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日期:2021-05-08 10:10

COMP122 Assessment 3 Due 2021-05-07 at 5pm

Exceptional Press


-title: String

-author: String

-content: String

-edition: int

+getTitle(): String

+getAuthor(): String

+String getContent()

+getEdition(): int

+Book(String t, String a, String c, int e)

+getPages(): int

+toString(): String


-booksPerEdition: int

-edition: Map<String,Integer>

-shelf: Map<String,Queue<Book>>

+Press(String p, int n)

+print(String id, b): List<Book>

+getCatalogue() List<String>

+request(String id, n) List<Book>


-supplier: Press

-locationFactor: double

-cassette: double

+VendingMachine(Press p, double f)

+getCassette(): double

+insertCoint(double c): void

+returnCoins(): double

+buyBook(String id): Book

During the pandemic you realised that lots of people are looking for books to read but are reluctant

to throw their money at large online corporations while shops are closed. So you came up with the

idea to re-print old classics whose copyright has expired and sell them o vending machines that you

put up where once public libraries stood. In this assignment you’ll implement three aspects of this

endeavour: You will model books, the press, and vending machines.

Part 1: Books

We’ll need a data structure to represent an individual Book. Write a class called Book as follows.

There should be string attributes called title, author, and content as well as an integer attribute

called edition. Since we want readers to be able to see but not change the respective values of a

book, all these fields must be declared private and your class should have accessor-methods for

each of them. That is, your class should have public methods called getTitle, getAuthor, and

getContent that take no arguments and return a String, namely the unchanged value of their

respective attribute. Similarly, there must be a method public int getEdition() that returns the

edition of the book.

Your class must feature a constructor method that accepts and stores initial values for these four

attributes in the order they are mentioned above.

1 public Book(String t, String a, String c, int e)

In order to implement our innovative pricing model each book should be able to report on its content.

Let’s assume the that the layout of our books is such that it fits 800 characters on every page. Add

a (public) method called getPages that takes no arguments and returns the number of pages the


COMP122 Assessment 3 Due 2021-05-07 at 5pm

book has as an int. That is, it returns the integer corresponding to the number of characters in the

books content string divided by 800 and rounded up if necessary.

Finally, in order to nicely present the book on a shelf, overload the toString() method to return

title, author, edition, as well as the number of pages in this order. Each should appear in one line and

prefixed with the capitalised name of the attribute followed by a colon and one space. Each line should

end in a newline character '\n' directly aer the last printable character. See below for an example

output String.

Title: Treasure Island

Author: Robert Louis Stevenson

Edition: 1

Pages: 209

Part 2: The Press

Write a class called Press that can be used to create books.

The books we’ll create are going to be re-prints of famous volumes whose copyright has expired. We can

get them as (UTF8 encoded) text files from Project Gutenberg and a selection can also be downloaded

from Canvas for testing. When we instantiate a Press object we’ll be given a path to a directory that

contains several such text files. We’ll assume for simplicity that each kind of book in print is identified

by the name of the text file it is read from, e.g. "120-0.txt". Such a “bookID” string should include

the suix “.txt” but no preceding directory name.

As it is cumbersome and costly to reconfigure our press when switching to a new book, we’ll print

books in batches and store them until they are distributed to our vending machines. Our press should

therefore have several shelves, one for each kind of book. If someone wants to take out n copies of

a book, we will give them the first n from the shelf. If there are fewer than that many le we print

new ones (with a new “edition” number), add them to the end of the shelf and give out the requested

number of books. Since storage space is expensive there is an fixed number of books each edition will

have. This number is stored in a private field of each Press object and fixed upon instantiation. We

can assume that no user wants to take out more than that many books.

Setting up the press

Your Print class needs to have private attributes as follows.

• an integer called booksPerEdition. Each new edition will have that many books.

• the most recent edition of each book. This should be stored as a map from “BookID” strings

into an integers. That is, there should be a single private attribute called “edition” of type

Map<String, Integer>.


COMP122 Assessment 3 Due 2021-05-07 at 5pm

• a shelf to store books. This should be implemented as a map from “BookID” strings into a

queue of Books. That is, there should be a single private attribute called “shelf” that has type

Map<String, Queue<Book>>.

You may add other private attributes to make things work, for example to store the content of each

text file so that you do not need to read it again and again. We will not look at these attributes when

testing and grading your code.

Your class should have a constructor method that takes 1. a (String) path to the directory containing

books as text files, 2. the (int) number of books printed per edition. This should set up the data

structures mentioned above and trigger a first printing run of all books.

1 public Press(String pathToBooKDir, booksPerEdition)

For example, suppose that we instantiate a press as new Press("mybooks", 3) and the directory

“mybooks” contains three files called “11-0.txt”, “120-0.txt”, and “12-0.txt”. Then the newly instantiated

Press object should contain

• as shelf attribute, that maps “11-0.txt” to a Queue containing three distinct first edition Books

whose content (and title, author) is read from that file, and similarly for the other two file names.

• as edition attribute, that maps from all three strings to the integer 1 (because we already

printed one edition of each book to fill the shelf).

Printing books

In order to instantiate a single book we need to read the respective text file and extract title, author and

content. Luckily, all these text files have a similar header in the first few lines that contains that info.

They all start in "The Project Gutenberg ", list a few properties such as title, author, language

and so on. Then there is a line that starts with "*** START OF" that ends the header and marks the

beginning of the book’s content. For example, here are the first 23 lines of “120-0.txt”.

1 The Project Gutenberg EBook of Treasure Island, by Robert Louis Stevenson


3 This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most

4 other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions

5 whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of

6 the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at

7 www.gutenberg.org. If you are not located in the United States, you'll have

8 to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this ebook.


10 Title: Treasure Island


12 Author: Robert Louis Stevenson


14 Illustrator: Louis Rhead


COMP122 Assessment 3 Due 2021-05-07 at 5pm


16 Release Date: March 13, 1994 [EBook #120]

17 [Most recently updated: October 28, 2020]


19 Language: English


21 Character set encoding: UTF-8



Everything from (and including) line 24 to the end of the file we’ll consider the content of the book.

This is likely going to start with a few blank lines. You will need to write some code that opens a text

file and extracts title, author and content strings and then uses your four-argument constructor for the

Book class to instantiate one or more books of this kind.

For this purpose, your Press class should have a public method called print that can be used to

print a whole batch of books at once.

1 public List<Book> print(String bookID, n)

This method should instantiate n books from the text file whose name is given as the string parameter

bookID and return a list that contains these n books. The edition of all new books should be the same

as the new value of edition attribute of our press (for the given bookID), which of course should be

one higher than it was before this printing process.

If the requested book is not in print, i.e. the string given as bookID is not the name of one of our files,

then this method should throw an java.lang.IllegalArgumentException. If the content of a

text file does is not in the form described above, for example if it does not contain a line starting in

"Title: " then this method should throw an java.util.IllegalFormatException.

Distributing Books

Your Press class needs to have a public method called getCatalogue() that takes no arguments

and returns a list of books it can produce. Again, let’s assume the book is identified by the name of the

text file it is read from, e.g. "120-0.txt". The getCatalogue method should return a list of Strings

and be declared exactly as below.

1 public List<String> getCatalogue()

Your Press class needs to have a method called request to allow users to take out a number of books

at once. It should have a signature as follows.

1 public List<Book> request(String bookID, int amount)


COMP122 Assessment 3 Due 2021-05-07 at 5pm

A user would give a bookID string that identifies the book and the number of copies to take. The

resulting list of books must naturally have the same length as requested and contain that many distinct

copies of the requested book.

This method should return the books from the shelf or trigger a re-print if there are not enough copies

in store: If someone wants to take out n copies of a book, we will give them the first n from the shelf. If

there are fewer than that many le we print new ones (with a new “edition” number), add them to the

end of the shelf and give out the requested number of books. We can assume that no user wants to

take out more books than would fit on the shelf.

If the requested book is not in print, i.e. the string given as bookID is not the name of one of our files,

then this method should throw an IllegalArgumentException.

Part 3. A vending machine for books

Write a class called VendingMachine that can sell books to customers. Each such vending machine

will be supplied by a press and oers all books that press can print. The price each book sells for will

depend on the size of the book but also on some “location factor” that allows us to sell books at higher

prices in posher areas. For instance, a book with 500 pages sells for 500*0.01 = 5.0 GBP from a

vending machine with location factor 0.01.

Your class must have a constructor method that takes exactly three parameters, namely a Press object,

the location factor (a double), and an int that determines the size of its shelves, meaning the number

of books of each kind to store.

1 public VendingMachine(Press supplier, double locationFactor, int size)

These items should be stored in the vending machine as private attributes (of the same name and type)

to be accessed later. So there should be private attributes supplier (a Press), locationFactor (a

double), and size (an int).

The class should also have a private double attribute called “cassette” and a corresponding getter

public double getCassette(). Moreover, there must be public methods as follows.

1. a method called “insertCoin”

1 public void insertCoin(double coin)

that adds the value of is parameter to the cassette. This method should throw an

IllegalArgumentException if the given coin is not of the right denomination. Acceptable

values are 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, and 2.

2. a method called returnCoins


COMP122 Assessment 3 Due 2021-05-07 at 5pm

1 public double returnCoins()

that empties the cassette (sets it to zero) and returns its original value.

3. a method called buyBook

1 public Book buyBook(String bookID)

that sells a book with the given bookID string. It should check if the price of the book is at most

the value of cassette. The price of the book is the number of pages multiplied by the location

factor of the vending machine.

If the cassette contains enough money then the method removes the book from the shelf, reduces

cassette by the price of the book and returns the book. If the book sold like this was the last of

its kind (meaning aer the sale the machine has none le) then the vending machine contacts its

supplier press and requests more copies of this book. The number of copies it requests should

be determined by the value of the size attribute, so we request as many copies of this book as

we can fit.

The buyBook method should also be able to throw (unchecked) exceptions for the following two


1. If the parameter bookID is not a valid (there is no book by this id on oer) then this should

throw an IllegalArgumentException.

2. If the price of the book exceeds the value of the cassette then the method should throw a

CassetteException. This type of exception is of course special to our application and

you should define it yourself as a new type of RuntimeException.


COMP122 Assessment 3 Due 2021-05-07 at 5pm


1. You can use anything you want from the Java standard library.

2. Do not only focus on the diicult bits! You can gain points for having the prescribed methods.

3. Use the automarker and take its feedback into account before you submit your final version. You

can do that by running

4. Notice that nowhere in this assignment do we ask you to write a main method. To test your code,

you can write some (unassessed) main method somewhere that instantiates a Book/Press

/VendingMachine, calls its methods and prints the results. Our checks will try to instantiate

your classes into objects. This means that if your constructor methods are missing or calling

them results in errors, you will not get points for functionality.

5. To list files in a given directory you can use java.io.File.listFiles() for example like this.

1 File directoryPath = new File(booksDirAsString);

2 File filesList[] = directoryPath.listFiles();

3 for(File file : filesList) {

4 System.out.println("File name: "+file.getName());

5 }

6. For the Press, the “edition” attribute should be of type Map<String, Integer>. Remember

that Map is an interface that cannot be instantiated so you’ll want to instantiate a HashMap<

String,Integer> here. Also recall that we use the wrapper class Integer and not simply

int because Java’s collections cannot be build on primitive data types. Similarly, you will likely

want to use HashMap<String, LinkedList<Book>> for the “shelf” attribute (LinkedList

is a class that implements the Queue interface‘).

7. In order to extract title, author and content info from a text file, consider reading the whole file

content into a String and using regular expressions just like in the labs.


Submit you solution using submit50 just like the lab exercises.

To check that your submission is in the correct format you can run check50 on the same slug.


COMP122 Assessment 3 Due 2021-05-07 at 5pm

Fine Print

1. Submissions are subject to UoL’s Code of Practice on Assessment and the usual late penalties

apply. This means you can still submit until 120 hours past the deadline, and will incur a -5%

penalty for each 24 hour period immediately following the deadline. Submissions aer that will

not be considered. You can submit multiple times and only the latest version (and it’s submission

time) will be used for grading.

2. Your submission is an individual piece of work. No collaboration with other students is allowed!

Expect that plagiarism detection soware will be run on your submission to compare your work

to that of other students.

3. Do not define classes in any Java packages! Most IDEs will suggest including a statement like

1 package yourProjectName;

at the beginning of each java file. However, in order to tests your submission we need to know

the namespace where your classes are defined and the most fail-proof assumption is to use the

default namespace, i.e., no package definition. If you don’t know what this is about, don’t worry

and make sure your code does not contain any package declarations as above and compiles fine

using javac *java in the directory that contains your files.

4. Code that does not compile will get zero points and will not be further considered. Make sure

your code compiles directly using javac on the console.

If you require an extension due to extenuating circumstances please get in touch with the CS student

oice (csstudy@liv.ac.uk) before the submission deadline. We cannot grant any extensions aerwards.

If you are granted an extension you cannot in addition submit late aer your personal deadline.

The results will be made available on Canvas and we aim for a turn-around time of three weeks.


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