AT2- Accounting Systems / AccountingPOD
Assessment Task 2-Accounting/POD Xero
- Link to AccountingPOD
- General information
- UNSW AccountingPOD instructions
- AccountingPOD FAQ
Provides guidance on how to set-up Xero
Provides practice and assessment questions
Provides feedback (on practice questions)
You will be creating and working within two
- Practice organisation
- Assessment organisation
AT2- Accounting Systems / AccountingPod 20%
AccountingPod has 5 modules to complete:
1. Welcome – No marks
2. Basics – No marks, this introduces you to concepts in Xero
3. AUS Practice set – up to 3 marks awarded for a serious attempt by 5pm
Wednesday 17 July (week 8)
You need to complete all tasks by the due date
You can make mistakes and still achieve 3 marks (if you make a serious attempt)
Please review your feedback and results before moving on to the assessment component
You can complete after the due date for practice but no marks will be awarded.
4. Welcome – Assessment – No marks
5. Xero Assessment AUS – up to 17 marks awarded based on correct processing of
information. Closes Wednesday 5pm 24 July (week 9)
Partial marks can be awarded
Module 1, 2 & 3 are available from now (you need to complete Module 1 to see module 2 etc)
Module 4 & 5 will be available from 1 July (Monday, Week 6) and after Module 3 is complete.
Late submissions are not accepted for this assessment without special consideration approval.
Practice component
Use the feedback option!
– If you are getting no feedback on your task
submission (ie zero) throughout the process please
check you are working in the correct organisation in
– There is a button in AccountingPOD where you can
check you are working in the correct organisation.
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