a dynamically typed language, and

each object actually carries a bunch of metadata around with it, and may be something like 24 bytes.

However, every True or False used is merely a reference to one of these two objects (there is only real

True and one real False object instantiated in the runtime). Nonetheless, here, we will pretend that

each Bool usually costs a machine word. In C, for example, a bool would use 8 bits (one byte), the

minimal addressable size.


4 COMP3506/7505 – Semester 2, 2024

3 Task 2: Algorithmic Thinking Warm-Up (5 Marks)

Next, we are going to work on some simple warm up problems. These are designed to build

your problem solving skills. Some of them may appear tricky at first; you are encouraged

to sit down and think about them (a pen and a piece of paper will help). Do not be afraid

to get creative, as there may be multiple ways to solve each problem. Each problem will

be assessed on three tiers of tests — see the warmup.py file for more details, and test with

test_warmup.py (you need to implement your own tests).

3.1 The Main Character

You are given a string S. You need to simply return the first position of a repeated character

(indexed from zero), or ?1 if there are no repeats.

S = hello → 3.

S = world → ?1.

S = algorithmsarefun → 10.

S = ooooohigetitnow → 1.

Here’s the catch: S can be built from an alphabet containing 232 possible characters,

represented as integers in the range [0, 232 ? 1]. Hint: You should use one of your data

structures from part one to help you solve this problem efficiently!

3.2 Sum-Thing Odd

You are given an unsorted list L containing n unique integers. Let min(L) and max(L)

represent the smallest and largest integers in L. Your task is to find the sum of the missing

odd integers in the range [min(L),max(L)].

Consider L = ?6, 4, 9?: min(L) = 4 and max(L) = 9. Your range of interest is thus [4, 9].

The sum of the missing odd integers will be 5 + 7 = 12.

Consider L = ?10, 1, 7, 17?: min(L) = 1 and max(L) = 17. Your range of interest is [1, 17].

The sum of missing odds in this range will be 3 + 5 + 9 + 11 + 13 + 15 = 56.

3.3 It’s cool, k?

A natural number is k-cool if it can be represented as the sum of unique non-negative powers

of k. For example:

? 17 is 4-cool because 40 + 42 = 17;

? 128 is 2-cool because 27 = 128;

? 11 is 10-cool because 100 + 101 = 11.

Given n and k, you must return the n th largest k-cool natural number. Two alternative

ways to say this:

? Return the n th smallest number that can be created by summing non-negative integer

powers of k; or

? If you created all combinations of sums of powers of k and sorted them into ascending

order, we want you to return the n th one.

Clearly, the first k-cool number is always 1 (k0 = 1) and the second k-cool number is always

k1 = k. Since we will test some very large numbers (up to 101,000,000), you should return the

number modulo 1016 + 61.

Assignment 1 5

3.4 Your Number is Up

Alice and Bob are playing a numbers game. The game starts with an unsorted list of integers,

L, with n = |L| guaranteed to be even. On each turn, they both remove one number from L.

If Alice removes an even number, it is added to her score. If she removes an odd number,

her score remains unchanged. The opposite is true for Bob (removing an odd number adds

to his score; removing an even number keeps his score unchanged). After n turns, the array

is exhausted, and the winner is determined by the player with the largest score — A draw is

also possible. Given L, you must return the winner, and their score, assuming both Alice

and Bob play optimally. You can assume that Alice always gets the first turn.

3.5 Getting Lit

A straight road of length k is illuminated by n light poles. Each light pole is represented

by a natural number i, where i represents the total distance from the start of the road to

the given pole. Each light is capable of illuminating a radius r. Given an unsorted list L of

poles, you need to return the minimal radius r such that the entire length of the road, k, is

illuminated. You may assume that the width of the road is infinitely small.2

k =12

L = 4, 7, 8, 1 .

0 3 6 9 12

r is too small!

0 3 6 9 12


r is too big!

0 3 6 9 12


r is just right.

0 3 6 9 12


Figure 2 A sketch of getting lit with n = 4 light poles.

2 Yes, we know it’s not a very useful road, but it makes your assignment easier. See also: https:



6 COMP3506/7505 – Semester 2, 2024

4 Task 3: Problem Solving with Data Structures (5 marks)

You are an algorithms specialist working at SIGSEGVTM, a world leader in high perform-

ance algorithmic solutions. You have been contracted by a bioinformatics company called

MallocLabs who require a bespoke system to help them deal with a growing amount of

genomic data they need to index. Their lead Bioinformatician, Barry Malloc, has provided

you with the following overview of the data and the system requirements. Your job is to

design and implement an appropriate data structure — and related algorithms — to match

Barry’s requirements. Barry has kindly placed the required time bounds in the function

stubs — you should carefully consider these when designing your data structure.

4.1 Data Representation

DNA data is represented as a string S of length |S| over an alphabet Σ = {A, C, G, T}.

Each character represents a different base (Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine, and Thymine). For

example, a sequence S with |S| = 32 might look like


Since sequences can be very long, we can break them up into k-mers, all possible substrings

of length k. For example, there are 10 individual 23-mers of S:











In general, a sequence of length |S| will contain |S|?k+1 k-mers, and there are a total of |Σ|k

unique possible k-mers (in our case, |Σ| = 4). You are provided with a tool generate_dna.py

that can generate n sequences of length |S| for you to experiment with; it is probably easiest

to simply write them out to a file, and use the file as input to your testing program.

4.2 Required Functionality

At run-time, your program will be given two arguments that specify a path to a file containing

DNA sequences, as well as the value of k we are interested in working with. For example,

you might be given a file containing 50, 000 sequences of length 200, and k = 31. We will

always use str types to represent k-mers. The data structure used to solve the following

requirements is up to you, and should be designed based on the functionality requested. You

may need to use one or more of the structures implemented in part one for example, but the

final choice is yours. Implement in kmer_structure.py and test with test_kmers.py (you

need to implement your own tests).

Assignment 1 7

Storage and Modification: 2 marks

The first set of functions you need to support allow for reading and modifying data. They

are specified as follows:

? read: Given a file containing DNA sequences, break them into individual k-mers, and

store them in your data structure;

? batch_insert(L): Given a list of k-mers L, insert them into your data structure;

? batch_delete(L): Given a list of k-mers L, delete all occurences of them from your data


Note that there may be some duplicate k-mers in your data structure. You must keep track

of duplicates and their frequency, as these will be required for answering some query types in

the next section.

Queries: 3 marks

Your data structure also needs to support the following query types.

? freqgeq(n): Return a list of unique k-mers that occur at least n times;

? count(q): Return the number of times a k-mer q occurs;

? countgeq(q): Return the total number of k-mers that are ≥ q; that is, you need to sum

the frequencies of all k-mers lexicographically greater than or equal to q;

? compatible(q): Return the total number of k-mers that are compatible with q.

We provide some further information on the compatibility query as follows. A given k-mer q

is called compatible with k-mer b if the last two characters in q are the complement of the

first two characters in b. In genomics, the pair A and T is complementary, as is the pair C

and G. So, for example, CCTGATG is compatible with ACTTGCG:


| |


Note that we always assume we are matching the end of the input query k-mer q with the

start of all other k-mers.

Analysis: 2 marks (COMP7505 Students Only)

If you are a COMP7505 student, you must also answer the questions posed in the plain text

file called analysis.txt (inside the malloclabs directory).COMP3506 students are encouraged

to do this too, but they will not be assessed on this component. Please keep your answers

succinct, but make sure to include all details that may be relevant. If in doubt, err on the

side of more detail.


8 COMP3506/7505 – Semester 2, 2024

5 Assessment

This section briefly describes how your assignment will be assessed.

5.1 Mark Allocation

Marks will be provided based on an extensive (hidden) set of unit tests. These tests will do

their best to break your data structure in terms of time and/or correctness, so you need to

pay careful attention to the efficiency and the validity of your code. Each test passed will

carry some weight, and your autograder score will be computed based on the outcome of the

test suite. If you did not rigorously test your programs/code, you should go back and do so!

As the famous poet Ice Cube once said: check yourself before you wreck yourself.

The marks (percentages) provided in each task above are indicative of the total score

available for each part, but marks may be taken off for poor coding style including lack of

commenting, inefficient solutions, and incorrect solutions. Our code quality checks are not as

strict as PEP8, but we assume typical best practices are used such as informative variable

and function names, commenting, and breaking long lines. While the overall grade/score

will be calculated mathematically, an indicative rubric is provided as follows:

? Excellent: Passes at least 90% of test cases, failing only sophisticated or tricky tests;

well structured and commented code; appropriate design choices; appropriate application

of data structures/algorithms for solving Tasks 2/3.

? Good: Passes at least 80% of test cases, failing one or two simple tests; well structured

and commented code; good design choices with some minor improvements possible;

good application of data structures/algorithms for solving Task 2/3 with some minor

improvements possible.

? Satisfactory: Passes at least 70% of test cases; code is reasonably well structured with

some comments; most design choices are reasonable but significant room for improvement;

reasonable application of data structures/algorithms for solving Task 2/3, but significant

improvements possible.

? Poor: Passes less than 70% of test cases; code is difficult to read, not well structured, or

lacks comments; design choices do not demonstrate a sound understanding of the desired

functionality; little or no suitable application of data structures or algorithms towards

solving Task 2/3.

5.2 Plagiarism and Generative AI

If you want to actually learn something in this course, our recommendation is that you avoid

using Generative AI tools: You need to think about what you are doing, and why, in order

to put the theory (what we talk about in the lectures and tutorials) into practical knowledge

that you can use, and this is often what makes things “click” when learning. Mindlessly

lifting code from an AI engine won’t teach you how to solve algorithms problems, and if

you’re not caught here, you’ll be caught soon enough by prospective employers.

If you are still tempted, note that we will be running your assignments through sophistic-

ated software similarity checking systems against a number of samples including including

your classmates and our own solutions (including a number that have been developed with

AI assistance). If we believe you may have used AI extensively in your solution, you may

be called in for an interview to walk through your code. Note also that the final exam

may contain questions or scenarios derived from those presented in the assignment work, so

cheating could weaken your chances of successfully passing the exam.

Assignment 1 9

As part of your submission, you must create a file called statement.txt. In that file,

you must provide attribution to any sources or tools used to help you with your assignment,

including any prompts provided to AI tooling. If you did not use any such tooling, you can

make a statement outlining that fact. Failing to submit this file will yield you zero marks.

6 Submission

You need to submit your solution to Gradescope under the Assignment 1: Autograder link in

your dashboard. Please use the appropriate link as there is a separate submission for 3506

and 7505 students. Once you submit your solution, a series of tests will be conducted and

the results of the public tests will be provided to you. However, the assessment will also

include a number of additional hidden tests, so you should make sure you test your solutions

extensively. You may resubmit as often as you like before the deadline, but we are imposing

a limit of ten submissions per 24 hour period. Please write your own tests!


The easiest way to submit your solution is to submit a .zip file. The autograder expects a

specific directory structure for your solution, and the tests will fail if you do not use this

structure. In particular, you should use the same structure as the skeleton codebase that

was provided. You should also have the statement.txt and analysis.txt (for COMP7505

students). Submissions without the statement.txt will be given zero marks, and the

autograder will notify you of this.

7 Resources

We provide a number of useful git and/or unix resources to help you get started. Please go

onto the Blackboard LMS and see the Learning Resources > Resources directory for more


8 Changelog

? V1.0: Initial release.

? V2.0: Release with code; changed directory structure to match code. Clarified k-cool

further. Fixed an unfortunate typo.

? V3.0: Add clarifications section to the end of the spec to track any additonal changes or

clarifications from Ed or other discussions.

? V3.1: Remove some of the clarifying discussion about linked list nodes, since the API

was changed in the v3.0 code skeleton and the discussion is no longer relevant.

? V4.0: Further clarifications in the section below. No further changes.


10 COMP3506/7505 – Semester 2, 2024

9 Clarifications

This section is introduced in V3.0 of the spec. It will be used to track any additional

clarifications on the spec or functionality.

Corner Cases

Here we clarify some corner cases and expected behaviour.


? What happens if I call set_head (or set_tail) on an empty list? In this case, do nothing.

These functions simply change the data of the head or tail if they do already exist. The

v3 skeleton code docstrings now capture this functionality.


? If the dist provided to shift is greater than the bitvector length, what happens? The

bitvector would simply become filled with 0’s as everything will be shifted off.

? What about the case where we call rotate with a dist value larger than the length?

You will just keep rotating until done; rotating a bitvector of length l by l or 2l or 3l will

end up with the same bitvector as before the rotation. Modulus is your friend...

Node API

In our test suite, we will not be checking individual linked list Node types in isolation. What we

will be checking is that the linked list API works as expected; we will be traversing/modifying

your linked list (via the public DoublyLinkedList methods) and comparing the behaviour with

what a correct implementation does.

So, to be clear, we will never take a single Node type and check what is in prev or next

for example. This means you may even modify the Node API as it is only accessed internally

from the DoublyLinkedList; just ensure it is still compatible with the DoublyLinkedList


Banned Code

Our philosophy for banning specific python functionality is to avoid the situation where some

complex operations are being hidden by syntactic sugar. For example, consider:

my_list = [1, 6, 105, 4, 9]

x = 4

if x in my_list:

print ("Yay!")

This innocent looking code is actually hiding an O(n) execution, where n is the length of

my_list. That’s because Python allows us to search for an item using nice syntax like if x

in my_list. That’s why we would prefer you to write something like:


for item in my_list:

if x == item:

print ("Yay!")

Even though this is longer, it clearly demonstrates that the list is being iterated over.

Some examples of things that are OK or not:

Assignment 1 11

? Generators: These are OK, because they hide annoying/ugly complexity, but do not mask

the fact that they are used for iteration.

? Dictionaries: Clearly not OK, because you need to be able to implement a map data

structure to get this behaviour. Same for Sets. (More in Week 5/6/7).

? Dunder methods: These are OK, as you will need to implement them anyway (and indeed,

you will implement __str__ for example).

In general: If you want to use something, you need to implement it yourself, not use an “out

of the box” implementation.

Why Moss?

You do not need to use Moss. We recommend you do because it provides a shared platform

for us to help if anything goes wrong. However, you are more than welcome to develop/test

your work elsewhere.

More about Bitvectors

A key principle in this assignment is that the data structure being implemented should

behave the way a user expects. This is different to the question of how the data is stored (in

what sort of container, in what order, ...) as a user doesn’t care about that. We do care, as

the designer of the data structure, so we endeavour to make things as efficient as possible

while maintaining correctness.

In terms of bitvectors, we cannot answer questions like should I append a bit to the most

significant bit, or the least significant bit? or should I store my bits little or big endian? –

What really matters is that a user appending the sequence 1 0 1 0 will get back a 1 if they

ask for the value of the bit at index 0, and a 0 back if they ask for the value of the bit at

index 3. If they then flip all of the bits, and prepend a 0, they should get a 0 back if they ask

for the value at index 0, and a 0 if they ask for the element at index 1 (this was previously

the first 1 we appended, but it has now been flipped). When these operations happen, it

is up to you to design how it works under the hood. The API should behave like a user

interacting with the DynamicArray using only 0 and 1’s, except that it should be much more

space efficient.

I’m Overwhelmed

This is a tough assignment, and it will take time. If you are overwhelmed, our advice is to

simplify the API you support for each structure. For example, instead of supporting both

append and prepend, just focus on supporting append efficiently. Similarly, ignore reverse for

now. This will at least allow you to build an efficient “append-only” list that you can use in

the assignment. You will of course lose some marks, but you will be able to move on and

capitalise in the other sections. For the warmup problems, just focus on solving them – even

if it is inefficient at first – as you will get marks just for giving correct (albeit slow) solutions

on small inputs.

Finally, please seek support; we have Ed, office hours, assignment help sessions. But we

cannot help you if you do not seek help.


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