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日期:2020-11-23 11:20

ENGN2912B 2020 | Lecture15 - 1

Brown University ENGN2912B Fall 2020

Scientific Computing in C++

Lecture 15 | The IfsViewer Application

In this lecture we will start to build an interactive application of moderate complexity for reading,

visualizing, operating on, and saving polygon meshes and point clouds. This is a much more complex

project than the ones we have worked on so far, which requires careful class design, partitioning the

project files into libraries, and also linking your program using external libraries. These libraries are part

of even more complex packages, which you will have to install in your machine, and configure for use in

conjunction with Qt.

Figure 1 The IfsViewer application shown running in OSX and Windows.

This application, as shown above running in OSX and Windows, will be extended in subsequent lectures

and homework assignments. What you will implement in this first assignment provides basic

functionality to load, save, and operate on polygon meshes and point clouds. It will be able to load a

polygon mesh or a point cloud from a file, visualize it, and save the polygon mesh or point cloud to a file.

In this first homework assignment you will implement the main data structures for representing a

polygon mesh or a point cloud in memory, a method to load a polygon mesh or point cloud from a file,

and a method to save the polygon mesh or point cloud to a file. You will implement the loading and

saving using the Factory framework, which we covered in a previous lecture. In subsequent homework

assignments you will implement additional loaders and savers to support other popular file formats used

to store polygon meshes and point clouds. For this assignment, all the user interface and OpenGL

graphics programming is provided. In subsequent assignments you will extend the application by

writing, in addition to the loaders and savers mentioned above, a number of geometry processing

operations. Since most of these algorithms do require additions to the user interface to set various

parameters, we will design a unified framework to add these user interface components, which you will

also implement in an incremental fashion.

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The graphical user interface for IfsViewer is built using Qt. Your part of the code can be implemented in

its vast majority using the standard C++ classes, but you can also use Qt classes, if you prefer to do so.

We have discussed the installation process for Qt within the context of the QtCalc assignments. For this

assignment you should download the archive file Assignment8 archive from the course web site, unzip

it, and use CMake to build project files using the CMakeLists.txt file located in the src directory. In this

assignment we will not use QMake.

The goal is to complete the IfsViewer application implementation

I have decided to partition the project into three subprojects. The files in the directory

IfsViewer/src/viewer implement the user interface. In this assignment you don’t need to make any

changes to those files. The files in the directory IfsViewer/src/util implement some utility functions

which in this assignment you don’t have to change either. So far there is only one class in this directory.

The BBox class provides functionality to represent a bounding box containing a set of points in ddimensional

space. In this application we are only using it for d=3. One of the constructors builds a

bounding box from a set of points, stored as an instance of the vector<float> class which stores all the

coordinates of the points as a linear array (x0,y0,z0),(x1,y1,z1),…,(xN,yN,ZN). Due to lack of time, the

BBox class is already implemented.

The VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language, pronounced vermal or by its initials) is an international

standard file format for representing 3-dimensional (3D) interactive vector graphics, designed

particularly with the World Wide Web in mind. It has been superseded by X3D, but still widely used.


As a reference, this is where you can read the VRML specification


You can download the VRML 2.0 - Cheat Sheat, by Jan Hardenbergh from the course web site. This is a

summary of all the VRML nodes.

The “Annotated VRML 97 Reference Manual” by Rikk Carey and Gavin Bell, provides additional

information about the VRML standard


In Assignment 8 you will have to complete the implementation of two classes in the directories

IfsViewer/src/ifs. First of all you will have to complete the implementation of the Ifs class. This

class is intended to be a container for the information which can be represented in a VRML

IndexedFaceSet node. This is how the IndexedFaceSet node is defined in the VRML standard

IndexedFaceSet {

eventIn MFInt32 set_colorIndex

eventIn MFInt32 set_coordIndex

eventIn MFInt32 set_normalIndex

eventIn MFInt32 set_texCoordIndex

exposedField SFNode color NULL

exposedField SFNode coord NULL

exposedField SFNode normal NULL

exposedField SFNode texCoord NULL

field SFBool ccw TRUE

ENGN2912B 2020 | Lecture15 - 3

field MFInt32 colorIndex [] # [-1,)

field SFBool colorPerVertex TRUE

field SFBool convex TRUE

field MFInt32 coordIndex [] # [-1,)

field SFFloat creaseAngle 0 # [ 0,)

field MFInt32 normalIndex [] # [-1,)

field SFBool normalPerVertex TRUE

field SFBool solid TRUE

field MFInt32 texCoordIndex [] # [-1,)


We are going to ignore the eventIn fields, as well as whether fields are “exposed” or not, and to keep

things simpler we are not going to implement the color, coord, normal, and texCoord fields as

separate classes. Instead, the fields will be represented as follows in the Ifs class. Various methods to

access these private variables are defined in the Ifs.hpp header file. You have to implement them all.

Pay particular attention to understanding the convention adopted in the standard to represent property

bindings, and in particular you need to understand what is the meaning of properties bound

PER_VERTEX, PER_FACE, PER_FACE_INDEXED, and PER_CORNER, as well as what is the role of the four

index fields in all these cases.

class Ifs {


bool _ccw;

bool _convex;

float _creaseAngle;

bool _solid;

bool _normalPerVertex;

bool _colorPerVertex;

vector<float> _coord;

vector<int> _coordIndex;

vector<float> _normal;

vector<int> _normalIndex;

vector<float> _color;

vector<int> _colorIndex;

vector<float> _texCoord;

vector<int> _texCoordIndex;

// …


The remaining files in this directory implement Factory frameworks to load instances of the Ifs class

from files, and to save instances of the Ifs class to files











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You also have to implement the IfsLoaderWrl class using technique based on partitioning the input

stream into “tokens”. The other classes are already implemented, and you can use some as examples to

figure out how to implement the IfsLoaderWrl class. In subsequent assignments we will extend the

VRML parser, and will implement other parsers using the same methodology.

But we will first look at how to parse command line parameters, both for command line applications

such as those we have been writing since the beginning of the course. One important use for command

line parameters is to be able to invoke your programs to run without user interaction. Command line

parameters can be used to specify the names of input and output files, to specify values for Boolean

variables, also called “switches”, and to specify values for numerical variables.

For example, to debug the code that you need to implement for the IfsViewer application, and due to

lack of time, we are providing a command line application named ifstest which will take as arguments

a number of optional switches, the name of an input file, and the name of an output file. One of those

switches turns on and off the printing of console messages used to monitor the progress of the program.

More details about this application are provided in the ignment8 description file. The application will be

run from a console by typing the following command

> ifstest –debug inputFile.wrl outputFile.wrl

In this case the command line parameters is an array of four C-style (char*) strings composed of:

“ifstest”, “-debug”, “inputFile.wrl”, and “outputFile.wrl”. Note that the first parameter is the

name of the application itself.

Even though the application ifstest is already implemented, you should study it carefully, and if you have

xtra time you should try to implement your own version from scratch.

Parsing Command Line Parameters in Command Line Applications

A command line application executes the main() function. To get access to the command line

parameters you must declare main() as follows

int main(int argc char* argv) {

// process ...


The actual names of the arguments is not important, but this is the established convention: argc stands

for argument count, and argv for argument vector. Since argv[0] is always equal to the name of the

application, it is guaranteed that argc>=1.

For the example given above, we could try to process the command line parameters as follows


int main(int argc, char** argv) {

bool debug = false;

string inFile = “”;

string outFile = “”;


debug = true;

ENGN2912B 2020 | Lecture15 - 5

inFile = string(argv[2]);

outFile = string(argv[3]);

// load input file

// process ...

// save output file

return 0;


Note that since the command line parameters are passed as C-style strings, and we have decided to

implement this program using C++ strings, we convert the parameters from char* to string using the

string class constructor. We first initialize the variables debug, inFile, and outFile to default values,

and then we set them to the values specified by the command line parameters. If argv[1] is equal to

the string “-debug” then we set the debug variable to true. Then we set the string inFile to the value

specified by the command line parameter argv[2], and outFile to the value specified by the command

line parameter argv[3].

This program will work as long as it run as described above, with the three arguments. But it will fail for

example it is run without the “-debug” switch

> ifstest inputFile.wrl outputFile.wrl

In fact, this program most likely will crash while trying to set the value of the outFile variable, since the

fourth argument argv[3] would not be defined. To prevent crashes we need to implement the parsing

of command line parameters in a different way, where we analyze each command line parameter and

set variables depending on its values. At the same time, we need to detect errors in the command line

syntax, and exit the program reporting an error code in such cases. For example, consider the following

code fragment


int main(int argc, char** argv) {

bool debug = false;

string inFile = “”;

string outFile = “”;

for(int i=1;i<argc;i++) {


debug = true;

else if(argv[i][0]==’-‘)

return -1;

else if(inFile==””)

inFile = string(argv[i]);

else if(outFile==””)

outFile = string(argv[i]);


if(inFile==””) {

if(debug) { cerr << “ERROR | no input file name” << endl; }

return -2;


if(outFile==””) {

if(debug) { cerr << “ERROR | no output file name” << endl; }

return -3;


// load input file

// process ...

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// save output file

return 0;


In the loop for(int i=1;i<argc;i++) each command line parameters argv[i] is inspected and

processed. In this implementation we are assuming that zero or more switches, an input file name, and

an output file name follow the application name in the command line. The application will neither crash

if the “-debug” switch is not specified, nor if the input or output file names are missing. However, the

application will subsequently exit with an error message if either one of the two file names are not

specified. Also note that the statement else if(argv[i][0]==’-‘) exit -1; will make the

application quit if any other switch is specified. By convention switches are specified with strings starting

with a ‘-‘ character. Alternatively, we could replace this statement with else if(argv[i][0]==’-‘)

continue; to skip unrecognized switches.

It is good practice to make the application print a message explaining what is the acceptable command

line syntax. For example, in this code segment the application will print the usage massage and quit if it

is run without parameters, if the “-u” or “-usage” flags are specified, and if any other unrecognized flag

is specified. Square brackets “[]” describe optional parameters, and the symbol “|” specifies

alternative syntax.


void usage() {


<< “USAGE | ifstest [-d|-debug][-u|-usage] inputFile.wrl outputFile.wrl”

<< endl;


int main(int argc char* argv) {

bool debug = false;

string inFile = “”;

string outFile = “”;

if(argc==1) {


return 0;


for(int i=1;i<argc;i++) {

if(string(argv[i])==”-d” || string(argv[i])==”-debug”) {

debug = true;

} if(string(argv[i])==”-u” || string(argv[i])==”-usage”) {


return 0;

} else if(argv[i][0]==’-‘) {


return -1;

} else if(inFile==””) {

inFile = string(argv[i]);

} else if(outFile==””) {

outFile = string(argv[i]);



if(inFile==””) {

if(debug) { cerr << “ERROR | no input file name” << endl; }

return -2;


if(outFile==””) {

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if(debug) { cerr << “ERROR | no output file name” << endl; }

return -3;


// load input file

// process ...

// save output file

return 0;


As you can see in this example, adding more switches is straightforward. The convention in this

implementation is that all the switches must precede the input and output file names in the command

line. The switches can be specified in arbitrary order, but they have to be followed by the input and

output files in that order. If we want to also be able to specify the input and/or output file names at

arbitrary positions in the command line, we need to support the processing of command line

parameters with additional values. For example, consider the following revised usage() function

void usage() {

cerr << “USAGE | ifstest” <<endl;

cerr << “ [-d|-debug ]” << endl;

cerr << “ [-u|-usage ]” << endl;

cerr << “ [-i inputFile.wrl ]” << endl;

cerr << “ [-o outputFile.wrl]” << endl;


In this command line syntax the input file name is specified as the command line parameter following a

command line parameter matching the string “-i”, and the output file name is specified as the

command line parameter following a command line parameter matching the string “-o”. The command

line processing loop can be modified as follows

for(int i=1;i<argc;i++) {

if(string(argv[i])==”-d” || string(argv[i])==”-debug”) {

debug = true;

} if(string(argv[i])==”-u” || string(argv[i])==”-usage”) {


return 0;

} else if(string(argv[i])==”-i”) {

inFile = string(argv[++i]);

} else if(string(argv[i])==”-o”) {

outFile = string(argv[++i]);

} else if(argv[i][0]==’-‘) {


return -1;



Note that the index is incremented before assigning the command line parameter of the variables

inFile and outFile, and the application will most likely crash for example if the command line

parameter “-i” is the last one in the command line and it is not followed by the input file name. One

possibility is to add additional tests to catch this command line syntax error, such as

} else if(string(argv[i])==”-i”) {

if(++i >= argc) {

if(debug) { cerr << “ERROR | no input file name” << endl; }

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return -4;


inFile = string(argv[i]);

} ...

Another possibility is to skip the parameter, since the missing file name error will be cached later

} else if(string(argv[i])==”-i”) {

if(++i >= argc) continue;

if(argv[i][0]==’-‘) {

if(debug) { cerr << “ERROR | missing input file name after –i” << endl; }

return -3;


inFile = string(argv[i]);

} ...

Note that we added another test to catch a missing argument error occurring in the middle of the

command line.

Parsing Numerical Parameters

In some cases it is necessary to specify numerical parameters in the command line. In those cases we

need to convert the string representation of the numerical values to actual numerical values. As an

example, suppose that we want to specify the center and radius of a sphere so that all the vertices of

the input polygon mesh not contained within the sphere are deleted, as well as all the polygons

containing those vertices. The radius will be specified as an integer, and the center as three floating

point numbers. The following usage() function specifies the command line syntax

void usage() {

cerr << “USAGE | ifstest” <<endl;

cerr << “ [-d|-debug ]” << endl;

cerr << “ [-u|-usage ]” << endl;

cerr << “ [-i inputFile.wrl ]” << endl;

cerr << “ [-o outputFile.wrl ]” << endl;

cerr << “ [[-r|-radius] radius]” << endl;

cerr << “ [[-c|-center] x y z ]” << endl;


Additional variables need to be added to the main() function

int main(int argc char* argv) {

bool debug = false;

string inFile = “”;

string outFile = “”;

int r = 0;

float x = 0.0f;

float y = 0.0f;

float z = 0.0f;

and statements need to be added to the command line processing loop


ENGN2912B 2020 | Lecture15 - 9

// ...

} else if(string(argv[i])==”-r” || string(argv[i])==”-radius”) {

radius = atoi(argv[++i]);

} else if(string(argv[i])==”-c” || string(argv[i])==”-center”) {

x = atof(argv[++i]);

y = atof(argv[++i]);

z = atof(argv[++i]);

} ...

The functions atoi() and atof() are defined in the system header file cstdlib, which has to be

included as well for the program to compile.

int atoi (const char* str);

Parses the C string str interpreting its content as an integral number, which is returned as an int value.

The function first discards as many whitespace characters as necessary until the first non-whitespace

character is found. Then, starting from this character, takes an optional initial plus or minus sign

followed by as many base-10 digits as possible, and interprets them as a numerical value. The string can

contain additional characters after those that form the integral number, which are ignored and have no

effect on the behavior of this function. If the first sequence of non-whitespace characters in str is not a

valid integral number, or if no such sequence exists because either str is empty or it contains only

whitespace characters, no conversion is performed and zero is returned.

double atof (const char* str);

Parses the C string str interpreting its content as a floating point number and returns its value as a

double. The function first discards as many whitespace characters as necessary until the first nonwhitespace

character is found. Then, starting from this character, takes as many characters as possible

that are valid following a syntax resembling that of floating point literals (see below), and interprets

them as a numerical value. The rest of the string after the last valid character is ignored and has no

effect on the behavior of this function. A valid floating point number for atof using the "C" locale is

formed by an optional sign character (+ or -), followed by one of: A sequence of digits, optionally

containing a decimal-point character (.), optionally followed by an exponent part (an e or E character

followed by an optional sign and a sequence of digits). A 0x or 0X prefix, then a sequence of hexadecimal

digits optionally containing a decimal-point character (.), optionally followed by an hexadecimal

exponent part (a p or P character followed by an optional sign and a sequence of hexadecimal digits).

INF or INFINITY (ignoring case). NAN or NANsequence (ignoring case), where sequence is a sequence of

characters, where each character is either an alphanumeric character or the underscore character (_). If

the first sequence of non-whitespace characters in str does not form a valid floating-point number as

just defined, or if no such sequence exists because either str is empty or contains only whitespace

characters, no conversion is performed and the function returns 0.0.

Note that both atoi() nor atof() catch syntax errors in the input string, but rather than reporting the

error, they return default values (0 and 0.0 respectively). Alternatively, you could implement your own

numeric conversion functions based on the C-style sscanf(), which is defined in the header file


int sscanf (const char* str, const char* format, ...);

where str is the C string that the function is trying to parse; format is a C string that contains a format

string that follows the same specifications as format in scanf (look for the scanf documentation on line

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for details), and ... are additional arguments. Depending on the format string, the function may expect a

sequence of additional arguments, each containing a pointer to allocated storage where the

interpretation of the extracted characters is stored with the appropriate type. There should be at least

as many of these arguments as the number of values stored by the format specifiers. Additional

arguments are ignored by the function. On success, the function returns the number of items in the

argument list successfully filled. This count can match the expected number of items or be less (even

zero) in the case of a matching failure. In the case of an input failure before any data could be

successfully interpreted, EOF is returned. For example, the following code fragments illustrate how to

use sscanf() to parse an int and a float

const char* str = “-123”;

int radius = 0;

if(sscanf(str,”%d”,&radius)<1) {



const char* str = “0.876”;

float x = 0.0f;

if(sscanf(str,”%f”,&x)<1) {



Note however, that in certain cases which can be considered errors, sscanf() does not produce the

expected result. For example, for str=” -23sDS”, the call sscanf(str,”%d”,&radius) will set the

variable radius to the value -23, and will return the value 1.

Exception Handling

As we add more command line switches and parameters the number of possible errors increase, and it

becomes more and more difficult to handle them in an organized fashion. Exceptions provide a way to

react to exceptional circumstances in our program, such as command line processing errors, by

transferring control to special functions called handlers. To catch exceptions we must place a portion of

code under exception inspection. This is done by enclosing that portion of code in a try block. When an

exceptional circumstance arises within that block, an exception is thrown that transfers the control to

the exception handler. If no exception is thrown, the code continues normally and all handlers are

ignored. An exception is thrown by using the throw keyword from inside the try block. Exception

handlers are declared with the keyword catch, which must be placed immediately after the try block.

For example, we can modify our ifstest program as follows


void usage() {

// ...


int main(int argc char* argv) {

bool debug = false;

string inFile = “”;

string outFile = “”;

try {

if(argc==1) trow 1;

for(int i=1;i<argc;i++) {

if(string(argv[i])==”-d” || string(argv[i])==”-debug”) {

debug = true;

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} if(string(argv[i])==”-u” || string(argv[i])==”-usage”) {

throw 2;

} else if(argv[i][0]==’-‘) {

trow 3;

} else if(inFile==””) {

inFile = string(argv[i]);

} else if(outFile==””) {

outFile = string(argv[i]);



if(inFile==””) throw 4;

if(outFile==””) throw 5;

} catch(int e) {

// print an appropriate error message and quit

switch(e) {

case 1: /* no command line parameters */ break;

case 2: /* usage */ break;

case 3: /* unrecognized switch */ break;

case 4: /* no input file name */ break;

case 5: /* no output file name */ break;



return -1;


// load input file

// process ...

// save output file

return 0;


A throw expression accepts one parameter (in this case an integer), which is passed as an argument to

the exception handler. The exception handler is declared with the catch keyword. As you can see, it

follows immediately the closing brace of the try block. The catch format is similar to a regular function

that always has at least one parameter. The type of this parameter is very important, since the type of

the argument passed by the throw expression is checked against it, and only in the case they match, the

exception is caught. We can chain multiple handlers (catch expressions), each one with a different

parameter type. Only the handler that matches its type with the argument specified in the throw

statement is executed.

try {

// ...

} catch(int eInt) {

// ...

} catch(float eFloat) {

// ...

} catch(...) {

// ...


If we use an ellipsis (...) as the parameter of catch, that handler will catch any exception no matter what

the type of the throw exception is. This can be used as a default handler that catches all exceptions not

caught by other handlers if it is specified at last. In this case the last handler would catch any exception

thrown with any parameter that is neither an int nor a float. After an exception has been handled the

program execution resumes after the try-catch block, not after the throw statement. It is also possible

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to nest try-catch blocks within more external try blocks. In these cases, we have the possibility that an

internal catch block forwards the exception to its external level. This is done with the expression throw;

with no arguments. For example:

try {

try {

// ...

} catch(int eInt) {

throw; // throws exception to external try-catch block


} catch(float eFloat) {

// ...

} catch(...) {

// ...


When declaring a function we can limit the exception type it might directly or indirectly throw by

appending a throw suffix to the function declaration:

float myfunction (char param) throw (int);

This declares a function called myfunction which takes one argument of type char and returns an

element of type float. The only exception that this function might throw is an exception of type int. If it

throws an exception with a different type, either directly or indirectly, it cannot be caught by a regular

int-type handler. If this throw specifier is left empty with no type, this means the function is not allowed

to throw exceptions. Functions with no throw specifier (regular functions) are allowed to throw

exceptions with any type:

int myfunction (int param) throw(); // no exceptions allowed

int myfunction (int param); // all exceptions allowed

The C++ Standard library provides a base class specifically designed to declare objects to be thrown as

exceptions. It is called exception and is defined in the <exception> header file under the namespace

std. This class has the usual default and copy constructors, operators and destructors, plus an additional

virtual member function called what() that returns a null-terminated character sequence (char *) and

that can be overwritten in derived classes to contain some sort of description of the exception.

#include <iostream>

#include <exception>

using namespace std;

class myexception: public exception {

virtual const char* what() const throw() {

return "My exception happened";


} myex;

int main () {

try {

throw myex;

} catch (exception& e) {

cout << e.what() << endl;


return 0;


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For example, if we use the operator new and the memory cannot be allocated, an exception of type

bad_alloc is thrown:

try {

int * myarray= new int[1000];

} catch (bad_alloc& bae) {

cout << "Error allocating memory." << endl;


It is recommended to include all dynamic memory allocations within a try block that catches this type of

exception to perform a clean action instead of an abnormal program termination, which is what

happens when this type of exception is thrown and not caught. If you want to force a bad_alloc

exception to see it in action, you can try to allocate a huge array. Because bad_alloc is derived from the

standard base class exception, we can handle that same exception by catching references to the

exception class:

#include <iostream>

#include <exception>

using namespace std;

int main () {

int* myarray = (int*)0;

try {

myarray= new int[1000];

} catch (exception& e) {

cout << "Standard exception: " << e.what() << endl;

return -1;


// myarray!=(int*)0 here

return 0;


We have placed a handler that catches exception objects by reference (notice the ampersand & after

the type), therefore this catches also classes derived from exception, like our myex object of class

myexception. All exceptions thrown by components of the C++ Standard library throw exceptions

derived from this std::exception class.

In the previous example the what() function of the class myexception returns same string

independently of what error you have detected. If you want to add an error message to the exception

that you throw you can define your exception class as follows

class myexception: public exception {


const string& _errorMsg;


myexeption(const string& errorMsg):_errorMsg(errorMsg) {


virtual const char* what() const throw() {

return _errorMsg.c_str();



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Now in your code should look like this

try {

// ...

if(/* error 1 detected */) throw new myexception(“error 1 detected”);

// ...

if(/* error 2 detected */) throw new myexception(“error 2 detected”);

// ...

} catch (myexception* e) {

cout << "mexception: " << e->what() << endl;

delete e;

} catch (...) {

// handle other exceptions here


Note that the throw statement throws a pointer to an instance of the myexception class, and since a

new instance is created to be thrown, it has to be deleted after being catched. Also note that the

argument to the first catch statement is a pointer to an instance of the myexception class, and as a

result you get the error message through e->what().

Parsing ASCII Files using a Tokenizer class

We will describe how to parse a VRML file as required to complete the first phase of the IfsViewer. The

same techniques can be used to parse other ASCII files. Let us consider the following simple VRML file

#VRML V2.0 utf8

Shape {

geometry IndexedFaceSet {

coord Coordinate {

point [

0.0000 0.0000 1.0000

0.7236 0.5257 0.4472

-0.2764 0.8507 0.4472

-0.8944 0.0000 0.4472

-0.2764 -0.8507 0.4472

0.7236 -0.5257 0.4472

0.8944 0.0000 -0.4472

0.2764 0.8507 -0.4472

-0.7236 0.5257 -0.4472

-0.7236 -0.5257 -0.4472

0.2764 -0.8507 -0.4472

0.0000 0.0000 -1.0000



coordIndex [

0 1 5 -1 0 2 1 -1 0 3 2 -1 0 4 3 -1

0 5 4 -1 1 6 5 -1 1 7 6 -1 1 2 7 -1

2 8 7 -1 2 3 8 -1 3 9 8 -1 3 4 9 -1

4 10 9 -1 4 5 10 -1 5 6 10 -1 6 7 11 -1

6 11 10 -1 7 8 11 -1 8 9 11 -1 9 10 11 -1




ENGN2912B 2020 | Lecture15 - 15

The first line of the file is required to start with the string “#VRML V2.0 utf8”. The remaining of the

file can be described as a sequence of “tokens”, which in this case are “Shape”, “{“, “geometry”,

“IndexedFaceSet”, “{“, ... (tokens describing the IndexedFaceSet node) ... ,”}”, and “}”.

Your VRML parser should start by opening the file as an instance of the ifstream class, using the file

name read from the command line or the file selection dialog to invocate the constructor. Then you

should read the first line using for example the ifstream::getline() function, and verify that it

matches the required VRML header line. Then you can use a Tokenizer class to split the remaining of

the file into tokens. You can use the following header file to implement your Tokenizer class.

// Tokenizer.hpp



#include <ifstream>

#include <string>

using namespace std;

class Tokenizer : public string {


ifstream& _ifstr;


Tokenizer(ifstream& ifstr):_ifstr(ifstr) { }

bool get();

bool expecting(const string& s);


#endif /* _TOKENIZER_HPP_ */

The constructor takes a reference to the open ifstream class as a parameter. The function get()

returns the value true when the Tokenizer is able to parse a new token, and false otherwise. Once the

get () function returns a false value the parsing should stop. The actual value of the parsed token is

returned as the value of the Tokenizer itself, which is implemented as a subclass of the string class. The


bool Tokenizer:expecting(const string& str) {

return get() && (str == *this);


parses a token and compares it with an expected value. We will find this function useful in the

implementation of our VRML parser.

Within the Tokenizer::get() function, you can use the function

int ifstream::get();

to get one character at a time from the input stream. Other related functions of the ifstream class,

which might prove useful are peek(), which reads and returns the next character without extracting it,

i.e. leaving it as the next character to be extracted from the stream, and putback(char c), which

decrements the internal get pointer by one, and c becomes the character to be read at that position by

the next input operation.

In the case of VRML files we can define as tokens the following strings: “{“, “}”, “[“, “]”, as well as any

consecutive sequence of characters not including any one of these four characters or white space. White

space includes the space character ‘ ‘, the horizontal tab character ‘\t’, the new line character ‘\n’, the

vertical tab character ‘\v’, the form feed character ‘\f’, the carriage return character ‘\r’, as well as the

ENGN2912B 2020 | Lecture15 - 16

comma ‘,’ character which sometimes appears in between numerical values in VRML files. To test for

white space characters you can use the ctype function

int isspace(int c);

For a detailed chart on what the different ctype functions return for each character of the standard

ANSII character set, see the reference for the <cctype> header.

Parsing Tokenized VRML Files

The following code segment describes a first attempt at implementing a simple VRML parser. An input

stream is opened from the input file name. A line is read from the input stream and compared against

the expected VRML header. Then a Tokenizer is constructed on top of the input stream, and tokens are

read and skipped until an “IndexedFaceSet” token is found. The “IndexedFaceSet” should be followed

by a “{“ token, which eventually should match a “}” token, after which our parser should terminate.

After the “{“ token we could find a number of possible tokens, as described in the specification, but in a

first pass you should only consider “coord” or “coordIndex”. Only after the implementation of the

parser supporting only these two fields is complete and debugged, you should attempt to add support

for all the other IndexedFaceSet fields. Work incrementally by adding support for a few fields at a time,

and only move on to add more nodes after debugging for the previous nodes is complete. You should

create a few small test vrml files to help you debug your code. Of course, the file being parsed may

contain a variety of syntax errors, which you need to detect and handle so that the parser does not

crash. You should first implement the parser without paying attention to error handling, assuming that

the input file has no syntax errors, and you should test it with files which you had verified by visual

inspection, or by loading the file into another VRML viewer such as MeshLab. Then you should enclose

the whole parser in a try-catch block to handle errors in a consistent manner using exceptions. You may

want to modify the Tokenizer get() and expecting() functions so that they throw exceptions. If you

detect an error while parsing a VRML file, you should clear the Ifs class being constructed and return an

error message or code. If you can identify the location in the input file where the error was detected,

you should report it as part of the error message or code.

ENGN2912B 2020 | Lecture15 - 17

ifstream ifstr(inputFileName);

char cstr[512]


string str = cstr;

if(str!= “#VRML V2.0 utf8”) { // ERROR }

Tokenizer tokenizer(ifstr);

// search for first occurrence of IndexedFaceSet

while(tokenizer.get() && tokenizer!=”IndexedFaceSet”);

// here we should have tokenizer==”IndexedFaceSet” or ... what else?

// what to do if no “IndexedFaceSet” token is found in the file ?


while(tokenizer.get()) {

if(tokenizer==”coord”) {





while(tokenizer.get() && tokenizer!=”]”) {

// ... parse float value from tokenizer and save value in Ifs._coord

// ... throw exception if unable to



} else if(tokenizer==”coordIndex”) {


while(tokenizer.get() && tokenizer!=”]”) {

// ... parse int value from tokenizer and save value in Ifs._coordIndex

// ... throw exception if unable to


// parse other IndexedFaceSet fields here, such as color, normal, ccw, etc

// } else if(tokenizer==”ccw”) { ...

} else if(tokenizer==”}”) {

// matches “{“ found after “IndexedFaceSet”


} else { // syntax ERROR

throw string(“found unexpected token while parsing IndexedFaceSet”);



// - you should throw an exception if any of the expecting() calls return false

// - you should catch all the exceptions and exit gracefully in case of syntax errors

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