CSC3232 Coursework
Welcome to CSC3232! This module is aimed at providing you with an understanding of video game
technologies and simulation techniques. The areas investigated in this module can broadly be
classified as being those that enhance the physical accuracy of your game simulation, those that
enhance the appearance of intelligence and decision making in the simulation agents, and those that
provide a solid structure around which the gameplay mechanics can be built. The lecture series will
introduce and cover the theory behind these concepts, while the tutorial series will look at the
practical implications of these concepts, and how they may be implemented in a commercial game
engine. Together, these should provide you with experience with the module concepts, and the skills
required to apply them successfully.
Module Assessment
There are 2 pieces of assessment for this module:
o Coursework project 1, submitted via NESS (50)
o Coursework project 2, submitted via NESS (50)
The coursework projects are designed to be complementary to each other, allowing you to build up
a video game that includes a range of the common simulation techniques and technologies.
Coursework project 1 will focus on the physics aspects of gaming simulations (correct motion
throughout an environment, and correct detection and resolution of collisions that occur between
objects) and more simple artificial intelligence, while coursework project 2 covers design patterns,
navigating through an environment, effects & audio, and evolving the gameplay simulation. Both
pieces of coursework will be part of the same Unity project, and the exact nature of their
implementation within that project is up to you. For both submissions you should just zip up the
entire project folder, and submit it to NESS at the appropriate time. If your project folder is too
large, you can instead submit a link to an appropriate code repository (such as the University
GitHub) that can be accessed to obtain your project.
Coursework Theme
You are to use the Unity game engine to create a video game that incorporates the various elements
covered in the module. While the exact graphical theme is up to you (it could be space, fantasy, or
purely abstract), gameplay wise you should split the game into an ‘overworld’, that can be navigated
to reach one or more ‘encounters’. The map screen and levels of Super Mario Bros. 3 is one example
of such a gameplay setup, while the starmap and battles of FTL: Faster than Light is another. You
may use assets from the Unity asset store if you wish, but any such used should be things like
meshes/audio/textures and so on – the code within the game should be primarily yours.
This mix of game conditions has been chosen to allow you the freedom to explore a game design
that interests you while still allowing all of the technology elements of the module to be investigated
and demonstrated. For instance, if your core game idea doesn’t blend well with pathfinding or
adversarial AI, put it in the overworld section of the game, rather than hinder your main game idea.
This means that it is to your benefit to make the encounters and overworld different ‘styles’ of
gameplay – a turn-based adversarial overworld that leads to a number of physics-based challenges
could be one approach, or a 2D platformer overworld that has a number of puzzle-based minigames
within it.
Project 1 (Deadline: 16:00, Friday 12th November 2021)
The purpose of this coursework is to get your game idea underway, with a basic ‘skeleton’ of your
game idea. You should have the basics of the overworld and encounters in place, such that you can
go from the overworld, to an encounter, and back again. Neither the overworld or encounters are
expected to be completed, just started sufficiently to demonstrate some core simulation elements.
You should also have begun to include implementations of the module elements that we have
investigated so far – Newtonian dynamics to move some objects, some collision detection,
resolution + feedback, some simple state-based AI, and the mathematical underpinnings of chance
and state evolution in a game simulation.
Marking Scheme
• 10 marks available for Newtonian Physics
o 5 marks for appropriate use of Newtonian physics
o 5 marks for advanced usage (multiple gravity areas / changing mass / etc)
• 10 marks available for Collision Detection
o 5 marks for making use of appropriate collision volumes
o 5 marks for advanced usage (specific hit areas, dynamic changes over time etc)
• 10 marks available for Collision Response and Feedback
o 5 marks for making use of appropriate collision response and feedback
o 5 marks for advanced usage (physics material properties
• 8 marks available for state-based behaviours
o 4 marks for basic state based behaviour (menu system, simple opponents)
o 4 marks for advanced usage (hierarchical state machines etc)
• 12 marks available for probability and game design
o 4 marks for making use of stochastic behaviour
o 4 marks for evidence of gameplay modelling
o 4 marks for demonstrating positive feedback loops
• Zipped Unity Project Folder OR zipped text file with link to repository (submitted via NESS).
Learning Outcomes
• Understand how to represent mathematical concepts in code
• Understand the implementation of Newtonian dynamics in a real-time simulation
• Deduce and apply the appropriate simulation technique given a particular simulation
Project 2 (Deadline: 16:00, Monday 13th December 2021)
The purpose of this coursework is to complete your game design, and add new features relating to
the module material. Your game should have a fully working overworld and at least one type of
encounter that can be played to completion. You should include gameplay elements relating to
pathfinding, visual effects, audio, advanced AI, design patterns, and game logic. It is likely that
different games will utilise these in different ways, and they will be judged by the quality of their
implementation, and effectiveness at presenting a well structured game design.
Marking Scheme
• 10 marks available for pathfinding
o 5 marks for making use of appropriate pathfinding
o 5 marks for advanced pathfinding features (dynamic map changes etc)
• 10 marks available for advanced real-time AI techniques (GOAP / flocking / etc)
• 10 marks available for special effects and audio
• 10 marks for appropriate use of design patterns and game structure
• 10 marks available for advanced gameplay progression techniques (Min/Max, managing
state etc)
• Zipped Unity Project Folder OR zipped text file with link to repository (submitted via NESS).
Learning Outcomes
• Develop familiarity with the nature of embedded map data, and its role in influencing path
• Understand the fundamental algorithms behind effective path finding in games
• Demonstrate an understanding of the interplay between game logic and physics
• Develop familiarity with code concepts common to game engineering, and their effective
• Understand the importance of managing game complexity and maintaining correctness of
game logic.
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