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14/02/2022 v1.1 1

INFT 3019 Network Architecture 2022

Assignment 1: Network Implementation (15%)

Due: Sunday 3rd April 2022 @ 11:59 PM

(end of Week 5)

Individual Assignment

Submission: via the course website


The following assignment will require you to demonstrate skills you have learnt in the course INFT

3019 Network Architecture. The case study has you as a network consultant brought in to work on a

new network design for the company. Each deliverable has been listed below to assist you in

planning the report. For full marks, a professional report meeting all deliverables must be submitted

before the due date. In summary, this assignment requires you list the equipment you recommend

for the given case study, create an IP scheme and basic implementation in Packet Tracer. It is

important you justify your choices in each deliverable.

Do not be concerned if you do not know how to complete all required features in Week 1! You are

taught the content to complete this assignment.


This assignment requires you to complete multiple deliverables:

Develop an IP Addressing Scheme,

List the required networking equipment,

Implement network using Packet Tracer.

Justifications and assumptions for the deliverables should be included when relevant.

You should upload to Learnonline the following files:

A Word document containing the IP addressing scheme, networking equipment and testing

along with justifications.

A Packet Tracer file containing the implementation made in Packet Tracer Version 8.1 or



The assignment is worth 15% of your overall grade for this course. The following table breaks down

each component of the assignment, giving it a percentage out of the 15% for this assignment.

Networking equipment list 4%

IP addressing scheme 5%

Implementation in Packet Tracer 5%

Presentation, style, grammar and spelling 1%

Case Study

Stelmaria Incorporated is a well-established accounting firm based in Adelaide CBD. They have been

wanting to move from the CBD to the north of Adelaide. They have eyes on Mawson Lakes

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Technology Park as a new location for their headquarters. Stelmaria Incorporated is looking to

create a branch office in Technology Park and slowly build it up to become their new headquarters.

They also have an already existing branch office in Kensington – east of the city. Stelmaria’s CBD HQ

connects directly to their ISP which is Telstra Business. They have contracted you to create the initial

IP addressing scheme and show a basic implementation of how it possibly might look and function.

Below are the requirements that have been given to you from the company. They have outlined

each office and department along with the number of people who work in the department.

Adelaide CBD Headquarters (HQ):

Department Current Size Comments

Human Resources 15 Not expected to grow


Consulting 25 Will likely grow.

Taxation 57 Expanding in 2023.

Auditing 12 Not likely to grow.

Risk & Management 40 Very likely to grow.

Acquisitions & Mergers 10 New mergers from large

companies means business for

us, expect at least a 200%


Kensington Branch:

Department Current Size Comments

Human Resources 5 Not expected to grow


IT/Technology Consulting 35 Will likely grow. More

companies, more advice


Forensics/e-Discovery 22 Massive influx of cases, trying

to hire more people ASAP.

Likely to grow significantly.

Auditing 15 Not a lot of growth expected.

Stelmaria Incorporated will slowly transition staff from their CBD office to the new branch office in

Mawson Lakes Tech Park. Your IP addressing scheme should be flexible and scalable as a result.

In addition to the departments above there are also several servers at the HQ in Adelaide. Adelaide

has 3 file servers, a VM server (for their hybrid cloud setup) and 2 mail servers. The Kensington

branch also has a local file server in case connection with the CBD fails.

Using your knowledge you have gained so far in this course, create an IP addressing scheme that

contains a scalable solution that Stelmaria can use for the coming 5 years. You must create an IP

addressing scheme for each of the locations that exist, along with the planned Mawson Lakes Tech

Park branch office. Your IP addressing scheme must also include WAN links from each of the

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locations to the CBD headquarters. Ensure you have enough IP addressing to also cover Wi-Fi. Each

person is likely to have multiple devices connected to the Wi-Fi.

An IP addressing scheme contains two core components:

An IP assignment table.

A VLAN table.

An IP assignment table is demonstrated in many of your practicals at the start. A VLAN table has the

VLAN identifier, name, and base network for that VLAN. This will be very useful for your

implementation. See Appendix A, B, C for an example.


Each staff member represents one computer they use at work.

Each staff member may have up to 3 devices extra using the Wi-Fi.

Wireless access is required at all offices.

Different categories of users/devices should be in their own VLAN.

Each staff member has access to at least one company device.

Space is available in each office for networking equipment.

Cables exist already and are Cat6.

The network address given to the ISP <-> Adelaide connection is (ISP has

.9, Adelaide CBD has .10).

Out of Scope

The speed and type of WAN connection to the ISP and between locations. IP addressing is

still in scope.

VoIP, although planning for it is advisable (reserving a VLAN, etc).

Specifications (in the equipment list) for end devices (printers, computers, laptops, servers

and so on).

Equipment space availability/layout of the offices.

VPNs or related software to support working from home/on the go.

Stelmaria’s hybrid cloud setup or cloud related technologies.

Equipment List

The equipment list should follow a format close to the one demonstrated in the table below.

You are to choose equipment that is made for enterprises and medium businesses, not consumer

hardware. Hardware should also not be end of life (EOL) or end of sale (EOS) and still supported by

the vendor. Single vendor solutions are desirable.

Implementation in Packet Tracer

You are required to use the provided Packet Tracer file found on the Assignment 1 tab in

Learnonline. DO NOT make your own Packet Tracer file. If you cannot open the Packet Tracer file

because of version incompatibility, then update your Packet Tracer on Netacad.com.

You will use your IP addressing scheme you have made in the first deliverable. You might need to

adapt it to suit the Packet Tracer.

You do not need to complete the following steps in order if you feel confident enough to make your

own order.

Step 1 – Basic Configuration

On all switches and routers perform the following steps:

Give hostname and domain name (stelmaria.com.au).

Disable IP domain lookup.

Ensure secure passwords are used for the console and VTY lines on all devices (use “cisco”

for Console and VTY).

Ensure an enable secret is present on all devices, use “class” for this.

Create an RSA Key.

Only allow SSH connections.

Encrypt all passwords.

Step 2 – Implement VLANs & STP

Use your VLAN table to assist you in creating VLANs on the switches.

Ensure the switch ports are in the correct VLAN.

Shut down all unused ports and move them into a blackhole/unused VLAN.

Configure a management SVI on each switch.

Configure trunk links where appropriate, change the native VLAN.

Change all switches to use Rapid STP.

Step 3 – Implement IP addressing

Use your IP addressing scheme and implement all IP addressing according to it.

Configure Inter-VLAN routing on each router using sub-interfaces.

The WAN links should use private IP addressing, except for the link to the ISP.

The ISP router is already configured, you do not need to configure it. Simply align your IP

addressing with it for the WAN link to it.

End devices (PCs, Laptops, …) need IP addressing too, give them each an IP address. This

includes servers and printers.

Place Admin PCs in the Management VLAN so that you may test SSH to switches.

Step 4 – Implement Basic Routing

Configure static routes to relevant networks at all company locations (you do not need to

configure the ISP).

Configure a default route where appropriate.

Step 5 – Verify the network connectivity.

The ISP server can be used to test the network connectivity ( Use it to

effectively test the network and server access.

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You can also use the Admin PCs to test the management VLANs and SSH connectivity to


Tests should be documented and included in your submission. If no testing is documented,

you will receive zero for this section.

It is recommended to test at the end of each step to ensure configuration is working before

proceeding to the next step.

Tests should be documented in a table like the following:

Test Name Source Destination Result Expected Result Reason

Ping to ISP

from Admin


Admin PC


ISP Server Success Success Admin PC has

route to ISP


Academic Integrity

You are warned that the University’s policies on academic integrity will be strictly adhered to. This is

an individual assignment and the work you submit must be entirely your own: no part of your

submission can be anybody else’s work or work that you did together with another student or

students. You must not make your work available to another student. All use of outside assistance,

e.g., “essay farms” on the Web or work written for you by a friend, is strictly forbidden and will

attract a minimum penalty of zero for the assignment. To defend yourself in the case of any

suspicion of academic misconduct, you are strongly urged to retain all evidence of how you

developed your assignment, such as rough work sheets, notes, drafts, copies of reference material,

minutes of meetings etc.

You are free to discuss the report with others, and to give and receive help, including references and

general discussion of the main arguments and conclusions, as long as the text of your report is

written by yourself and is not made available to others. Your submission will be subject to

automated checks for plagiarism, including, but not limited to, Turnitin.

If you have any doubts about the academic integrity requirements, please discuss them with us.

Refer to the University’s academic integrity policy for further information.

Extension to Assessment Task Deadlines

There will be NO extensions to the assessment task deadline unless arranged prior. If you submit the

assignment late for whatever reason, the late penalty described below will apply. If for some reason

you need to take extended leave from this course, such as jury duty or Defence Force leave, please

see the course coordinator BEFORE taking such leave otherwise no extensions will be granted.

Extension requests must be submitted through the Learnonline site.

Late Submissions

If you submit your assignment after the specified deadline without a pre-arranged extension, a

penalty of 20% of the total mark per day (including Saturday and Sunday) will be incurred. For

example, if you are 2 days late and you are awarded 10/15 your actual mark will be 7/15.

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Appendix A: IP Assignment Table Example

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Appendix B: VLAN Table Example

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