COMP4418 20T1 — Assignment 2 (UNSW)
Question 1 and 2 are worth 30% each, and Question 3 is worth 40%. Due Tuesday, November 10,
You will need to submit answers to Parts 1, 2 as files stable.lp and mst.lp respectively, and
your answers to Part 3 as PDF file named solitaire.pdf.
give cs4418 assn2 stable.lp mst.lp solitaire.pdf
Question 1
A Dung abstract argumentation framework consists of a set A of arguments and an attack relation
R ⊆ A × A between them.1 For any two arguments a1 and a2, if (a1, a2) ∈ R then we say that a1
attacks a2: if one admits argument a1 then it casts doubts on argument a2. Computer Scientists
are generally interested in finding a subset of arguments that is consistent and that doesn’t have
any glaring hole. Formally, we say that a subset of arguments E ⊆ A is stable if the following two
conditions hold: no arguments in E attack any other argument of E and any argument outside of
E is attacked by an argument from E.
Your task is to design an ASP program that identifies stable subsets of arguments in a given
instance through answer sets. The instance will be provided to your program via two predicates
argument/1 and attack/2 corresponding to A and R respectively. In the output of your program,
you can indicate the chosen subset of argument with a predicate choose/1 ranging over arguments.
For example, with the following instance:
argument ( a ).
argument ( b ).
argument ( c ).
argument ( d ).
attack (a , b ).
attack (b , c ).
attack (d , c ).
a valid output of your program would be
choose ( a ) choose ( d )
Question 2
Given an undirected graph (V, E), weights on the edges w : E → N, a target k ∈ N, and a threshold
O ∈ N, we are interested in finding a k-vertices tree of the graph of weight less than the threshold.2
In other words, we want to select k vertices and k − 1 edges from V and E respectively such that
they constitute a tree, and the sum of the weights of the selected edges should be below O. Develop
an ASP program that takes V , E, w, k, and O as input and find a selection of edges satisfying the
constraints, or outputs unsatisfiable if the constraints cannot be satisfied. Note that selecting the
edges implicitely induces a selection of the vertices, so there is no need for the selected vertices to
be explicitely displayed by your program.
An instance to this problem is provided through predicates vertex/1, weight/3, target/1,
and threshold/1. Any edge has a weight, so statements of the form weight(a, b, 10). can be
used to declare the existence of an edge between vertices a and b at the same time as declaring their
weight, and there is no need for any redundant edge/2 predicate. Since the graph is undirected,
an edge between two vertices a and b could also have been declared with weight(b, a, 10).. Use
the binary predicate select/2 to indicate which set of edges should be selected.
For example, with the following instance:
1See for more information and references.
2See for more information on this problem and references.
COMP4418 20T1 — Assignment 2 (UNSW)
vertex ( v1 ). vertex ( v2 ). vertex ( v3 ).
vertex ( v4 ). vertex ( v5 ). vertex ( v6 ).
vertex ( v7 ). vertex ( v8 ). vertex ( v9 ).
weight ( v1 , v2 ,3). weight ( v1 , v3 ,3).
weight ( v2 , v4 ,1). weight ( v2 , v5 ,5).
weight ( v3 , v4 ,3). weight ( v3 , v6 ,4).
weight ( v4 , v5 ,4). weight ( v4 , v7 ,1).
weight ( v5 , v7 ,7).
weight ( v6 , v7 ,2). weight ( v6 , v8 ,2).
weight ( v7 , v9 ,3).
weight ( v8 , v9 ,2).
target (4).
threshold (4).
a valid output of your program would be
select(v2,v4) select(v4,v7) select(v6,v7)
Hint: Section 3.1.12 of the Potassco User Guide will prove very useful to understand the
syntax for aggregates including sum.
Question 3
In this Question, we attempt to write an Answer-Set Program capable of solving Peg Solitaire
puzzles. See for the rules of the game https:
// for an app that lets you play the puzzle on different board shape.
3.1 Explain in English how you would represent different layouts of the peg solitaire puzzle (the
English style and the European style are two examples of layouts). List the ASP predicates you
would use to represent the layout.
3.2 Give an ASP program corresponding to the English layout of the bord.
3.3 An instance of a Peg Solitaire puzzle is given by a layout and an initial position (where the
pegs are originally located). A solution is a sequence of moves that leads to a final position with a
single peg left. Explain in English how you would represent a solution to a given instance. After
you explanation, list the ASP predicates you would use in your output to represent the solution.
3.4 Give an ASP program that takes a Peg Solitiare instance as argument and compute a solution.
I do not expect your program to be optimized/efficient enough to solve the classical 33-holes
English-style puzzle.
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