Coursework 1: Property Viewer
The goal of this assignment is to implement an application that allows the user to view properties
loaded from a spreadsheet. The application is partially implemented, but you need to finish
implementing some of the methods, and fix one that is currently not working as intended.
Getting started
• You will need to download the ‘Property’ project from the KEATS page. This is the partially
implemented project.
• When you open it, you will see the class structure depicted below.
• Three of the four classes are fully implemented so you do not need to modify them. One class,
PropertyViewer, has been left unfinished, and it is your job to finish the implementation of
this class.
Project Overview
Here is a quick overview of the existing classes:
• Property
– This class represents a single property.
– It has methods you will need to use, such as getID, getLatitude, and toggleFavourite.
• Portfolio
– This represents a collection of properties.
– A portfolio is built by specifying a spreadsheet on disk with the data on some properties
in it (this is by default the file called airbnb-london.csv — this is real-world data are
some of the actual AirBnB listings).
– The portfolio will automatically load all the properties that it finds in that spreadsheet.
Feel free to add more properties to the spreadsheet if you like!
• PropertyViewerGUI
– This class presents the GUI (Graphical User Interface) of the application. That is: it
draws the main window, the buttons, and all the other things you see on the screen.
– The class does two additional things: (1) if the user clicks a button, that call is passed
onto the relevant PropertyViewer method; (2) the PropertyViewer class may call this
one to display a Property or String in the interface.
• PropertyViewer
– This class implements the logic of the property viewer.
– This is where you have to do your work.
– This is also the class that you instantiate to run the application.
Base Tasks (60 points)
To complete the assignment you have to do the following tasks.
• When the application is started, the first property in the portfolio (index 0) should be
automatically displayed.
• With any property that is displayed, the ID of the property should be shown near the top
of the window. The GUI class has a method to do this.
• When the Toggle Favourite button is pressed, the isFavourite field of that property should
be updated. There is a method in the Property class to do this.
• The bar at the bottom of the window should show whether the property has been marked
by the user as one of their favourites.
• When the Next button is pressed, the next property should be displayed, with the correct
data. Furthermore, the ID at the top should be updated correctly, as well as whether the
property is one of the user’s favourites. The application should return to the first property
if the Next button is pressed while on the last property.
• When the Previous button is pressed, the previous property should be displayed, with the
correct data. Furthermore, the ID at the top should be updated correctly, as well as whether
the property is one of the user’s favourites. The application should go to the last property
if the Previous button is pressed while on the first property.
• In the PropertyViewer class, several methods are undocumented. Provide appropriate
method level comments.
Challenge Tasks (30 points)
These are tasks you should complete only when you have completed the base tasks. Note, challenge
tasks may require knowledge far beyond that which we have covered so far in the course.
• Implement a method named getNumberOfPropertiesViewed that returns the number of
properties that have been viewed since the application was started. The return type should
be int. Viewing the same property twice counts as two views.
• Implement a method named averagePropertyPrice that returns the average price of the
properties viewed so far. The return type should be int.
– Example: viewing property A (£50), then property B (£20), and then property A again
counts as 3 views, and the average price should be 50+20+50
3 = 40.
• The View Property on Map button is currently broken, in that it only every displays Bush
House on the map. Fix this functionality so that it instead displays the location of the
property on the map.
• Add a new Statistics button to the application. When clicked, a new window should open
that displays the statistics information from the two new methods from the Challenge Tasks.
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