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您当前位置:首页 >> C/C++编程C/C++编程

日期:2023-06-01 10:09

Homework 2 System Skill (Term III/2022)

built on 2023/05/19 at 07:55:07 due: Friday, June 2nd @ 11:59pm

This assignment will give you practice on basic C programming. You will implement a few C

programs, test them thoroughly, and hand them in. To work on Tasks 4 and 5, you will need a few starter



We interpret collaboration very liberally. You may work with other students. However, each student

must write up and hand in his or her assignment separately. Let us repeat: You need to write your

own code. You must not look at or copy someone else’s code. You need to write up answers to written

problems individually. The fact that you can recreate the solution from memory will be taken as proof

that you actually understood it, and you may actually be interviewed about your answers.

Be sure to indicate who you have worked with (refer to the hand-in instructions).

Hand-in Instructions

To submit this assignment, please follow the steps below:

1. Zip up all the scripts and name it a2.zip i.e.

> zip a2.zip vert_hist.c roman.c tabutil.c life_engine.c unscramble.c

2. Log on to Canvas, go to assignment 2submission page and submit your zip file there.

If you collaborate with another student, include in your zip file a README file indicating your

collaborators and the extent to which you work together.

Homework 2 System Skill

Task 1: Vertical Histogram (15 points)

You will write a program that prints a histogram of frequencies of letters in the English alphabet. The

input will come from stdin. Your program should downcase all input letters and ignore symbols besides

a to z. The output is a histogram rendered vertically. Please make sure you must support reading

multiple lines if you pipe the input from a file using the cat command.

Code and Compilation: Your code will be one standalone file called vert_hist.c. Use the following

command to generate an executable vert_hist. Your code must compile clean with this command.

gcc -Wall -W -pedantic -o vert_hist vert_hist.c

Example: Below is an example assuming vert_hist has been compiled and lives in the current

directory. Each * represents a count of 1.

echo This Is a TeST--Hello, MississippI. Yippie | ./vert_hist


Hint: Learn about the function getchar. Furthermore, you can use cat and pipe to test this

program. For example, the command “cat poem.txt | ./vert_hist” will read poem.txt and send

it to the stdin of your program.

Hint #2: A few functions in ctypes.h will prove to be useful. For example, what does tolower do?

How about isalpha? Use the man command to find out.

Task 2: ToInt (5 points)

In this task, you will write a function int toInt(char* Roman) that takes in a character array that is

formatted in Roman Numeral and convert this to an integer. You must also write the main function that

takes the into from the stdin using scanf to test your code.

Code and Compilation: Your code will be one standalone file called roman.c. Use the following

command to generate an executable roman. Your code must compile clean with this command.

gcc -Wall -W -pedantic -o roman roman.c

Hint: The similar functions and library from Task 1 will be useful here as well.

Task 3: Entab/Detab Utility (10 points)

The tab character ('\t') is both useful and annoying. You will write a program, called tabutil.c, with

the following features:


Homework 2 System Skill

• tabutil -d <num_spaces> will read from stdin and print to stdout, replacing every tab occurrence with num_spaces consecutive spaces. For example, tabutil -d 4 will turn each tab into

4 spaces.

• tabutil -e <num_spaces> will read from stdin and print to stdout, turn each occurrence of

num_spaces consecutive spaces into a tab (i.e., does the reverse of -d).

Code and Compilation: Your code will be one standalone file called tabutil.c. Use the following

command to generate an executable vert_hist. Your code must compile clean with this command.

gcc -Wall -W -pedantic -o tabutil tabutil.c

Task 4: Game of Life (25 points)

In this problem, you will be implementing Conway’s Game of Life. Back in 1970, British Mathematician

J. H. Conway created the Game of Life, a simulation of a population of lifeforms over generations. The

simulation takes place on a 2-dimensional grid. We provide a description of the Game of Life below.

For many of you, this is your very first time programming in C. For this reason, we have done

the design work for you, providing function prototypes, each of the function skeletons, and ample

comments to help you get started.

The Game of Life

The Game of Life takes place on a 2-dimensional grid. Each grid cell can house zero or one organism.

The game starts with an arbitrary initial grid—that is, some cells are inhabited and some are empty.

Cells that are occupied are alive; the other cells are dead.

From this initial grid, the next generation of population is obtained by the following rules:

• a cell has 8 neighbors, those cells that immediately surround it vertically, horizontally, and

diagonally (on both diagonals).

• If a cell is alive and has 2 or 3 live neighbors, it will remain alive in the next generation.

• If a cell is alive and has fewer than 2 live neighbors, it will die of loneliness.

• If a cell is alive and has 4 or more live neighbors, it will die of suffocation.

• If a cell is dead and has exactly 3 live neighbors, a new organism will be born in that cell. Otherwise,

it remains dead in the next generation.

• Importantly: All births and deaths take place at exactly the same time. That is to say, all the

cells’ neighbors are counted simultaneously, based on the current generation, before the next

generation is produced. This means, for example, that it is possible for a new cell to be born out

of current live neighbors that will be dead in the next generation.

In the original game, the rules assume an infinite grid in all directions. However, we can only store a

finite-sized grid, so what to do with cells that are beyond our finite grid? For this problem, treat any cell

that isn’t on the finite grid as dead.

To gain a better understanding of the game, you can find a simulator at http://pmav.eu/stuff/

javascript-game-of-life-v3.1.1/. Use this to ensure that you understand the rules and to determine whether or not your implementation is working correctly.


Homework 2 System Skill

Your Task

We have prepared for you the following files:

• life_engine.c - the file containing function stubs that you will complete, though some functions have already been written for you.

• life_engine.h - the header file (that you will not modify) corresponding to functions and

datatypes used in the simulation. Even though you aren’t changing this file, you should look

through it.

• life_driver.c - the “driver” code that will make use of your functions in running a game of life

simulation. Once compiled (see below), you run it as life <starting file> <num iterations>.

• sample_life.txt is a sample starting file.

You will be filling in the provided file, life_engine.c. You must complete each of the provided

functions and should not add any additional ones. Each of your functions should have the behavior

specified in the explanatory comments, making calls to other functions as you see fit. Specifically, you

will implement the following functions:

• get_index

• is_in_range

• is_alive

• count_live_nbrs

• make_next_board

Code and Compilation: This task is special in that it involves multiple files. Our goal is to generate

an executable called life. The following command will compile the source files and link them (i.e.,

combine) as life. Your code must compile clean with it.

gcc -o life -Wall -W -pedantic life_engine.c life_driver.c

Task 5: Unscramble (25 points)

You will write a program that takes in 2 files: a dictionary file and a file listing jumbled words. Your

binary will be called unscramble and will be run using

unscramble <dictionary> <jumbles>

The <jumbles> file contains a bunch of scrambled words, one word per line. Your job is to print out

these jumbles words, 1 word to a line. After each jumbled word, print a list of real dictionary words that

could be formed by unscrambling the jumbled word. The dictionary words that you have to choose

from are in the <dictionary> file. As an example, the starter package contains two sample input files

and the result should look as follows. The order that you display the dictionary words on each line can

be different; however, the order that you print out the jumbled words should be identical to the order in

your input. The sample out below is skipping a few lines to save handout space (your output must not

omit these lines).


Homework 2 System Skill

nwae: wean anew wane

eslyep: sleepy

rpeoims: semipro imposer promise

ettniner: renitent

ahicryrhe: hierarchy

dica: acid cadi caid

dobol: blood

nyegtr: gentry

cukklen: knuckle

warllc: NO MATCHES

addej: jaded

baltoc: cobalt

mycall: calmly

dufil: fluid

preko: poker

... lines omitted ..

milit: limit

pudmy: dumpy

hucnah: haunch

genjal: jangle

(When a word doesn’t unscramble to any dictionary word, you’ll say “NO MATCHES” as shown in

the example above.)

Logistics: Your code should follow good programming style. This includes writing each logical unit of

code in a self-contained function that is not too long. We’re a little impatient: On the sample input, we

are willing to wait only up to around 3 seconds on Hamachi.

The sample files can be found in the handout directory (see the beginning of this handout).

Code and Compilation: Your code will be one standalone file called unscramble.c. Use the following

command to generate an executable unscramble. Your code must compile clean with this command.

gcc -Wall -W -pedantic -o unscramble unscramble.c

ASSUMPTIONS: For ease, you can assume that no words are longer than 50 letters and the dictionary

file contains no more than 500,000 words.

TIPS: You should observe that a word s unscrambles to a dictionary word w if when you sort the letters

of s lexicographically and similarly sort the letters of w, they result in the same sequence of letters. For

example, sorted("eslyep") is eelpsy, which is the same as sorted("sleepy"). Furthermore, it is

easy to sort an array (or a string—i.e., an array of characters) using the built-in function qsort.



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