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日期:2018-08-26 06:28

Computing in Finance (Fall 2018) – Summer Assignment

The objective of this assignment is to make sure that everyone entering Computing in

Finance course has a very basic familiarity with Java. You should be in a position to

submit this assignment via email in the first class session. (You will be told how to name

and submit your work, so do not try to submit it before the first class.)

It is very important that you take this assignment seriously. Not only will the assignment

count towards your grade, but the course will assume a programming ability that starts

at this level. If you are already familiar with Java, you should find these exercises easy.

Otherwise, you can do these exercises as you make your way through a Java

programming book. (We suggest a book for your use.)

Running a Program from Command Line

Write a “hello world” program that runs from the command line of your computing

environment. You may be using an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) to do

your development. However, it is important to be able to get your program to run from

the command line as well as from the IDE. (All Java books explain how to do this.)

Your “hello world” program should output: <Your name>, Financial Mathematics,

Courant Institute

Manipulating Data

We have attached two text files. The first – prices.csv – contains daily price data for

SPY, an ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) that represents ownership of the Standard and

Poor’s 500 stock composite price index. The second file – corrections.csv – contains a

list of corrections and additions meant to modify data in the first file. (More on this later.)

Please write a Java class called DataHandler that has the following methods. Note that

all references to price are to the prices that appear in the Adj Close column of the data



This function should take the file name, sort method specification (QuickSort or

BubbleSort), and sort preference – ascending or descending, and price or date – as

parameters. The file content should be loaded into memory and sorted according to the

above sort preferences. After this method is called, the data should be held in the

instance variables of an object of class DataHandler.


This method should take the parameters fromDate and toDate. It should return an array

or a list of prices for the period specified the two dates. The prices returned should

include prices for the start date, the end date, and everything in between.


This method should take the parameters fromDate and toDate. It should return the

average price for the period specified by the two dates. The calculation of average price

should include prices for the start date, the end date, and everything in between.


This method should take the parameters fromDate and toDate. It should return the

maximum price for the period specified by the two dates. The calculation of maximum

price should include prices for the start date, the end date, and everything in between.


This method should take the parameters windowSize, fromDate, and toDate. It should

return a moving average of the last n elements of price, where n = windowSize. The

prices used in this calculation should include prices for the start date, the end date, and

everything in between. For example, if the dates specified are from the 1st of July to the

20th of July and the window size is 10, this method should return an array or list in which

the 1st value is the average of the price from the 1st of July through the 10th of July, the 2nd

value is the average of the price from the 2nd of July through the 11th of July, and so on,

until the last value used in the calculation is the price from the 20th of July.


This method takes a price record as a parameter. As in the price file, a single price

record has a date, open price, high price, low price, close price, trading volume, and

adjusted closing price. The insertPrice method is used to insert a price into the price

data contained in an object of class DataHandler. If the date already exists, overwrite

the record that is already there. Note that you must keep the data sorted when inserting

or overwriting a new price record.


This method takes the file name of the corrections file as a parameter. The corrections

file looks just like the price file. This method can call the insertPrice method to perform

the actual corrections.


Write a main method for class DataHandler. In your main method do the following.

1) Create an object of class DataHandler

2) Call its loadPriceData method to load price data from the prices.csv file. Specify

that the data is sorted by date using a Quick Sort and should be stored in

ascending order.

3) Call your DataHandler object’s correctPrices method specifying the

corrections.csv file as the source of the corrections.

4) Output the following to a results.txt file. “The Prices of SPY between 08/15/2004

and 08/20/2004 are: “. Retrieve the appropriate prices for the specified dates

using the getPrices method and append them to the results.txt file.

5) Append the following to the results.txt file. ““The Average Price of SPY between

08/15/2004 and 09/15/2004 is: “. Retrieve the average price for the specified

dates using the computeAverage method and append it to the results.txt file.

6) Append the following to the results.txt file. “The Maximum Price of SPY between

04/15/2004 and 06/15/2004 is: “. Retrieve the maximum price for the specified

dates using the computeMax method and append it to the results.txt file.

7) Append the following to the results.txt file. “The Moving Average of SPY between

08/15/2004 and 09/15/2004 for WindowSize 10 is : “. Retrieve the moving

average for the specified dates using the computeMovingAverage method and

append the results to the results.txt file.

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