• any missing or incomplete elements of the code
• any changes made to the original API
• the amount of time spent for this assignment
• suggestions or comments if any
No submission of the above document will lead to a loss of 5 grade points. Also, please add
comments in your code.
In this programming assignment, you need to implement several classes for representing both
relational and non-relational data. You first need to install and run Eclipse on your machine and
import the “hdb data” project (see Appendix A). Please generate an API document (see Appendix
B) and then take a look at that document as well as the source code to familiarize yourself with
this assignment. This assignment provides you with a set of incomplete classes. To see these
classes, choose the “src” source folder and then either the “hdb.data.relational” package or
the “hdb.data.nonrelational” package. You will need to write code for these classes. Your code
will be graded by running a set of unit tests (see the unit tests in the “test” source folder which
use JUnit1
) and then examining your code. For details of running these tests, refer to Appendix
A. Note that passing unit tests does not necessarily guarantee that your implementation is correct
and efficient. Please make sure that your code would not cause problems even in situations not
covered by the unit tests. If you have questions, please contact the TA(s) or the instructor. The
remainder of this document describes the components that you need to implement.
Part 1. Relation Schema (40 points)
A RelationSchema represents the schema of a relation. A RelationSchema contains an array
attributeNames which stores the names of attributes (e.g., { "ID", "Name" }) and another
array attributeTypes which contains the types of the attributes (e.g., { Integer.class,
String.class }). In this part, you need to complete the following methods of the RelationSchema
• size(): returns the number of attributes in the RelationSchema.
• attributeName(int attributeIndex): returns the name of the attribute specified by attributeIndex.
If attributeIndex is set to an invalid value (e.g., -1), then attributeName(int attributeIndex)
needs to return an InvalidAttributeIndexException. For example, if array attributeNames
is set to { "ID", "Name" }, then attributeName(0) and attributeName(1) must return
"ID" and "Name", respectively. On the other hand, attributeName(2) must throw an
• attributeType(int attributeIndex): returns the type of the attribute specified by attributeIndex.
If attributeIndex is set to an invalid value (e.g., -1), then attributeName(int attributeIndex)
needs to return an InvalidAttributeIndexException. For example, if array attributeTypes
is set to { Integer.class, String.class }, then attributeType(0) and attributeType(1)
must return Integer.class and String.class, respectively. Also, attributeType(2) must
throw an InvalidAttributeIndexException.
• attributeIndex(String attributeName): returns the index of the attribute specified by
attributeName. For example, if array attributeNames is set to { "ID", "Name" }, then
attributeIndex("ID"), attributeIndex("Name"), and attributeIndex("Address") must
return 0, 1, and null, respectively.
• save(String fileName): writes the RelationSchema (on which this method is called) to
the file specified by fileName. This method needs to create a FileOutputStream using
fileName and then an ObjectOutputStream that writes to that FileOutputStream. The
RelationSchema on which this method is called needs to be written to the ObjectOutputStream
using ObjectOutputStream#writeObject(Object). If your code throws a
java.io.NotSerializableException, address that problem after understanding the basics
of Java object serialization. You would need to make a change outside the save(String
fileName) method. Details of serialization can be found at:
Please make sure that your code passes all of the 5 unit tests in RelationSchemaTest. These
unit tests verify the 5 methods mentioned above using one instance of RelationSchema containing
2 attributes ("ID" and "Temperature" of the Integer and Double types, respectively) and another
instance containing 3 attributes ("ID", "Name", and "Address" of the Integer, String, and String
types, respectively) .
Part 2. Tuple (40 points)
A Tuple is a record (i.e., a row) in a relation. Each Tuple contains the values of certain
attributes that collectively represent an entity. For example, a tuple { 123, "John" } in a relation
with attributes "ID" and "Name" would represent a person whose ID is 123 and name is "John".
Each Tuple has an array attributeValues which stores the values of attributes defined in the
corresponding RelationSchema.
In this part, you need to implement the following methods in Tuple.java:
• setAttribute(int attributeIndex, Object o): sets the value of the attribute specified by
attributeIndex to Object o. For example, setAttribute(0, 123) and setAttribute(1,
"John") would set attributeValues[0] to 123, and attributeValues[1] to "John", respectively.
If the specified attribute value (o) is not compatible with the type of the attribute,
then the method needs to throw a TypeException. In other words, when the RelationSchema
has an array of types { Integer.class, String.class }, setAttribute(0, "John") must
throw a TypeException since the attribute at index 0 is of the Integer type and thus cannot
be set to "John". Consider using Class#isInstance(Object) to check type compatibility.
Also, if attributeIndex is set to an invalid value (e.g., -1), then setAttribute(int
attributeIndex, Object o) needs to return an InvalidAttributeIndexException.
• writeAttributes(ObjectOutputStream out): writes the attribute values of the Tuple to
the specified ObjectOutputStream. This method needs to call Tuple#write(Object o,
ObjectOutputStream out) to write each attribute value to the ObjectOutputStream. As
explained below, Java object serialization tends to incur high space overhead. The purpose
of writeAttributes(ObjectOutputStream out) is to reduce this overhead through
custom serialization (instead of the standard Java object serialization). Right after implementing
this method, consider verifying your implementation using the writeAttributes
test in TupleTest as explained below this list of methods to implement.
• write(Object o, ObjectOutputStream out): writes the specified Object to the specified
ObjectOutputStream. Writing Object o to the ObjectOutputStream using
ObjectOutputStream#writeObject(Object) (which performs the standard Java object serialization)
may incur high space overhead. Therefore, write(Object o, ObjectOutputStream
out) needs to call (i) ObjectOutputStream#writeInt(int) if the given Object is of the
Integer type, (ii) ObjectOutputStream#writeDouble(double) if the given Object is of the
Double type, and (iii) ObjectOutputStream#writeObject(Object) only in the other cases.
• read(Class<?> type, ObjectInputStream in): reads an object from the specified
ObjectInputStream. This method needs to call (i) ObjectInputStream#readInt() if the
specified type is Integer.class, (ii) ObjectInputStream#readDouble() if the specified
type is Double.class, and (iii) ObjectInputStream#readObject() otherwise.
Please verify your code using the tests in TupleTest. Your code can pass the writeAttributes
test in TupleTest as long as writeAttributes(ObjectOutputStream out) is correctly implemented
(even if write(Object o, ObjectOutputStream out) and
read(Class<?> type, ObjectInputStream in) are not completed). The following result from
the writeAttributes test shows the difference between the standard Java object serialization and
our custom serialization (even when it is partially implemented) given a Tuple contaning just one
4-byte int value and one 8-byte double value.
size of tuple [ 1 , 5 . 0 ] ( standard Java serialization ) : 538
size of tuple [ 1 , 5 . 0 ] ( custom serialization ) : 134
The writeRead test in TupleTest requires complete implementation of
write(Object o, ObjectOutputStream out) and read(Class<?> type, ObjectInputStream in).
When Part 2 is completed, the writeRead test will produce the following result:
size of tuple [ 1 , 5 . 0 ] ( standard Java serialization ) : 538
size of tuple [ 1 , 5 . 0 ] ( custom serialization ) : 18
The above result shows 6 bytes of additional data written in addition to the 4-byte int and 8-byte
double values due to some inherent overhead caused by the use of ObjectOutputStream. This
additional space overhead is still much lower than that of the standard Java object serialization.
In other words, the change in space usage from 538 bytes to 18 bytes shows the benefit of custom
serialization over the standard Java object serialization.
Part 3. Non-Relational Data (10 points)
In this part, you need to complete the CollectionSchema and DataObject classes in the
hdb.data.nonrelational package. These two classes are similar to RelationSchema and Tuple,
but their main difference is that they support non-relational data. In detail, while all Tuples in
the same relation must have the same set of attributes, DataObjects in the same collection can
have different attributes. For example, a DataObject can have three attributes "ID", "Name", and
"Height" and another DataObject in the same collection can have "ID" and "Weight".
A CollectionSchema uses the following two HashMaps to maintain a number of attributes:
• name2index: maps attribute names to attribute indices. For example, when "ID" and "Name"
are assigned indices 0 and 1, name2index will look like {"ID"=0, "Name"=1}.
• index2name: maps attribute indices to attribute names. For example, when "ID" and "Name"
are assigned indices 0 and 1, index2name will look like {0="ID", 1="Name"}.
In CollectionSchema, you need to complete the following methods:
• int[] attributeIndex(String attributeName): returns the index (as an int array) of the
attribute specified by attributeName. For example, suppose that "ID" and "Name" are assigned
indices 0 and 1, respectively. Then, attributeIndex("ID") and attributeIndex("Name")
need to return arrays {0} and {1}, respecitvely. The reason for returning an int array
instead of a single int will be discussed in detail in Part 4. If the attribute specified
by attributeName is not yet regisered in name2index, then this attributeIndex(String
attributeName) method needs to register that attribute (essentially, the name and index
of that attribute) in name2index. In this case, it also needs to update index2name accordingly.
For examle, suppose that "ID" and "Name" are assigned indices 0 and 1, respectively.
If attributeIndex("Height") is called in this case, ("Height", 2) needs to be added to
name2index and (2, "Height") needs to be added to index2name.
• attributeName(int[] attributeIndex): returns the name of the attribute specified by
attributeIndex. In the example mentioned above, attributeName({0}) and attributeName({1})
need to return "ID" and "Name", respecitvely. Again, the reason for using an int array instead
of a single int for attributeIndex will be discussed in detail in Part 4.
In DataObject.java, you need to implement the following methods:
• setAttribute(String attributeName, Object o): sets the attribute specified by attributeName
to o.
• attributeValue(int[] attributeIndex): returns the value of the attribute specified by
• writeAttributes(ObjectOutputStream out): writes the attributes of the DataObject on
which the method is called to the specified ObjectOutputStream.
• DataObject(CollectionSchema schema, ObjectInputStream in): constructs a DataObject
from the specified ObjectInputStream. This constructor needs to throw an
InvalidAttributeIndexException if an attribute index stored in the ObjectInputStream
is not registered in the CollectionSchema for this DataObject (i.e., an invalid attribute
When you complete the above methods, make sure that your implementation passes the two
unit tests named CollectionSchemaTestBasic and DataObjectTestBasic.
Part 4. Non-Relational Data - Hierarchical Data Representation (5 points)
As mentioned in Part 3, DataObjects in the same collection can have different attributes.
Furthermore, a DataObject may have a hierarchical structure. For example, for a DataObject, the
value of the "Name" attribute can be another DataObject having "FirstName" and "LastName" as
its attributes. In this case, given the former DataObject, "Name.FirstName" and "Name.LastName"
would represent the first name and second name of a person, respectively.
In addition to name2index and index2name, a CollectionSchema uses a HashMap named
index2schema to maintain a hierarchy of attributes. index2schema maps an attribute index to
a CollectionSchema if the corresponding attribute consists of sub-attributes. For example, if
"ID" has no sub-attributes and "Name" has two sub-attributes FirstName and SecondName, then
index2schema will look like {1={0="FirstName", 1="LastName"}}. In this example, {0="FirstName",
1="LastName"}) represents a CollectionSchema consisting of attributes "FirstName" and "LastName".
Also note that index2schema in the above example does not have any entry for "ID" because it
does not have any sub-attributes.
In CollectionSchema, you need to extend the following methods to support hierarchical data
• int[] attributeIndex(String attributeName): returns the index (as an int array) of
the attribute specified by attributeName. For example, suppose that (i) "ID" and "Name"
are assigned indices 0 and 1, respectively, and (ii) "Name" has sub-attributes "FirstName"
and "LasstName" which are assigned 0 and 1, respectively. Then, attributeIndex("ID")
and attributeIndex("Name") need to return arrays {0} and {1}, respecitvely. Furthermore,
attributeIndex("Name.FirstName") and attributeIndex("Name.LastName") need
to return arrays {1, 0} and {1, 1}, respecitvely.
• attributeName(int[] attributeIndex): returns the name of the attribute specified by
attributeIndex. In the example mentioned above, attributeName({0}) and attributeName({1})
need to return "ID" and "Name", respecitvely. Furthermore, attributeName({1, 0}) and
attributeName({1, 1}) need to return "Name.FirstName" and "Name.LastName", respecitvely.
You also need to extend DataObject.java to enable hierarchical data representations.
When you complete the above methods, run the two unit tests named CollectionSchemaTestAdvanced
and DataObjectTestAdvanced. These tests check whether or not CollectionSchema and DataObject
can represent data in a hierarchical manner.
Appendix A. Installing Eclipse and Importing a Java Project
1. Visit:
2. From the web site, download the eclipse installer (those for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X
are available) and then choose “Eclipse IDE” and install it.
3. After finishing installation, start Eclipse.
4. When Eclipse runs for the first time, it asks the user to choose the workspace location. You
may use the default location.
5. In the menu bar, choose “File” and then “Import”. Next, select “General” and “Existing
Projects into Workspace”. Then, click the “Browse” button and select the “hdb data.zip”
file contained in this assignment package.
6. Once the project is imported, you can choose the “hdb.data” package in the “test” source
folder. Then, you can run one among RelationSchemaTest.java, TupleTest.java,
CollectionSchemaTestBasic.java, CollectionSchemaTestAdvanced.java,
DataObjectTestBasic.java, and DataObjectTestAdvanced.java by clicking the icon highlighted
in Figure 1.
Appendix B. Creating API documents using javadoc
One nice feature of Java is its support for “documentation comments”, or “javadoc” comments,
which you can use to automatically produce documentation for your code. Javadoc comments start
with “/**”. Inside a javadoc comment, there are some special symbols, like @param and @return.
You can create HTML-based API documents from the source as follows:
1. Click the “hdb data” project icon in the Navigator or Project Explorer window.
Figure 1: Eclipse
2. Select “Generate Javadoc” from the “Project” menu.
3. In the “Generate Javadoc” dialog box, press the “Finish” button.
As it runs, it tells you that it is generating various things. When it is finished, a few new folders
should appear in your project: doc, doc.resources, and so on. See what got generated (to open
the newly created HTML documentation files in a web browser window, just double-click them;
you can start with “index.html”).
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