CSC8105: Coursework Project
To assess student’s ability to model and validate high-level prototypes of software used to
implement communicating systems.
To become familiar with a computer-aided tool for the specification and verification of communicating
There are four arrays of N byte values each, A, B, C and D, stored in processes P rA, P rB,
P rC and P rD, respectively. These values are used to calculate a password. Your have been
asked to design a validated communication scheme to produce an array R of N byte values (the
password), to be stored in process Rcv. The new array (the password being calculated) should
satisfy R[i] = max{A[i], B[i], C[i], D[i]} for all 0 ≤ i < N. The connectivity of the five process
network is given in the diagram below.
It is assumed that:
message passing is the only means of interprocess communication;
process Rcv is not allowed to carry out any calculations involving the data received;
message passing is assumed to be asynchronous, i.e. it is carried out using buffered channels,
which are assumed to be error-free in Task 1;
a single message can carry at most one byte data value used in calculations;
the four outer processes can communicate and the design should allow data received, say, by
P rA from P rD, to be forwarded to P rB (unless P rA is certain that P rB does not need this
any of the four outer processes can calculate and send the values of array R to Rcv.
Project Tasks
(1) Develop a highly concurrent symmetric solution to the above problem, using as few message
exchanges as possible. Write a PROMELA program which would provide a validation model
for your solution. Formulate the relevant correctness requirements and verify, using SPIN,
that they are indeed satisfied. Start with N = 2 (or even N = 1) and see what is the largest
value of N for which the validation task can still be carried out in ‘reasonable’ time.
(2) It turned out that the channels outgoing from PrA can duplicate messages. Modify your
solution to cope with these problems. Again, formulate correctness requirements and validate
them using SPIN.
Marking Scheme
Task 1 (75% in total): design: 25%, PROMELA code: 40%, and validation results and
explanations: 10%.
Task 2 (25% in total): design: 10%, PROMELA code: 10%, and validation results and
explanations: 5%.
The assignment must be submitted to NESS in a single .zip file by
8.45am on Monday, 26th November 2018
In your submission you should provide, for each of the two tasks:
PROMELA program;
brief explanations of how your solution works;
validation results produced by SPIN.
The following can be used as rough template while working on your solution. Note that P rA has
my id equal to 0, P rB has my id equal to 1, etc.
#define N 2
byte init_data[8];
proctype proc (byte my_id, next_id, previous_id; chan to_next, from_previous, to_receiver)
{ byte my_data[N]; byte i=0;
/* declare more variables */
/* initialise the array for this process */
:: i<N -> my_data[i] = init_data[my_id*N + i]; i++
:: i==N -> break
/*add communication etc */}
proctype receiver (chan from_A, from_B, from_C, from_D)
{ byte result[N] ;
/* declare more variables */
/* add communication etc */}
init {
chan AtoB = [N] of { byte }; chan BtoC = [N] of { byte }; chan CtoD = [N] of { byte };
chan DtoA = [N] of { byte }; chan AtoR = [N] of { byte }; chan BtoR = [N] of { byte };
chan CtoR = [N] of { byte }; chan DtoR = [N] of { byte };
init_data[0]=2; init_data[1]=0; init_data[2]=5; init_data[3]=8;
init_data[4]=4; init_data[5]=1; init_data[6]=3; init_data[7]=9;
run proc (0,1,3,AtoB,DtoA,AtoR); run proc (1,2,0,BtoC,AtoB,BtoR);
run proc (2,3,1,CtoD,BtoC,CtoR); run proc (3,0,2,DtoA,CtoD,DtoR);
run receiver(AtoR,BtoR,CtoR,DtoR)}}
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