CSSE1001 Assignment 3
Due 8pm, Friday 28th May 2021
1 Introduction
In Assignment 2 you implemented a text-based game, EndOfDayz. This game was intentionally
structured in such a way that the modelling logic and the view classes for displaying content
to the user could be modified fairly independently. In this assignment, you will exchange the
text-based interface of EndOfDayz with a more sophisticated tkinter-based Graphical User Interface
(GUI), and implement additional functionality. You can find information about tkinter
in this introduction to tkinter1 and in this tkinter reference2
In Assignment 3 the user is presented with a map, on which entities are represented by either
coloured squares or images. As opposed to Assignment 2, where the step event was triggered
by user input, in this assignment the step event is triggered every second for all entities other
than the player. The player’s behaviour is triggered by key presses.
1.1 Variations from Assignment 2
When the player picks up an item, that item is added to an inventory, but not immediately
applied. The inventory is displayed to the right of the game map. The user can activate and
deactivate items by left clicking on them in the inventory. When an item is activated, it should
begin working, and its lifetime should decrease by 1 every second. An example of the final
game is shown in Figure 1. Additonally, the player can no longer run into a zombie to remove
it from the game.
2 Tips and Hints
This assignment is split into two tasks, with an additional task for CSSE7030 students. The
number of marks associated with each task is not an indication of difficulty. Task 1 may take
less effort than task 2, yet is worth significantly more marks. A fully functional attempt at task
1 will likely earn more marks than attempts at both task 1 and task 2 that have many errors
throughout. Likewise, a fully functional attempt at a single part of task 1 will likely earn more
marks than an attempt at all of task 1 that has many errors throughout. While you should
be testing regularly throughout the coding process, at the minimum you should not move on
to task 2 until you have convinced yourself (through testing) that task 1 works relatively well.
Figure 1: Example fully functional game (at the end of task 2).
Except where specified, minor differences in the look (e.g. colours, fonts, etc.) of the GUI are
acceptable. Except where specified, you are only required to do enough error handling such
that regular game play does not cause your program to crash or error. If an attempt at a feature
causes your program to crash or behave in a way that testing other functionality becomes
difficult, comment it out before submitting your assignment. Your marker will not modify your
code in order to test functionality.
You must only make use of libraries listed in Appendix A. Importing anything that is not in
this list will result in a deduction of up to 100%.
You may use any course provided code in your assignment. This includes any code from the
support files or sample solutions for previous assignments from this semester only, as well as
any lecture or tutorial code provided to you by course staff. However, it is your responsibility
to ensure that this code is styled appropriately, and is an appropriate and correct approach to
the problem you are addressing.
3 Task 1: Basic Gameplay
Task 1 requires you to implement a functional GUI-based version of EndOfDayz. At the end
of this task your game should look like Figure 2. There are three major sections to the GUI; a
heading label at the top, the game map (bottom left), and the inventory (bottom right).
Figure 2: Example game at the end of task 1.
To complete this task you will need to implement various view classes, including a basic
graphical interface, which handles most of the event handling that was previously handled
in TextInterface and its subclasses. You must use the supplied Assignment 2 solution for
most of the modelling, as this solution contains additional functionality that was not required
in your Assignment 2. You may create additional modelling classes if they benefit your solution.
User input events should cause behaviour as per Table 1.
Event Behaviour
Key Press: ‘w’ Player moves up one square if the map permits.
Key Press: ‘a’ Player moves left one square if the map permits.
Key Press: ‘s’ Player moves down one square if the map permits.
Key Press: ‘d’ Player moves right one square if the map permits.
Left click on
inventory view
If the left click occurs anywhere on a row containing an item, the ‘activated’
status of that item is toggled (see Section 3.2.3 for details). If the left click
occurs elsewhere nothing should happen (in particular no errors should occur).
Table 1: Task 1 events and their corresponding behaviours.
via informative and complete docstrings.
Some important or complex blocks of
logic are clarifed by informative comments.
Some comments are extraneous.
Algorithmic Logic &
Code is modular, minimising duplication
of logic and keeping data as local as possible.
Symbolic constants are used to
minimise dependency on literal values.
Logic is expressed succinctly and clearly
through the use of appropriate control
Most code is modular, minimising duplication
of logic and keeping data as local
as possible. Symbolic constants are usually
used to minimise dependency on literal
values. Logic is usually expressed
clearly through the use of appropriate
control structures.
Some code is not modular, resulting in
duplication of logic or excessive sharing
of data. Symbolic constants are only occassionally
used to minimise dependency
on literal values. Some logic is not clear
or uses inappropriate control structures.
Program Structure
Almost all classes represent single, selfcontained,
concepts in the program. The
GUI’s view and control logic is clearly
separated from the model. Objects do
not break encapsulation by accessing attributes
of other objects. Public interfaces
of classes provide a simple and clear
abstraction of how to use objects of the
class. Inheritance simplifies the design.
Polymorphism allows the design to be
easily extended.
Most classes represent single, selfcontained,
concepts in the program. The
GUI’s view and control logic is mostly
separated from the model. Objects do
not break class interfaces by accessing
attributes of objects of other class types.
Public interfaces of most classes provide
a clear abstraction of how to use objects
of the class. Inheritance usually simpli-
fies the design. Polymorphism allows the
design to be extended in some ways.
Only some classes represent single, selfcontained,
concepts in the program. In
parts of the program, the GUI’s view
and control logic are not clearly separated
from the model. Objects break
class interfaces by accessing attributes of
objects of other class types. Many methods
are made public, when they should
be private, or a few attributes are public.
Some use of inheritance complicates
the design. Polymorphism does not allow
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