CSCI-UA.0101-005: Project 1
Part 1: Warmup 40 points
In this first part you will extend the “game of life” code to support additional features.
(1) (10 points) Refactor the method countAliveNeighs. Instead of having a loop to retrieve
the x, y-coordinates of the 8 neighbors; add a new method int[][] getNeighs(boolean[][]
alive, int i, int j) to retrieve them. This change should affect only the body of countAliveNeighs.
(2) (20 points) Extend the code to support different rules. Change the update method to also
receive two arrays containing the numbers of required neighbors for a cell to survive or die.
Example where a cell is born if it has exactly 3 neighbors, survives if it has 2 or 3 living
neighbors, and dies otherwise:
int [ ] born = {3 };
int [ ] s u r v i v i n g = {2 , 3 };
while ( true )
p r i n t ( a l i v e ) ;
update ( a l i v e , born , s u r v i v i n g ) ;
. . .
(3) (10 points) Change the program to receive command line arguments to decide the size of the
grid and the rules for a cell to survive or die. For instance, java GOL 10 B3/S23 runs the
game of life on a 10 × 10 grid with the rule B3/S23. That is, a cell is born if it has exactly 3
neighbors and survives if it has 2 or 3 living neighbors.
CSCI-UA.0101-005 Project 1 (Page 2 of 3)
Figure 1: Example of an hexahedral grid.
Figure 2: Example of a print of 20 × 20 grid.
Part 2: Hexagonal game of life: 80 points
In this second part you will extend the “game of life” to run on a hexagonal grid. A hexagonal grid
can be stored as a normal grid where every row is “shifted by half” left and right (Figure 1). For
more information visit this page. To start, just copy your current “game of life” code.
(1) (40 points) Change the print code to visualize a hexagonal grid. Use the characters /, \, and
| to visualize the grid and use • to illustrate if a cell is alive (Figure 2).
(2) (30 points) Change the method int[][] getNeighs(boolean[][] alive, int i, int j)
to retrieve the x, y-coordinates of the 6 neighbors of a cell at position i, j (instead of 8 as in
the square grid).
(3) (10 points) Now your code supports input grid size and rules for both a hexagonal and square
grid. Implement a new class to accept an optional user parameter hex to decide which grid to
run, e.g., java GOL 30 B2/S2 hex will run on an hexagonal grid while java GOL 30 B2/S2
on the square one. Important, the new class must call the main methods of the other two
CSCI-UA.0101-005 Project 1 (Page 3 of 3)
Question Points Bonus Points Score
Warmup 40 points 40 0
Hexagonal game of life: 80 points 80 0
Total: 120 0
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