• For all the above algorithms, whenever ties occur, they should be broken arbitrarily. In
other words, if a particular routing algorithm determines that there are two or more paths
between the source and destination with exactly similar costs then the algorithm should
choose one of these paths randomly.
• Your program MUST NOT look for alternate paths between the source and destination of
a virtual circuit request in case the path selected by the routing protocol results in a blocked
request. Simply count this as a blocked request (packet) and move on to the next one.
• Your program will need to keep track of time. You may assume that time starts at 0. Recall
that the workload file specifiesthe time at which each virtual connection request originates
in the network and the duration of each virtual circuit (provided it is established). Clearly,
in the case of virtual packet network, you must extract the starting time and duration for
each packet and then make a virtual circuit request per each packet. Note that when the
connection request is divided into the packets in the virtual packet network, your program
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must be careful about the order of the starting time of the packets of different connection
requests. As discussed earlier the routing decision for each circuit request can be processed
in zero time. Remember to free up the resources dedicated for a circuit once the duration
of the circuit elapses.
• Your program should maintain the following statistics:
o The total number of virtual connection requests.
o The total number of packets.
o The number (and percentage) of successfully routed packets.
o The number (and percentage) of blocked packets.
o The average number of hops (i.e. links) consumed per successfully routed circuit.
o The average source-to-destination cumulative propagation delay per successfully
routed circuit.
Note that in the case of virtual circuit network, your program make one circuit for all
packets of a requested connection, thus the program should cascade the results of the
virtual circuit over all packets in the corresponding connection. For example, in this
case, if a connection has been blocked, it means that all packets of the connection are
• The following illustrates an example initiation of your program:
java RoutingPerformance CIRCUIT SHP topology.txt workload.txt (for JAVA)
RoutingPerformance CIRCUIT SHP topology.txt workload.txt (for C)
• Once your program has read through the entire workload file and finished processing all
virtual circuit requests, it should output all of the above statistics to the terminal and then
exit. A sample output from one run of the program is as follows:
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You output format MUST be exactly same as the above sample output. You need only to
change the above 7 performance metrics values according to your program results. Also,
the maximum number of decimal places for real performance values must be set to 2.
Moreover, you MUST write the above output format in the standard output.
We will wait for reasonable amount of time (3 - 4 minutes) for your output to appear (with
the provided workload.txt file). If you observe that your program is taking longer than 4
minutes to execute the workload file then please indicate this in your report so that we
know that your program is not in an infinite loop.
Additional Notes
• You may choose to work either individually or in a group of two. If you form a group,
please send an email with the names/student-id of your group members to the class account
(cs3331@cse.unsw.edu.au) by Sunday, 24th September 2017, 11:59 pm. You must
use the email title “Programming Assignment 2: Group”. Confirmations for
groups will be sent out by 12:00 PM (noon) of 25th of September 2017. WE CANNOT
• We neither are able to help you choose a group member nor would be accepting more than
2 people in a group. We may make facilities available on OpeanLearning for this. Please
check assignment 2 page and class announcement for this.
total number of virtual circuit requests: 200
total number of packets: 4589
number of successfully routed packets: 2000
percentage of successfully routed packets: 43.58
number of blocked packets: 2589
percentage of blocked packets: 56.42
average number of hops per circuit: 5.42
average cumulative propagation delay per circuit: 120.54
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• Marking criteria will remain the same for groups. Unless advised otherwise, contribution
from each member will be considered equal. If there is any problem with group members
not cooperating, this must be reported to the LIC immediately as dealing with group
problems post submission will be hard to manage. Please keep a log of your
• While you are encouraged to adopt good programming practices, your coding style is NOT
subject to marking.
• The programs will be tested on CSE Linux machines. So please make sure that your
program runs correctly on these machines. This is especially important if you plan to
develop and test the programs on your personal computers (which may possibly use a
different OS or version). We are unable to accommodate the request to have you
demonstrate it on your laptop/desktop machines. Please plan ahead for any porting issues.
• Tips on how to get started:
o Focus first on making sure that your program can read in and model the network
topology. The 4-node example discussed earlier is a good one to start with.
o Next focus on getting ONE routing algorithm working. The Shortest Hop Path (SHP)
is the easiest one, since it entails implementing Dijkstra’s algorithm using a link cost
of 1 for each hop traversed. Spend a lot of time testing your Dijkstra’s algorithm to
make sure that it is working properly. This will definitely pay off in the long run.
o The Shortest Delay Path (SDP) is a simple variant of SHP and will involve a simple
modification (i.e. changing the link cost) to your implementation of SHP. The Least
Loaded Path (LLP) will require reasonable modifications but is still relatively easy
to implement.
o Test your routing algorithm(s) with a SMALL network topology and a SMALL
virtual circuit workload file. Links with very low capacity (e.g. 1) are useful in initial
testing. Make sure that the routing is working, and that your program is able to
compute the required statistics.
o Extend your program for the virtual packet network case and repeat all tests for all
three routing algorithms.
o Once you are fairly confident that your program is working correctly for a small
topology, and then move on to the provided sample topology. It may be useful to
initially test out the workload file incrementally (e.g.: first 10 requests, first 50
requests, first 100 requests and so on).
Non-programming assignment is allowed as an exception to non-CSE and nonEE&T
students who do not have experience with programming
(e.g: Mechatronics).Note that non-CSE students are encouraged to attempt the
programming assignment. Check details about this on the alternate assignment
page on OpenLearning. You must send an email to class account indicating that
you are opting for non-programming assignment by 22nd of September 2017,
12:00 PM (noon). If no emails is received, you are assumed to have opted for
standard version of the assignment.
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• Language and Platform: You are free to use either C or C++ or JAVA or Python to
implement this assignment (you can choose only one of these languages for the entire
assignment, not a combination of them). Your assignment will be tested on the Linux
Platform. Make sure you develop your code under Linux (check the version on CSE
• Plagiarism: You are to write all of the code for this assignment yourself. All source codes
are subject to strict checks for plagiarism, via highly sophisticated plagiarism detection
software. These checks may include comparison with available code from Internet sites
and assignments from previous semesters. In addition, each submission will be checked
against all other submissions of the current semester. Please note that we take this matter
quite seriously. The LIC will decide on appropriate penalty for detected cases of
plagiarism. The most likely penalty would be to reduce the assignment mark to ZERO
and reported to school plagiarism register. We are aware that a lot of learning takes place
in student conversations, and don't wish to discourage those. However, it is important, for
both those helping others and those being helped, not to provide/accept any programming
language code in writing, as this is apt to be used exactly as is, and lead to plagiarism
penalties for both the supplier and the copier of the codes. Write something on a piece of
paper, by all means, but tear it up/take it away when the discussion is over.
• Submission: includes 3 main components:
1. Your program file
2. A 3-page report
3. A maximum of 5 min screencast of your program as specified in page 9 of this
1: You really need only one file: RoutingPerformance.c (or RoutingPerformance.java).
If you are using C and if you are going to use any other files besides these two such as
header files or other .c files then you will have to submit a Makefile along with your code.
This is because we need to know how to resolve the dependencies among all the files that
you have provided. If you are using Java and have multiple files, a makefile will not be
necessary if your program doesn’t need any CLASPATH settings (javac *.java usually
work here).
2: You should submit a report, report.pdf (no more than 3 pages) including the following
3 items:
o An explanation on the data structure(s) that you have used for the internal
representation of the network topology.
o A tabulated summary of the comparison of the performance metrics for the 3 routing
protocols over the virtual circuit network. This comparison MUST be carried out
using the provided topology and workload files (topology.txt and workload.txt).
Your table must contain 8 columns (one each for the 8 performance metrics) and 6
rows (one each for the 3 routing protocols for two networks).
o An analysis of the results, i.e., where possible you MUST provide reasons for the
performance results that you observe. In particular comment on the reason behind
the differences in the following metrics for the 3 protocols: percentage of blocked
requests, average number of hops and the average propagation delay.
o Performance evaluation of the virtual packet network with respect to the packet rate
and different routing protocols. To this end, you need to collect the values of three
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performance metrics percentage of successfully routed packets, average number of
hops per circuit, average cumulative propagation delay per circuit by varying the
packet rates in the range of 1 - 5 and changing the routing protocols over the
topology.txt and workload.txt files. Then, you will create three plots corresponding
to each performance metric. In each plot, the x-axis is the different values of packet
rates and the y-axis is the performance values. Also, in each plot you draw three line
charts corresponding to each routing protocol. Finally, try to describe the plots and
the reason of the results by one paragraph for each plot.
3: A maximum of 5 min video must be included with your submission. This video is your
program DEMO and must start from Test 1 and finish by Test 4 in Marking Guide lines
specified in the following section. This is mandatory and it’s like DEMO for assignment 1.
We cannot mark your work without this.
• Marking Guidelines:
The marking will consist of the following sequence of tests:
➢ Test 1: Correct Compilation
Correct compilation of all files: 2 mark
➢ Test 2: Shortest Hop Path (SHP) Test
We will first evaluate the SHP routing protocol for both networks. We will first verify the
performance for the provided topology and workload files and then test with a different
topology and associated workload: 12 marks
➢ Test 3: Shortest Delay Path (SDP) Test
We will next evaluate the SDP routing protocol for both networks. The same topology and
workload files as in the SHP test will be used for this evaluation: 14 marks
➢ Test 4: Least Loaded Path (LLP) Test
Next we will evaluate the LLP routing protocol for both networks. The same topology and
workload files as in the SHP test will be used for this evaluation: 18 marks
Test 5: Report
Your report is worth 14 marks. Your report will be evaluated as follows:
• Description of the data structure used to create the internal representation of the network
topology: 2 marks
• Tabulated comparison of the performance metrics of the 3 routing protocols for the
provided topology and workload files: 2 marks
• Explanation of the performance results observed: 2 marks
• Plots for performance evaluation of the virtual packet network: 4 marks
• Explanation of the plots: 4 marks
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• Link to Mandatory Screencast Demo (Test 5)
Test 5: Mandatory Screencast Demo
The screencast demo must go through Test 1 until Test 4 (inclusive). You may describe your
program during this or just run the tests within a maximum of 5 minutes. You must show your
code during the screencast and you must be logged in to your own CSE account while doing
this. We will compare the submitted program with the DEMO and any cheating will result in
ZERO mark.
The screencast must be uploaded on YouTube before the deadline and a link must be included
for this in your report. Videos changed after submission date, will be ignored.
The screencast is mandatory and it’s like DEMO for Assignment 1. Your work cannot
be marked without it and your mark will be severely penalized with no exceptions
Final Mark: The final mark out of 50 is then scaled to 15.
• Late Submission Penalty: Late penalty will be applied as follows:
o 1 day after deadline: 10% reduction
o 2 days after deadline: 20% reduction
o 3 days after deadline: 30% reduction
o 4 days after deadline: 40% reduction
o 5 or more days late: NOT accepted
NOTE: The above penalty is applied to your final total. For example, if you submit your
assignment 1 day late and your score on the assignment is 60, then your final mark will be
60 – 6 (10% penalty) = 54.
• Tutors Marking Procedure:
The following shows the sequence of events that will be involved in marking your
1) We will start from your Screencast DEMO.
2) We will then test your program with the network topology and workload files that are
provided on the assignment page on OpenLearning (topology.txt and workload.txt). All 3
routing protocols and two networks will be tested.
3) We will repeat the tests for a different topology and associated workload file. Note that,
the format of the topology and workload files will be consistent with those provided on
4) Finally, your report will be marked.
IMPORTANT NOTE: We will not read through your code to evaluate your coding style, etc.
For assignments that fail to execute all of the above tests, we will be unable to award you a
substantial mark.
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