Programming Assignment - University Grade Management
System (UGMS)
LP002 Data Structures
October 11, 2019
Important Milestones:
• Group Registration Deadline: 23:59 25 Oct. 2019
• Phase I Deadline: 23:59 15 Nov. 2019
• Phase II Deadline: 23:59 06 Dec. 2019
1 Introduction
You are asked to design and implement a University Grade Management System (UGMS), which can
store and maintain the grade information of students. In particular, your implemented UGMS should
be able to read the score reports of students from the given files. Each file will store the scores of
ONE course. You should design the proper class types and choose the proper objects to store those
data in your system. Besides, your system should be able to calculate the final grade and Grade point
average (GPA) for each student according to the grading scheme given by the university. Moreover,
your system should print out the final result for each course, including the grades, the statistics of
the course etc. In addition, your system should be able to execute queries from users and display the
query results as well. There are at most TWO members in a group. You should state clearly what the
responsibility of each member is.
1.1 Main tasks
Your UGMS shall fulfill the following main tasks:
1. Reading Data File: You need to read several data files, each of which contains the scores of a
course (refer to Section 3.1).
2. Storing Data: After reading data files, you shall process them so that they can be stored in your
UGMS in an efficient way so that it can support future queries (refer to Section 3.2).
3. Output of results: After dealing with the queries, your UGMS shall print out the query results in
either ascending order or descending order according to the fields specified by the users (refer
to Section 3.3).
4. Querying: Your UGMS shall support various queries from the users (as given in Section 3.4).
Details about the main tasks will be addressed in Section 3.
2 Objective
After the completion of this assignment, you shall be able to design a small but complete software
by applying the sorting algorithms (such as merge sort, quick sort and heap sort) and the searching
algorithms (e.g., Binary Search Tree). Moreover, you need to apply the algorithm analysis approach
to evaluate the performance of your software.
3 Specification
Your UGMS system shall provide users with searching and sorting on a large number of student score
records after reading the data records from given data files.
3.1 Read records
When the program first starts, it should ask the user for the file name of the data file. The prompt
should look like this:
Please enter the database filename:
After read a file for a course, your program should display the prompt again and ask the user to
input another score report.
Do you have another score report?
Press "Y" for Yes and "N" for No.
If the user chooses ”Y”es, then your program should ask the user to input the file name of the data
file. If the input is ”N”o, then your program shall complete the input process.
Note that it is just a suggested user interface (UI). You are free to choose other UIs as you like.
Also you can implement a graphic UI by Java.
3.1.1 Data File Format
Each score report keeps the score records for one course. The file has the following format:
(a) For each course, the first line contains the course code and the credit of the course, delimited by
a comma.
(b) The next line contains the number of students, says N (N ≥ 1), taking the course.
(c) Each of the next N lines contains a comma separated list of student’s Student surname,
Student given name Student ID and his/her obtained Score, where N is ranging
from 1 to 10,000.
(d) You may assume there is no space before and after the comma delimiter and there is no trailing
space after each line of data.
(e) Note that you CANNOT change the input data file format.
The following is an example of data file:
Leong,Wai Kit,1109853A-I011-0567,49.62
As shown in this example, there are 5 students taken the course MA113 with credit 4. Each student
has one score.
Other assumptions:
• The maximum number of data files is 100.
3.2 Store records
After reading the score reports successfully, your program should be able to store both the course
information and student scores. Your shall design appropriate data structures so that they can support
efficient queries and sorting outputs as specified later. In particular, your program may store the course
information as follows:
• The above two tables are not class diagrams and they just show what information your program
may store.
• You need to design a class to sore the Student record and the Course record.
• You should specify enough space for each field defined in your class (i.e., designing appropriate
data structures).
– Student ID contains a fixed-length string with 18 characters (including letters, numbers
and hyphen ’-’).
– Student Surname and first name are varied-length strings, each with 2 to 20 characters
(letters only).
Table 1: Grading Scheme in MUST (Suggested)
• You can assume that the input data file always has the correct format.
• Credit shall include a list (an array) of the credits corresponding to the courses that the student
has taken.
• Grade can be obtained by the university grading scheme (given by Table 1), which shows
the conversion scheme from the score to grade and that from the grade to the points in our
• The calculation of GPA will be given by Section 3.4.1.
3.3 Print out results
Your program should output a report (in a particular format) for a course specified by the user. Your
program should let the user choose the course before display the result.
Please choose the course code first: LP002
After the course code is chosen (input by the user), a sample report is shown below:
Course Code: LP002
Credit: 4
Number of Students: 8
Name ID Score Grade
-------------------- ------------------ ----- -----
Chan, Henry 1109853A-I011-0224 86 AChoi,
Randy 1109853A-I011-0018 60 C
Ip, John 1109853A-I011-0456 66 C+
Lau, Mary 1109853U-I011-0002 75 B
Lee, Vito 1109853J-I011-0116 85 A-
1Note that you might convert a real-number score to an integer so that it can match to Grading Scheme in Table 1
according to For example, 92.21 is rounded to 92 (A) and 92.5 is
rounded to 93 (A+).
Leung, Terry 1109853P-I011-0955 80 B+
Ngai, Raymond 1109853Z-I011-0066 89 A
Tung, Tracy 1109853Q-I011-0016 51 D
3.3.1 Sorting on the report
You are required to display the report according to the surnames of the students, the student ID, the
scores and grades in either an ascending order or a descending order. For example as shown in the
previous sample report, the students are listed in ascending order lexicographically according to their
• To specify which field to be sorted and the sorting ways (ascending or descending), you can let
user input it as a parameter.
• Users can specify their sorting according to the following fields: (1) Surname; (2) Student ID;
(3) Score; (4) Grade.
An example input is shown as follows:
Please choose the sorting field: 1
(1) Surname; (2) ID; (3) Score; (4) Grade
Please choose the sorting ways: A
(A)scending order; (D)escending order
3.3.2 Statistics Reports
You should also print out the statistics of the report. In particular, your report should output the average
score, the highest score and the lowest score in a course. Besides, your program should output a report
showing the number of students within each grade. The possible grades are A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C,
C-, D, and F. The report may have a similar output format to the following suggested report:
Course Code: LP002
Credit: 4
The average score: 67.5
The highest score: 89
The lowest score: 51
Course Grade Statistics:
3.4 Query on Score System
Your system shall provide users with the basic query and advanced query on the student grade records.
3.4.1 Calculate the GPA of a student
Your program should be able to list the GPA of all the courses taken by a student. The GPA can be
calculated by the following equation:
where Ci denotes the credit for a course and Ci denotes the points that the student got in the course i,
and n denotes the number of courses taken by the student (note that n is not necessarily equal to N).
For example, a student with SID “1109853A-I011-0118” who took the courses LP004, MA203
and CS001 and had the following scores: 61.5, 69.3 and 65.41, respectively. Then, his/her CPA can
be calculated by the following equation:
GP A =
1.7 × 6 + 2.3 × 4 + 2.0 × 3
6 + 4 + 3
= 1.95, (2)
where we assume C1 = 6 for course LP004, C2 = 4 for course MA203 and C3 = 3 for course CS001.
• You shall first find all the scores for him/her.
• You then calculate GPA based on the courses that he or she has taken.
3.4.2 Search the grades of all courses taken by a student
Your system shall be able to find all the grades and CPA for a student. For example, the user wants
to list all the grades for a particular student with student ID 1109853A-I011-0118. Then, your system
should display the grades for all courses taken by this student.
A sample output is shown below:
Please input the student ID: 1109853A-I011-0118
3.4.3 Sorting on GPA
Your program should be able to list the GPAs of all students in your system. Besides, your system
shall be able to display the GPAs of students according to either the ascending order or the descending
A sample output is shown below:
Student ID Student Name GPA
------------------ -------------- ----
1109853A-I011-0118 Chan, Henry 1.95
1109853B-I011-0284 Pan, Jianqin 2.32
1109853Z-I011-0184 Jiang, Feifei 3.40
3.4.4 Advanced Queries
(1) Your program should support the query by student surnames
For example, the user may want to know the grades and GPAs for all the students with surname
Wong. Then, your program should output the results like this:
Please input the student surname: Wong
2 records found in UGMS:
Tom Wong 1109853B-I011-0145
Note that your system may support the query by either students’ full names (including both surnames
and first names) or students’ first names. However, you are not compulsory to complete this
function though the query on the surname is a MUST.
(2) Your program should support the query by student names with wild cards (*Bonus*)
For example, the user may want to know the grades and GPAs for all the students with last name
started with W*, where * denotes any one or more than one characters. Then, your program should
display the records for all the students with last names as Wang, Wan, Weng, Wong, Woo and Wu,
etc. The perfect implementation of this part will lead to at most 3 bonus points.
(3) Ranging query on GPA (*Bonus*)
For example, the user may want to know all the students whose GPAs are greater than 3.3.
Please input your ranging query condition on GPA: > 3.3
There are 3 students satisfying the condition:
Raymond Wong 1109853A-I011-0210
GPA: 3.93
Sophia Hon 1109853B-I011-0286
GPA: 3.45
John Lui 1109853B-I011-0486
GPA: 3.31
• You can specify the sorting manner either by yourself or by users.
• The perfect implementation of this part will lead to at most 3 bonus points.
3.5 User Interface (UI)
You can design the user interface (UI) either based on windows console with text only (CUI) or graphical
interfaces (GUI). In general, the CUI is easy to implement and less time consuming. Thus, we
recommend you design and implement your program based on CUIs. However, you can also choose
designing and implementing your program based on GUIs, which may be more time consuming. The
perfect implementation based GUIs will lead to at most 4 bonus points.
3.6 Performance
Your system shall be efficient in both searching and sorting. In particular, the running time for a single
query of your system shall be less than 20 seconds given that the number of records N is less than
10,000. Every extra second leads to subtracting one point in your score (note that the time for
reading records will not be counted in the performance). Therefore, do use the faster algorithms (e.g.
quick sort, merge sort and binary search trees, etc.) to implement your system.
3.7 Programming Language and Libraries
In this assignment, Java is the ONLY language that you can use. You can use either Java Standard
Libraries (i.e., Java SE 7 or above) or the textbook library including algs4.jar and stdlib.jar. Both
algs4.jar and stdlib.jar can be downloaded either through our course moodle (
or the textbook website (
4 Important Milestones
4.1 Phase I: Sorting and Output
In Phase I, you need to complete most of tasks specified in Sections 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3. In particular,
your program should be able to achieve the following goals.
• Given input files, your program should process student records.
• Design appropriate data structures to manage student records.
• Display student records according to ascending order or descending order on a particular field
specified by users.
Phase I Deadline: 23:59 15 Nov. 2019
4.2 Phase II: Query
In Phase II, you need to complete the remaining tasks specified in Section 3.4. In particular, your
program should be able to achieve the following goals.
• Calculate GPA of a student.
• Search grades of a student.
• Sort on GPA of a student.
• Advanced queries.
Phase II Deadline: 23:59 06 Dec. 2019
4.3 Final report
Please submit a final report with your completed program codes in Phase II. The report shall include:
(i) Design report
– The distributions of your tasks: please explicitly specify who is responsible for which part
of the whole assignment.
– System design report: the class diagram of your design and the description of each class.
– Algorithm design report: e.g., the flow-chart diagram of your core algorithms, e.g., sorting
and searching algorithms.
– Data structures: The concrete design of each class.
– Algorithm analysis: Your estimated complexity of your algorithms, e.g., your sorting algorithm
is about N log N. You should give the proof if necessary.
You shall write this document in word processing tools (such as MS Word, OpenOffice, WPS,
etc.). Note that for compatibility, please convert your document to Portable Document Format
(ii) Your System Application
1. A soft copy of your source program including all the components.
2. readme file (readme.txt) which contains:
(a) group information
(b) file list
(c) file description
(d) methods of compilation
(e) method of execution
(f) known bugs of your system
3. The special features of your system
4. A brief user manual of your system
Note that you shall submit the Java source codes only (not including *.class files). Each of
your program shall follow the programming style as specified in Appendix A.
(iii) Compilation methods of your program and user manual.
Submission rules:
Step 1 Please compress all the required files into one zip package, i.e., *.zip file.
Step 2 Go to to submit your assignments.
5 Grading Policy
1. Correctness and Performance (60%): we will verify the correctness and performance (running
time) of your program by testing it through two data sets: (a) the provided data set; (b) another
data set (not released).
• Phase I counts for 30%;
• Phase II counts for 30%.
2. Report (30%): Please refer to Section 4 for more details about the report.
3. Programming Style (10%): Style and efficiency of your program (comments are expected in the
source code).
4. Late submission will lead to the score penalty.
6 Plagiarism
Programming is a creative work and the academic regulations that apply to plagiarizing prose also
apply to plagiarizing code. Rights, Rules, and Responsibilities defines plagiarism as ”the use of any
outside source without proper acknowledgment.” It ranges from ”verbatim copying” (e.g., cuttingand-pasting
code) to ”thorough paraphrasing” (e.g., changing variable names or rearranging code).
We use sophisticated tools to detect plagiarism and our teaching staff takes the issue very seriously.
We refer alleged academic violations (including plagiarism and abetting plagiarism) to the Discipline
Committee under Academic Office. If found responsible, the typical penalty is the failure for
this course plus whatever penalty that is stated in University Student Handbook.
Appendix A: Programming and Documentation Guidelines
Header comments:
You must include the following information at the top of every source file (.java file):
1. Assignment number
2. Name:
3. Student ID
4. Course and section number
5. email address
6. A short description of the content in the file or a short description of the corresponding program.
Describing Functions / Methods:
For all methods, and functions defined in your source program, you must describe them. If a
function/method accepts parameters, you must also describe what each parameter is for. If a function/method
returns a value, you must also describe what the returned value represents.
Program Readability:
1. Indenting code blocks - Statements that belong to the same block should start at the same
column. You can use 2 spaces, 4 spaces, 8 spaces or tab to indent your codes.
2. Use space and empty lines to properly separate codes
3. Remove all unused variables
4. Each line in the source file, including comments, should not be longer than 80 characters. If a
line is more than 80 characters long, split it into multiple lines.
A good example:
∗ Assignment 1
∗ Name : Alex Fung
∗ Student ID: 1009853X−I011−YYYY
∗ Section:LP002
∗ email:
∗ Description:
∗ This file contains the ThreeSum class, which counts
∗ the number of tuples equal to 0.
public class ThreeSum
∗ Description:
∗ Brute−force method to compute the the number of
∗ tuples equal to 0 by checking condition:
∗ a[i] + a[j] + a[k] == 0
∗ Parameters:
∗ a: the array
∗ Return:
∗ count: the number satisfying the condition
public static int count(int[] a)
int N = a.length; // The size of array
int count = 0; // the result
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
for (int j = i+1; j < N; j++)
for (int k = j+1; k < N; k++)
if (a[i] + a[j] + a[k] == 0)
return count;
∗ A testing client reads an array from standard input
∗ and prints the number of tuples equal to zero.
public static void main(String[] args)
int[] a = StdArrayIO.readInt1D();
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