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您当前位置:首页 >> Python编程Python编程

日期:2020-12-13 12:29

In this assignment, we have simulated a reinforcement learning based dog, whose life’s purpose, as it tends

to be, is to please its owner. You will define the details of the states, actions, and reward, and use the provided

implementation of Q-Learning to learn a policy. Then, you will extend the environment with more states and

actions, and see how well you can get the agent to do.

1 Task Description

We will be modeling this scenario in the Malmo environment. Each run (or episode) consists of a single day of

Odie putting something together for Jon, and ends when Odie is satisfied with what it has accomplished that day.

The day starts with a number of items, which Odie can pick up in any order, but since he’s a dog, he can hold a

maximum of three items at any time, and more unfortunately, doesn’t know how to drop any items. However,

Odie is a little magical, it can combine some items to create new ones (some that might be quite desirable to Jon)!

1.1 Provided Source Code

1.2 Overview of the Code

The basic Minecraft environment consists a number of predefined items (called items ) strewn in a circle around

the player agent. The playet agent has an inventory, limited to a maximum size of three, but can be changed using

inventory_limit . In terms of actions, based on the current inventory, the agent (Odie) can either pick up one of

the existing items (implemented via teleport command, which is why you won’t see the agent running around),

combine multiple items in the inventory to craft a new item (using the recipes available as food_recipes ), or

decides to present everything it has in its inventory to Jon ( present_gift ). How Jon reacts to receiving a gift

is stored in rewards_map , with reward for multiple items simply being the sum of rewards of each of the items.

We have provided an implementation of Q-Learning which follows an ε-greedy policy while following off-policy

updates. The source code should be fairly self-explanatory, since it follows the existing Malmo tutorials quite

closely (a related tutorial is tabular_q_learning.py , which is the solution to tutorial_6.py ). Go through the

implementation for details, and discuss on Campuswire if you have any doubts.

1.3 Setup and Running the Code

Let me introduce you to Odie the dog, the naive and earnest dog that belongs to Jon. Every day, while Jon is away

at work, Odie spends the whole day trying to find and make something to gift Jon. At the end of the day, when

Jon returns home, Odie presents what it did that day to Jon, expecting some reward. Since Jon is usually quite

tired, and in no mood to for useless gifts, usually just punishes Odie, unless Odie really brings him something cool.

Assignment : Dog’s Life!

We have provided two Python files: the primary one is hw_dog.py which contains the complete code to setup

the Malmo environment and default RL learning code. This file calls some of the methods in the second file,

hw_dog_submission.py , but this file is incomplete. You will be mostly changing the second file.

Assuming you have installed Malmo, all you need to do to run this assignment is to copy the two files above to

the Python_Examples folder, and after launching Minecraft, run python hw_dog.py . If everything run

successfully, the agent should be doing random things, since the implementation is incomplete (more on this later).

The output in the terminal should look like the following:

n= 1

1 Learning Q-Table: pumpkin, c_pumpkin_seeds, egg, present_gift,

Reward: -75

2 Learning Q-Table: egg, egg, pumpkin, present_gift, Reward: -55

3 Learning Q-Table: pumpkin, sugar, egg, c_pumpkin_pie,

present_gift, Reward: 100

4 Learning Q-Table: egg, pumpkin, sugar, c_pumpkin_pie,

present_gift, Reward: 100

5 Showing best policy: egg, egg, sugar, present_gift, with reward


6 Learning Q-Table: pumpkin, egg, sugar, c_pumpkin_seeds,

present_gift, Reward: -85

7 Learning Q-Table: pumpkin, egg, egg, c_pumpkin_seeds,

present_gift, Reward: -100

8 Learning Q-Table: egg, sugar, present_gift, Reward: -35

9 Learning Q-Table: sugar, egg, present_gift, Reward: -35

10 Showing best policy: pumpkin, sugar, egg, c_pumpkin_seeds,

present_gift, with reward -85.0


2 What Do I Submit?

Here we’ll describe what exactly you need to submit to the assignment on Canvas.

1. Code: Define the State (10 points): As the first simple exercise, implement the get_curr_state function.

Given the list of items in the inventory, this function returns an indexable Python object (hint: for example,

a tuple) that represents the state of the inventory. Keep in mind that any possible combination of items will

be a different state, and further, the order of the items does not matter (however, the quantity of item of

each type does). Solution will be quite small (ours was 5 lines, could have been smaller).

2. Number: Number of States (5 points): Assuming the environment contains one copy of each item

(including the crafted items), how many states do you think are possible? As when defining the state space

above, keep in mind that ordering between items in the inventory does not matter. Just provide a number.

3. Code: Implement ε-Greedy Policy (15 points): The choose_action method currently ignores the eps

and q_table values and just returns a random action. Instead, implement the ε-greedy policy that does

exactly the above with probability eps , but with 1-eps it picks the action with the highest Q-value (you

can get a list of actions and q-values using q_table[curr_state].items() ). Note that in case of multiple

actions having the same maximum q-value, you should randomly pick any one of them. Solution can easily

be achieved in 10 − 15 lines, but probably in less.

4. Number: Reward From Best Policy (10 points): Given the list of items, the recipes, and the rewards,

what is the maximum possible reward that Odie will get at the end of any episode? Keep in mind that the

inventory can only hold a maximum of three items, and Odie cannot drop any item (they get removed only

when they are part of a recipe). Use this in the optimality test ( is_solution ), and submit the number.

5. Output: Smartest Odie Can Be (15 points): Now your implementation should be complete. Run the agent

till it ends with the output indicating it has found the best policy. Submit the last three lines (starts with

XXX Showing best policy ... , then Found solution , and then Done ).

6. Code: Expanding the World (10 points): We will now add more items and recipes to the world. To begin

with, add the following items (one red_mushroom and two planks ) and recipes (a bowl made from two

planks , and a mushroom_stew made from a bowl and a red_mushroom ). Also include a reward of 5 for

the red_mushroom , −5 for the planks , −1 for the bowl , and 100 for the mushroom_stew .

7. Number: Number of States 2 (5 points): With this expanded list of items and recipes (and assuming the

environment has one of each, including crafted items), how many states do you think are possible now?

Just provide a number.

8. Number: Reward From Best Policy 2 (10 points): Given this expanded list of items, recipes, and rewards,

now what is the maximum possible reward that Odie will get? Use this in the optimality test ( is_solution ),

and submit the number.

9. Output: Running on the Expanded World (10 points): Given this implementation of the the expanded

world, run the same code as before. Note that the world is much bigger now (in terms of number of

11. Comments: Any comments about your submission that you want to bring to our attention as we are grading


states), and thus do not be disappointed if your agent does not converge to the optimal policy any time

soon (or at all). Run your agent for at least 200 episodes, and submit at least the last 20 lines starting with

XXX Showing best policy ... (if on a Unix system, grep and tail will be your friends).

10. Extra Credit: Improving the Agent (10 points) If you are feeling adventurous, you can try to run with

n > 1, or change α, γ, and ε, to see if you get better results. You should basically see if you can find a policy

that is significantly better than the previous policy, in the same number of episodes (200). Describe in a line

or two what you changed, and submit the last 20 lines that start with XXX Showing best policy ... , as

in the previous part. You will be graded on a combination of what improvements you tried and achieved.

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