Faculty of Business and Information Technology
PROGRAMME:Bachelor of Information Technology
COURSE CODE & NAME: IT7x22 - Software Development (C#)
ASSIGNMENT NUMBERThree (Programming Project)
TUTOR NAME: Tony Assadi
DATE DUE:5:00 pm Friday, 23rd November
I certify that this is my own work:
Student Signature:
Your Mark
Assignment Two, Semesters 2, 201
Due date:
Project Files uploaded to Digital Drop Box by:8
5:00 pm Friday, 23rd November
?Project Status report completed by:
5:00 pm Monday,26th November
Submission details
You are required to make an appointment with your lecturer to demonstrate your application. You will be asked to explain its internal workings and any problems that remains.
Create a zipped file called “IT7x22_Assignment2_YourStudentID_YourName” containing all parts of the software product and all your work for this project. Submit the zipped file through the Moodle submission system on or before the due date.
This assignment is worth 60% of the total module.
The assignment will be marked out of 100.
Copying the work of others, or using other people’s ideas as your own without acknowledging the source is called plagiarism. Lecturers will not accept such work and you may be penalised by losing marks or failing an assessment.6
All individual assignments and tests must be entirely your own work. Discussion and assistance between students who are working in groups is encouraged, but all work handed in must be your own work and written in your own words, except for assignments based on group achievement. To reinforce this, you are required to sign the declaration on the cover sheet of each assignment. Further information is in the Guidelines for Written Assignments handbook and the Faculty of Business and Information Technology Student Handbook.
Console C# Application
For this assignment, you are required to design and develop a console adventure or board game using C# and Visual studio 2015.
To assist in the development process, a sample project template (Board game, Monopoly) will be provided to you via Moodle. The Monopoly project will help you to gain better understanding for some of the functionalities and requirements that you will be expected to deliver with this assignment. The internal structure and operations of Monopoly project will also be demonstrated for you in class.
To assist with work load and provide and equal opportunity for everyone in class to participate, this assignment provides two deliverable options, made up of three millstones. Everyone is required to submit compulsory milestones One and Two. In the third millstones you can choose to complete either option A or B.
Please note that option A & B in the third milestones have different mark allocations and weighting toward final grade. With option A, students have the opportunity to gain up to 100%, however maximum marks available from option B is 85% of total marks allocated for this assignment
You need to consult and confirm your proposal (via email) with your tutor before you commence.
Project selection and proposal must be confirmed by 5:00 pm Monday 15th October
Additional project requirements, operations and functionalities you need to include & deliver for this assignment are:
Millstone One (Design documents): (15 Marks)
1.Use Case with list of additional functions, actions and events that defines the interactions between a role and your game.
2.Updated class diagram to describe the structure of the project by showing the system's?classes, their attributes, operations (or methods), and the relationships among objects.
3.Project status report - A short report describing details of implemented functionalities, operations, unresolved issues/bugs in the project and any relevant technical explanations about status of project on due date.
Millstone Two (Project Development): (Total of 70 Marks)
Additional operations and functionalities you need to add to this game:
1.Player can make changes to the rent amount on your properties anytime during their turn.
2.Extend use of Interface classes in the project by adding a least one new interface method.
3.Extend use of Delegates and Events by adding at least one new Events to the game.
4.Conduct unit tests on all classes you add in this project.
Millstone Three (Research)
Research questions to answer for this project (Total of 15 Marks)
1.Describe the changes necessary to add new games to the game compendium
2.Describe the changes necessary to add a GUI interface
3.Describe the changes necessary to convert this to a multiplayer game in a LAN environment.
Below are some basic rules of the Monopoly Application:
1.The game is played with a minimum of two players and up to 8 players.
2.The game involves players moving around 40 squares on the board in turn.
3.The game starts with a set number of houses, hotels and money to be traded by the players as the game is played.
4.Each player starts with a base amount of money, and the bank has the balance of the money.
5.Each square represents a property.
6.There are several different types of properties: residential, utility, transport and luck.
7.There are different “addresses” or names for each property on the board and they all have individual attributes
8.Each player throws two dice and moves according to the throw on each turn.
9.The players pay “rent” to the owner of the property they land on or receive/pay the “luck” for the property they land on, if the bank owns the property, the player can purchase the property if they wish.
10.When it is a players turn they can purchase improvements, houses and hotels, from the bank, or trade properties, houses and hotels with other players for agreed prices.
11.When a player runs out of money – they are bankrupt they lose the game.
12.When a player is bankrupt, any money they can pay to the player who is owed money is paid to the player and if trading between players has not been implemented the remaining properties and improvements (houses and hotels) are returned to the bank.
13.Players can trade properties for agreed sums of money
14.Players miss a turn if they are in jail
The winner is the last player left in the game.
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