CPS 350: Assignment 5
Two weeks, 100 pts
This is a team project (up to four students per team). No late submission will be accepted.
Receive 5 bonus points if turn in the complete work without errors at least one day before deadline.
Receive an F for this course if any academic dishonesty occurs
1. Purpose
The purpose of this assignment is to implement red-black trees.
2. Description
In this assignment you will do a simple modification based on a given framework of Binary
Search Tree (BST) by changing it into a red-black tree in order to maintain the balance. As
binary search tree has a shortage that the tree can grow in an unbalanced manner, which pretty
much depends on the order of data (nodes) to be inserted. So your job is to improve the existing
software on BST and make it into a balanced version by red-black principle. After you download
the provided framework and unzip the file, three files are extracted: (1) “MainGUI.java” (2)
“Node.java” (3) “Tree.java”.
2.1. Run the code
(1) Use Eclipse to create a “JavaFX project” by clicking menu “File” “New” “Project”.
This is the same as you did on previous JavaFX projects.
(2) Copy the three files above to the source folder of your newly created projects
“src/application/” folder. By default, after you create the project, you have “Main.java”
and “application.css” files in the folder. You can just delete the “Main.java” (leave the
“application.css” as it is) before copying the three files into it.
(3) Then refresh the “application” package in the Eclipse. You should be able to run the code
as shown in Figure-1:
Figure-1: Binary Search Tree User Interface
The GUI allows you to add node into the tree by simply typing a number (with one or two digits
only) and hitting “ENTER” key or clicking the “add” button. Then the new node should appear
in the tree. Also, you can change the node position freely by simply “dragging” the node on
canvas to move it to any preferred position as Figure-2 shows. But it is recommended not to
move both the left and right children to one side of the parent or above the parent, which makes
the tree structure less meaningful to the concept of BST. Every time when a node is inserted or
selected, it is highlighted by a thin “yellow ring” around the node. You can remove such
highlight at any time by “Right Clicking” or “Left Clicking” your mouse on any blank area of
the canvas. Also, you can use the mouse to choose or highlight any node by left clicking on the
node directly.
Figure-2: Demo of dragging or moving a node to any position
As discussed earlier, the BST can easily go out of balance. Even with the same set of numbers,
the different insertion orders may result in different tree appearances as Figure-3 demonstrates:
Figure-3: the same set of numbers end up with two tree structures
2.2 Implementation Requirements
So now it is your responsibility to fix this unbalanced issue by placing the red-black tree
constraints. In addition, we want the tree does NOT contain any duplicate keys. So, as the warmup
tasks, I need you first try two simple things to start coding as describe in (1) and (2) listed
below. After finishing these two simple tasks, you can start working on the red-black tree
implementation. Below shows the details tasks which all involve modifying the “Tree.java” class.
(1) Modify the “insertNode()” function to make sure no repeating value nodes are inserted,
e.g. for the tree in the Figure-3, if you insert 55 again, no any changes should occur on
the tree, since 55 already exists.
(2) Try to change node color in the “insertNode()” function by following the example code in
the beginning of the function: “node.setColor(Node.GREEN);” This code is to set green
color. You can also try to change it to “BLACK” or “RED” color as figure 4 shows.
(3) Now, you can start to implement the red-black tree insertion algorithm based on the given
“insertNode()” function. Feel free to add more functions if necessary. But the additional
function should be called by the “insertNode()” function. In other words, “insertNode()”
function is the entry function when an insertion event occurs.
Figure-4: results of changing the tree to other colors. But this is not the final goal for redblack
tree, which should have a combination of both red and black colors.
2.3. Add your code
With the existing framework, you need to focus on modifying the code in the “Tree.java” file.
You do NOT need to do any change on the “MainGUI.java”. However, you may write some
code (optional) for the “Node.java” depending on your specific red-black tree implementation.
For the “Node.java” and “Tree.java” files, each file has a pair of comment lines:
/******************** Implementation Here: ***************************/
/******************** End of Implementation ***************************/
You are required to write your code between these two lines. It is NOT encouraged to write or
modify any code outside this range.
(1) Please follow the comment in the code, which describes the framework and the part for
your implementation in details.
(2) For the “Node.java”, the data members you may use for the assignment are separated
from the ones for the GUI part. So the data members you need to know are at the top of
the class, such as “left”, “right”, “color”, etc. In fact, for this class, you just need to use
these data members and do not need any additional coding.
(3) For the given code in the “insertNode(Node node)”, you may notice other than assigning
“left” or “right” child, the existing code also assigns other relationship such as “parent”
and “left_child_of_parent” variables. These variables are important as they allow the
nodes to be accessed easily across the tree. The GUI also needs this information to draw
the tree on the canvas. So when you modify the code, make sure set these variables
accordingly. Moreover, the existing code shows the non-recursive way to insert a new
node onto a BST. Your implementation of insertion for a red-black BST should be
done recursively, as we show in class; the recursive method is way elegant and precise.
(4) Make sure that the root is black. Make sure that you have a method such that it returns
true if the node’s color is red; if the node is null, return false! This is extremely
important; otherwise you will encounter null pointer errors!
2.4. Rubrics
Though there is only one major function “insertNode()” involved for the red-black tree
implementation, the function should conduct a sequence of tasks, e.g. left-rotation or rightrotation,
tree balance check. It is encouraged to put these actions into separate sub-functions,
which makes your code more organized and easier for grading. Figure-5 shows an example of
successful implementation of “insertNode()”, which yields a balanced tree with correct color
Figure-5: Result of Red-Black tree with balanced node distribution.
3. Grading notes
If your program does not compile, you receive zero points for that program.
(1) (10pts) List any difficulties you have during implementation. What is the fun part of this
(2) Modify the insertNode() so that the tree does NOT allow node with repeating value to be
inserted (15%)
(3) Successfully complete the “insertNode()” function to achieve red-black tree insertion:
(a) Correct node color assignment (25%)
(b) Correct left or right rotation (25%)
(c) Correct tree balance (25%)
4. Submission
Your project should be submitted through ISIDORE. Turn in your updated version of the source
codes “Node.java” and “Tree.java”, and a report for questions in 3 Grading notes, which should
be zipped into a single folder.
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