COMP2913 Software Engineering Group Project
Group Project Description
1 Introduction
This project involves development a software system for the management of a cinema.
Each system will have a set of requirements that are provided as a separate document published by
the end of Week 2.
You have been grouped into teams of approximately 6 students to work on this. Groups will shortly
be allocated; see an announcement on Minerva for further details. Further details are given in
Section 5.
The project work begins in Week 3. Your team should arrange a meeting once groups are arranged
and use this initial meeting to exchange contact details, discuss each others’ skill sets, review this
document and consider technology choices for the project. Each of you should also check that you
are able to access your team’s GitLab project area (see Section 6).
Sprint 1 begins on Monday 15th February. Each sprint lasts for two weeks. You will have three full
sprints before the Easter vacation, during which we expect much of the functionality to be
implemented. The remainder of the time—encompassing the Easter vacation and the first week
back after the vacation—should be used to implement any outstanding low-priority features, fix
bugs, polish the implementation and finalise deliverables. The project concludes with a demo of the
finished product.
2 Problem Domain
Familiarising yourself with the problem domain would be useful preparation for this project. Spend
some time exploring how similar systems work. Examine similar businesses that you are aware of.
3 Implementation
Specific stakeholder requirements are enumerated in the product backlog, provided separately.
One important (and hopefully obvious) point to note is that your solution will not be a real system!
It will need to record details of bookings and payments, but it will not actually make those
bookings. The payment process should be simulated, but should be realistic.
You should, however, use real data where possible. These data can be created manually; we do not
expect your solution to acquire such information automatically. You will need to collect a realistic
set of data in order to demonstrate your system.
Although your solution is subject to the technical constraints outlined below, this still leaves you
with a certain amount of freedom to choose tools, frameworks, libraries and programming
languages that suit your team’s interests and abilities. You will need to demonstrate your system
operating at some points so please bear this in mind as part of your solution.
In choosing technology, be realistic about what your team can do in the time available, and keep in
mind that a reasonably good mark is achievable for relatively modest implementations provided that
the organisation and management of the project is good.
4 Basic Architecture
4.1 Server
Your solution should have a client-server architecture. It will be easiest to use HTTP as the base
protocol for communication between clients and server, and this will also provide you with the most
flexibility, but a TCP-based solution is acceptable. For the best marks, the server should support
multiple simultaneous connections from clients.
The server should interact with a database that stores details specific to the domain: for example,
registered users, available classes, sessions and bookings. Ideally, this should be an SQL database. A
solution in which data are stored as files in CSV, JSON or some other format is acceptable, but not
as professional.
To simplify development, demonstration and marking, use either an embedded database or a
database server that can be run without needing special privileges or installation in system
directories. SQLite is a suitable choice of embedded database. If you are using Java on the server
side, Java DB comes bundled with the JDK and can run either as an embedded database or a
database server—either of which would be suitable for this project.
4.2 Clients
There are 2 required interfaces to the system: a user/customer and an employee/manager
A solution will provide a single client interface for the customer and appropriately separated
interfaces for employee and manager. You have the following options for your interfaces:
1 (a) . A web interface that customers can use to view availability and book sessions;
1 (b). A mobile app, for Android or for iOS, that customers can use to view availability and book
2. A desktop or web application simulating the interface that an employee would use face-to-face to
make bookings and take payment;
3. A desktop or web application that the manager can use to perform selected administrative
functions such as calculating income for the week, reviewing aspects of the business.
4.3 Testing
Testing should not be an afterthought. You solution should be tested throughout its development,
and testing should be automated where possible. It is worth devoting significant effort to this. Use
the testing tools discussed in the exercise worksheets where appropriate, but feel free to research
and use other tools if they are helpful to you.
4.4 Building & Deploying
You should automate as much of the build and deployment processes as possible. Ant, Maven and
Gradle may be viable options for this. Others tools may be more appropriate, depending on the
nature of your system and your technology choices.
It should be possible to build, deploy and run your solution using your chosen build tool(s), with a
minimal number of commands. For example, a single command to build the whole system, one
command to run the server and one command to run the desktop application (assuming you’ve the
chosen the latter option) would be a good way of arranging things.
Note that we do not expect you to deploy the server-side components of your solution to real
servers in the cloud! You are welcome to implement this as an optional feature, if you have the
aptitude and the interest in doing so, but it is not required.
As with testing, it is worth starting early and devoting significant effort to this. Build automation
can save you a lot of time and pain, so you should aim to get it set up as soon as possible.
5 Approach
5.1 Overview
The broad approach to be followed by all teams is a simplified and scaled-down version of the
Scrum method already discussed in lectures.
The process is driven by the Product Owner (PO), who will provide each team with an initial
prioritised list of requirements in the product backlog (published separately by end of Week 2).
The primary period of development is broken down into a sequence of three two-week sprints. At
the start of each sprint, you should have a sprint planning meeting in which you agree on a subset of
product backlog items to implement, identify the tasks required to deliver those product backlog
items and then allocate those tasks to team members.
In this simplified version of Scrum, the PO will not be present at these planning meetings. The team
will therefore need to check the product backlog before each planning meeting and seek
clarification from the PO if necessary, via Class Teams.
You should hold two or three status meetings during each sprint. Status meetings are short—no
more that 15 minutes in length—and involve each team member briefly describing what they have
done since the team last met, what they will be doing from now until the next status meeting, and
finally what issues they are facing that might prevent progress. Discussion of issues should be
deferred to other meetings or online communication, not necessarily involving the whole team.
You should finish your sprint with a sprint review meeting. This should begin with, or follow soon
after, a brief discussion of progress with the PO. All members of a team are expected to attend this
meeting. You should use it to reflect on the feedback given by the PO and identify aspects of your
development process that can be improved for the next sprint.
5.2 Scrum Master
You will need someone to take on the role of Scrum Master (SM). The SM should organise and
chair all of the sprint planning, sprint review and status meetings. The SM should nominate another
team member to take notes during planning and review meetings. The note-taker is responsible for
uploading their notes to the project wiki (see below). Formal notes are not required for the status
The SM should keep attendance records for all meetings (including the status meetings), using one
or more page in the project wiki. The SM should also investigate any absences or missed task
deadlines, on behalf of the team, via Teams or other means as appropriate.
Remember that the SM is not the project manager! Decisions affecting the project should be taken
by the entire team. The SM is a facilitator, not a decision-maker. In our modified version of Scrum,
the SM is also a developer but is entitled to do less development work than others on the team
because of the aforementioned duties.
It is recommended that the SM role be rotated amongst team members, but changes in SM are only
permitted between sprints, not during a sprint.
5.3 Team Members
Team members should attend all meetings if possible, and provide apologies that are noted for any
Team members should use the project’s issue tracker (see Section 6.2) to record information about
the tasks they are carrying out. Other project documentation should be stored in the wiki (see
Section 5.3).
Team members should use Git version control for all programming activities (see Section 6.1) and
should push the changes they have made locally back up to the remote project repository on a
regular basis, to facilitate code review and sharing of the new code with others in the team.
Team members can work on tasks alone but ideally in collaboration with others. You should
consider adopting a ‘pair programming’ approach such as that advocated by XP, for instance. This is
particularly recommended for complex or critical parts of the system.
6 Project Tools
Project management should be done using a remotely-hosted instance of GitLab, at You should create a project area for your work. You must add the module staff, to
your project with master access, so that we can review your work when required. We will add
guidance on this to Minerva soon.
A vital first task for every team member is to check whether you can successfully access your
team’s project area. Make sure you do this before Sprint 1 starts.
6.1 Version Control
All source code must be managed using the Git version control system. Each team should have a
shared repository, which can be accessed via the HTTPS or SSH protocols:
Substitute your team’s name (in lowercase) for team above.
By default, any clone, fetch or push operation involving the remote repository will require
authentication. This can be done by supplying your GitLab username and password when prompted.
It is possible to avoid manual authentication on every clone, fetch or push by using the SSH
protocol and uploading an SSH public key to your account. For further information on this, see
If you’ve not already set up SSH access, we recommend that you do this before Sprint 1 begins.
One other important decision that you need to make before Sprint 1 begins is your preferred Git
workflow. Please refer to the module Learning Resources for detailed discussion of this. By default,
all team members have been granted Master permission in GitLab—which means that all team
members have permission to push commits into the master branch. However, it is probably best to
avoid this and follow a ‘feature branch’ workflow, whereby individuals or pairs work on each
feature in separate branches and then issue merge requests when the feature is complete.
Someone will need to act on merge requests and handle the task of merging features into the master
branch, resolving any conflicts that arise. We recommend appointing one or more lead developers to
do this. Ideally, lead developers will be the most experienced programmers / Git users on your team.
6.2 Issue Tracker
Each team’s project area should include an issue tracker. There is documentation at
Your team should agree on some suitable issue labels and set them up before recording any issues in
the tracker. GitLab provides a reasonable set of defaults, to which you can add or remove labels as
you see fit. You can also prioritise labels if you wish.
In addition to setting up some labels, you should also define milestones. ‘Sprint 1’, ‘Sprint 2’,
‘Sprint 3’ and ‘Final Demo’ are needed, but you can define others if you wish.
Use the tracker to record the tasks given to each team member. That team member should be
recorded in the tracker as the ‘assignee’ of the issue. Note that the assignee is responsible for
closing the issue when the task has been completed. You should also use the tracker to record bugs
found during testing, suggestions for changes to features, etc.
Issues are written using GitLab’s own flavour of a lightweight mark-up language called Markdown.
Take some time to familiarise yourself with it. More information can be found at
GitLab also provides an issue board, which allows you to group issues into different columns to
show current status, Kanban-style. You might find this to be useful way of visualising the overall
status of the project. More information can be found at
6.3 Wiki
Each team’s project area should include a simple wiki, which can be accessed at
where team is your team name in lowercase.
The wiki is your project’s web site and the home for all project-related materials that are
not stored in the repository. Further details of what we expect to see in the wiki are given in
Section 6.
Wiki pages are written using GitLab-flavoured Markdown, so take some time to familiarise
yourself with the syntax (see links above).
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