MUTH 407: Assignment 6
Part I: Fugue
1. Johann Sebas-an Bach, Das wohltemperierte Clavier, Book I, Fugue in G minor Bracket and label as much of the given passage as possible. Include subject, answer, and other relevant terms. Iden-fy key(s). Then answer the ques-ons below.
a. This is a four-voice fugue. What is the order of entries?
b. According to the textbook, is this order of entries typical or unusual? Why?
c. What kind of answer is employed above?
d. Write a few sentences about Bach’s use of chroma-c notes in this excerpt.
e. Does this exposi-on contain a link? If so, in what measure does it begin?
f. In what measure and on what note will the last voice most likely enter?
2. ScarlaO, Sonata a quaPro in G minor
a. Does the fugue subject shown above require a real or tonal answer? Write a sentence explaining your reasoning.
b. Write an appropriate answer in the space provided.
Part II: Collec0on – For each example, notate the indicated scale/collec-on. Do not use a key signature.
1. OCT(0-1)
2. A Hexatonic
Part III: Analysis – Linda Dusman, IV. “read kling read klang” from Suite Sweet Errata
Use the score excerpt (mm. 68–73) to answer the questions on the next page.
1. A pitch collection is established in the first measures of the excerpt.
a. What is the name for this collection?
b. In what measure is there a note not from this collection?
c. In what measure is this collection fully abandoned?
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