Assignment 3 - friendship ended with malloc
Due: 11:59PM Wednesday 28th April 2021 Sydney time
This assignment is worth 15% of your final assessment
Task description
In this assignment you will be implementing a simple dynamic memory allocator with a similar interface to the standard
libary functions (such as malloc) that you are familiar with.
You will be implementing your allocator as a library of functions that can be called by other programs, rather than as a
standalone executable.
The standard library and other real world allocator implementations obtain raw areas of memory from the kernel using the
mmap and brk syscalls. Under a simplified memory model, these raw areas of memory are described as “the heap”. The
allocator implements internal data structures that keep track of which parts of these raw blocks of memory are allocated
or not. As you will be familiar, programs use library functions such as malloc and free to request dynamic memory
from and return dynamic memory to the allocator. It is the allocator’s responsibility to use its internal data structures to
mark memory that is allocated so that it does not overlap with any other allocations made, and to allow memory that is
freed to be allocated to future dynamic memory requests. Furthermore, it is the allocator’s responsibility to appropriately
call syscalls to obtain further memory from the operating system if required for an allocation, or to return memory to the
operating system if it is no longer required.
In this assignment, your allocator will manage a virtualised heap using a function we provide that simulates using brk to
manipulate a real process heap. When dynamic memory is requested from your allocator, it will allocate it from this virtual
Memory allocation process
Your virtual heap is simply a contiguous region of memory that you have read and write access to. Details on how you
manage it are below in “Managing your Virtual Heap Memory”.
You will implement a simple buddy allocation algorithm to manage your virtual heap. Buddy allocation fulfils all allocations
from a starting block of memory that is 2n
bytes in size, where n is a non-negative integer. During the allocation process,
the starting memory is repeatedly halved, creating blocks of size 2i
bytes where i is a non-negative integer and i < n. i also
has a minimum value that we will refer to as MIN.
Allocation Algorithm
When a request for an allocation of k bytes of memory is made, follow this algorithm:
1. If there exists an unallocated block of size 2j
bytes such that 2j-1 < k ≤ 2j
, allocate and return the leftmost such
unallocated block. Exception: if there exists an unallocated block of size 2MIN and k ≤ 2MIN, allocate and return the
leftmost such block (because there are no smaller blocks to allocate)
2. If there exist no such unallocated blocks, create an unallocated block of size 2j
bytes (if k ≤ 2MIN, let j = MIN) by the
below steps
3. Split the leftmost unallocated block of size 2j+1 bytes in half. Allocate and return the left half for this request. The
right half becomes a free unallocated block of size 2j
. Blocks which are split are not allocatable. The 2 child blocks
which result from a split are called buddies of each other.
4. If no unallocated block of size 2j+1 exists, repeat the last step with the leftmost unallocated block of size 2j+2, and so
on as required, up to splitting the original block of 2n
5. If no block of suitable size can be found, return an appropriate error as described below in the functions you have to
Note the following:
• The entire unallocated block is allocated for the request. In buddy allocation, there is often some wasted space
because requested memory is less than the appropriate power-of-2 block size.
• “Left” refers to smaller memory addresses
• Any area of memory can only be allocated once. If allocation succeeds, callers will expect to have exclusive access,
at the pointer you return, to the number of bytes of memory they requested.
• Size limits are defined by the types we have specified for the functions you implement.
Deallocation algorithm
When a previously allocated block of memory of size 2j
bytes is requested to be freed, follow this algorithm:
1. If the buddy block of the freed block is also unallocated, merge the two buddies to form an unallocated block of size
2. Repeat the previous step if the buddy block of this new 2j+1 block is also unallocated. Continue until no more unallocated
buddy blocks can be merged.
Note the following:
• Unallocated buddy blocks which have been merged are no longer eligible for allocation, only the new parent unallocated
block can be allocated (unless it is split up again)
Reallocation algorithm
When an allocated piece of memory is requested to be reallocated, follow this algorithm:
1. Make a new request for allocation at the new requested size, computing as if the previous piece of memory is freed
2. If the new allocation succeeds, the original data in the previous piece of memory should be made available at the
new allocated block according to the details for the virtual_realloc function below
3. If the new allocation fails, the original allocation must be unchanged
Managing your Virtual Heap Memory
All functions that you have to implement accept a heapstart parameter, which is a pointer to the start of the contiguous
region of memory that represents your virtual heap.
Your code can call a virtual_sbrk function that you can use to determine and change the size of your virtual heap space,
analogously to the real-world sbrk and brk syscalls; its prototype is below. You do not need to use the real sbrk or brk
for this assignment.
void * virtual_sbrk(int32_t increment);
The “program break” of your virtual heap refers to the address of the first byte after the end of your heap. (For the avoidance
of doubt, “program break” in this document always refers to your virtual heap, and not any real program break of your process
memory layout).
The increment parameter indicates the number of bytes to increase (positive increment) or decrease the virtual heap size,
by changing the program break by the same amount. If the call is successful, virtual_sbrk returns the previous program
break of your virtual heap. If the call is unsuccessful (for example because the virtual heap cannot increase further in size),
virtual_sbrk returns (void *)(-1) (errno is not set).
If virtual_sbrk indicates it cannot increase your virtual heap space and this would cause your allocation to fail, then
you should return the appropriate error for your function.
Functions to implement
Implement the following functions for your allocator. Do not write any main() function. Other programs will directly call
your functions.
void init_allocator(void * heapstart, uint8_t initial_size, uint8_t min_size);
This function will be called exactly once before any other functions in your allocator are called.
In this function, initialise your buddy allocation data structures and complete any preparation in the virtual heap memory
you have been provided. This will be passed to each of your allocator functions, using the heapstart pointer only. You
cannot pass any other state between your functions other than what is in your virtual heap. You may not use the standard
library’s dynamic memory (such as malloc), or global variables, or files (even if you store pointers to external memory within
your virtual heap).
Your buddy allocator starts with an initial unallocated block of memory of 2initial_size bytes. The minimum size of allocatable
blocks will be 2min_size
It is up to you how you lay out your data structures in your virtual heap, but it must semantically behave as the buddy allocator
described above. Use virtual_sbrk to set your virtual heap size as you require.
void * virtual_malloc(void * heapstart, uint32_t size);
Request an allocation from your allocator of size bytes. Follow the buddy allocation algorithm outlined to return a pointer
to the block of memory that you have allocated for the caller. Return NULL if you cannot fulfil the allocation or if size is 0.
Newly allocated memory does not need to be initialised.
int virtual_free(void * heapstart, void * ptr);
ptr is a pointer to a previously allocated block of memory. Your allocator should free the allocation according to the buddy
allocation algorithm above. If successful, return 0. If ptr is not a pointer to a block of memory that was previously allocated,
return non-zero.
void * virtual_realloc(void * heapstart, void * ptr, uint32_t size);
Resize a previously allocated block of memory pointed to by ptr to a new size of size bytes, according to the buddy
allocation algorithm above. The contents of the new block of memory should be identical to the old. If the size is smaller,
the contents should be truncated. If the size is larger, the newly added memory region does not need to be initialised. Return
the pointer to the new allocation (which may be identical to ptr). Return NULL if you cannot fulfil the reallocation. In this
case, the previously allocated block of memory should not be freed and should be unchanged. If ptr is NULL, you should
behave as if virtual_malloc(size) was called. If size is 0 (including if ptr is NULL in this case), you should behave
as if virtual_free(ptr) was called (always return NULL, even if the free would fail).
void virtual_info(void * heapstart);
Print out information about the current state of your buddy allocator to standard output. Output one line per allocatable block,
allocated or unallocated, from “left” to “right”, in the following format: <allocation status> <size>. Allocation
status is either allocated or free and size is in bytes (of the entire block).
Suppose that heapstart = 0x1000 and init_allocator is called with initial_size = 15 and min_size =
12. The diagram below shows the initial state of the virtual heap. Note that the space and location of your data structures
is up to you and depends on your implementation of the buddy allocator. Note that virtual_sbrk has been used to set
the virtual program break appropriately to fit what is being placed on the virtual heap.
Suppose that virtual_malloc(heapstart, 8000) is called. 212 < 8000 ≤ 213, but we only have an unallocated block
of size 215. Therefore, we split the starting block in half twice, then allocate the leftmost block of size 213 for this request.
The address of this block is returned to the caller.
Suppose that virtual_malloc(heapstart, 10000) is called. 213 < 10000 ≤ 214, so we allocate our only unallocated
14 block and return its address to the caller.
At this stage, if virtual_info(heapstart) was called, we expect the output:
allocated 8192
free 8192
allocated 16384
Suppose the allocated 213 block were freed. It will merge with its unallocated buddy to the right, forming an unallocated 214
size block. However, the buddy of this is not free, so there is no more merging that occurs. If the allocated 214 size block
were also freed, it would merge with its buddy to reform the original 215 size block.
In your allocator library code:
• You may not access outside the bounds of your virtual heap without using virtual_sbrk to resize it properly
• You may not use dynamic memory of any kind, including any from the standard library allocator, brk, sbrk, mmap,
alloca or variable-length arrays, except that which you obtain from virtual_sbrk.
• You may not access any files, or use any global or static variables.
In your testing code (code that sets up and runs test cases which call your allocator library code):
• The above restrictions do not apply.
• You may use dynamic memory. You may not use alloca or variable-length arrays.
If your submission violates any of these restrictions, it may receive 0.
Test Cases
You must write test cases for this assignment. Details on execution and marking of your test cases is included below.
You will need to create your own virtual heap memory area and write your own virtual_sbrk function in your testing
code for your library to access.
Code Submission and Marking Criteria
Submit your assignment on Ed via git. It must compile and run on the Ed submission system.
Your code will be compiled with the default rule of the Makefile; a scaffold is provided. The scaffold contains tests.c
which includes sample main() code that calls into your library functions. The executable that you use for your test cases
must be built by this rule.
The default rule is also what will be used to compile your code for automarked correctness, but (only) your tests.c will
be replaced.
Test cases you write must be executed by make run_tests, which should run your tests and report back on their results
in a human readable format.
You can modify your Makefile, but you cannot change the compiler, the compilation flags in CFLAGS, or remove tests.c
from the default rule.
Failing to adhere to these rules will prevent your markers from running your code and tests and you may receive 0.
Only the last submission will be graded. Late submissions will incur the late penalty described in the Unit of Study outline.
The marking criteria follow (15 marks total):
• 4 marks for correctness (passing Ed automatic test cases). Some test cases will be hidden and not available before
or after the deadline.
• 2 marks for minimising the amount of virtual heap memory you use under several allocation scenarios. You are
only eligible for these marks if you pass all the correctness test cases. Usage will be measured after a series of
allocations are performed, not while your allocation functions are executing. All submissions using less than defined
cut-off amounts of memory will be awarded 2 marks, with the amount awarded decreasing with increasing memory
usage above this level.
• 7 marks for an oral solution discussion with a COMP2017 staff member regarding your implementation. You will be
required to attend a Zoom session after the submission deadline according to allocation instructions sent to you via
email and posted on Ed. In this session, you may be asked:
– Explain how you are maintaining the state of the allocation and your memory layout
– Explain how virtual_malloc and/or virtual_free and/or virtual_realloc change your state and
memory layout
– Discuss the overhead and space efficiency of how you are maintaining state
– Further questions
– Your code will also be assessed on C coding style conventions, provided in Ed resources
– If you do not make a reasonable attempt at the assignment, you will not be eligible for an oral session.
• 2 marks for your own automated test cases, executed with make run_tests as described above. Ensure that your
testing code outputs the result of each test in a human readable format.
Warning: Any attempts to deceive or disrupt the marking system will result in an immediate zero for the entire assignment.
Negative marks can be assigned if you do not follow the assignment problem description or if your code is unnecessarily
or deliberately obfuscated.
• There are marks available for minimising virtual heap memory usage in this assignment. Consider how you implement
your data structures and make sure you shrink your virtual heap with virtual_sbrk when you can. Remember
these marks are only awarded once you pass all correctness test cases.
Academic Declaration
By submitting this assignment you declare the following:
I declare that I have read and understood the University of Sydney Student Plagiarism: Coursework Policy and Procedure,
and except where specifically acknowledged, the work contained in this assignment/project is my own work, and has not
been copied from other sources or been previously submitted for award or assessment.
I understand that failure to comply with the Student Plagiarism: Coursework Policy and Procedure can lead to severe penalties
as outlined under Chapter 8 of the University of Sydney By-Law 1999 (as amended). These penalties may be imposed
in cases where any significant portion of my submitted work has been copied without proper acknowledgment from other
sources, including published works, the Internet, existing programs, the work of other students, or work previously submitted
for other awards or assessments.
I realise that I may be asked to identify those portions of the work contributed by me and required to demonstrate my
knowledge of the relevant material by answering oral questions or by undertaking supplementary work, either written or in
the laboratory, in order to arrive at the final assessment mark.
I acknowledge that the School of Computer Science, in assessing this assignment, may reproduce it entirely, may provide
a copy to another member of faculty, and/or communicate a copy of this assignment to a plagiarism checking service or
in-house computer program, and that a copy of the assignment may be maintained by the service or the School of Computer
Science for the purpose of future plagiarism checking.
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