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日期:2018-04-19 10:16

Word Chains

Data Structures and Algorithms

Change Log

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25 September

Example for stage 3 corrected

Version 1: Released on 22 September 2017


The assignment aims to give you more independent, self-directed practice with

advanced data structures, especially graphs

graph algorithms

asymptotic runtime analysis


Marks 3 marks for stage 1 (correctness)

3 marks for stage 2 (correctness)

3 marks for stage 3 (correctness)

3 marks for stage 4 (correctness)

2 marks for complexity analysis

1 mark for style


Total: 15 marks

Due 23:59 on Wednesday 18 October (week 12)

Late 2.25 marks (15%) off the ceiling per day late

(e.g. if you are 25 hours late, your maximum possible mark is 10.5)


A word chain is a sequence of k ≥ 1 words:

ω1 → ω2 → ω3 → … → ωk-1 → ωk

in which

words appear in alphabetical order, and

each word ωi+1 is related to its predecessor ωi


1. changing one letter, e.g. bear → beer

COMP9024 17s2 - Assignment 2 3/10/17, 3(43 pm

2. or adding or removing one letter, e.g. compete → complete or bear → ear.

An example is the following word chain of length k = 6:

bear → dear → ear → ears → hears → hearts

Your task is to write a program for computing the longest word chains that can be built from a given

collection of words.

Your program should:

prompt the user to input

a positive number n

n words

Task 1: compute and output, for each word ω, all words that could immediately follow ω in a

word chain,

Task 2: compute and output

a. the maximum length of a word chain that can be built from the given words,

b. all word chains of maximum length that can be built from the given words.

Your program should include a time complexity analysis, in Big-Oh notation, for

1. your implementation for task 1, depending on the number n of words and the maximum

length m of a word;

2. your implementation for task 2, depending on the number n of words.


You may assume that

the user input is correct (a number n ≥1 followed by n words);

the user inputs the words in alphabetical order;

no word has more than 19 characters;

there will be no more than 1000 words.

It may not be immediately obvious, but this problem is best understood and solved as a

graph problem. Hence, if you find any of the following ADTs from the lectures useful, then

you can, and indeed are encouraged to, use them with your program:

stack ADT : stack.h, stack.c

queue ADT : queue.h, queue.c

graph ADT : Graph.h, Graph.c

weighted graph ADT : WGraph.h, WGraph.c

You are free to modify any of the four ADTs for the purpose of the assignment (but without

changing the file names). If your program is using one or more of these ADTs, you should

submit both the header and implementation file, even if you have not changed them.

Your main program file should start with a comment: /* … */ that contains the time

complexity of your solutions for task 1 and task 2, together with an explanation.

Stage 1 (3 marks)

COMP9024 17s2 - Assignment 2 3/10/17, 3(43 pm

For stage 1, you should demonstrate that you can build the underlying graph correctly under the

assumption that all words are of equal length.

All tests for this stage will be such that all words have the same length and all given words together

form a word chain. Hence, all you need to do for task 2 at this stage is to output the total number of

words (= maximum length of a chain) and all words (= the only maximal chain).

Here is an example to show the desired behaviour of your program for a stage 1 test:

prompt$ ./wordchains

Enter a number: 6

Enter word: bear

Enter word: dear

Enter word: hear

Enter word: heat

Enter word: neat

Enter word: seat

bear: dear hear

dear: hear

hear: heat

heat: neat seat

neat: seat


Maximum chain length: 6

Maximal chains:

bear -> dear -> hear -> heat -> neat -> seat

Stage 2 (3 marks)

For stage 2, you should demonstrate that you can find a single maximal chain under the

assumption that all words are of equal length.

All tests for this stage will be such that all words have the same length and there is only one

maximal word chain.

Here is an example to show the desired behaviour of your program for a stage 2 test:

prompt$ ./wordchains

Enter a number: 8

Enter word: bear

Enter word: beer

Enter word: dear

Enter word: deer

Enter word: hear

Enter word: heat

Enter word: rear

Enter word: seat

bear: beer dear hear rear

beer: deer

COMP9024 17s2 - Assignment 2 3/10/17, 3(43 pm

dear: deer hear rear


hear: heat rear

heat: seat



Maximum chain length: 5

Maximal chains:

bear -> dear -> hear -> heat -> seat

Stage 3 (3 marks)

For stage 3, you should extend your program for stage 2 such that words can be of different length.

All tests for this stage will be such that there is only one maximal word chain.

Here is an example to show the desired behaviour of your program for a stage 3 test:

prompt$ ./wordchains

Enter a number: 6

Enter word: cast

Enter word: cat

Enter word: cats

Enter word: cost

Enter word: most

Enter word: moyst

cast: cat cost

cat: cats


cost: most

most: moyst


Maximum chain length: 4

Maximal chains:

cast -> cost -> most -> moyst

Stage 4 (3 marks)

For stage 4, you should extend your program for stage 3 such that it outputs, in alphabetical order,

all word chains of maximal length.

Here is an example to show the desired behaviour of your program for a stage 4 test:

prompt$ ./wordchains

Enter a number: 5

Enter word: cast

Enter word: cat

COMP9024 17s2 - Assignment 2 3/10/17, 3(43 pm

Enter word: cats

Enter word: cost

Enter word: most

cast: cat cost

cat: cats


cost: most


Maximum chain length: 3

Maximal chains:

cast -> cat -> cats

cast -> cost -> most


It is required that the maximal chains be printed in alphabetical order.


We have created a script that can automatically test your program. To run this test you can execute

the dryrun program for the corresponding assignment, i.e. assn2. It expects to find, in the

current directory, the program wordchains.c and any of the admissible ADTs

(Graph,WGraph,stack,queue) that your program is using, even if you use them unchanged.

You can use dryrun as follows:

prompt$ ~cs9024/bin/dryrun assn2

Please note: Passing the dryrun tests does not guarantee that your program is correct. You should

thoroughly test your program with your own test cases.


For this project you will need to submit a file named wordchains.c and, optionally, any of the

ADTs named Graph,WGraph,stack,queue that your program is using, even if you have not

changed them. You can either submit through WebCMS3 or use a command line. For example, if

your program uses the Graph ADT and the queue ADT, then you should submit:

prompt$ give cs9024 assn2 wordchains.c Graph.h Graph.c queue.h queue.c

Do not forget to add the time complexity to your main source code file wordchains.c.

You can submit as many times as you like — later submissions will overwrite earlier ones. You can

check that your submission has been received on WebCMS3 or by using the following command:

prompt$ 9024 classrun -check assn2

COMP9024 17s2 - Assignment 2 3/10/17, 3(43 pm


This project will be marked on functionality in the first instance, so it is very important that the

output of your program be exactly correct as shown in the examples above. Submissions which

score very low on the automarking will be looked at by a human and may receive a few marks,

provided the code is well-structured and commented.

Programs that generate compilation errors will receive a very low mark, no matter what other

virtues they may have. In general, a program that attempts a substantial part of the job and does

that part correctly will receive more marks than one attempting to do the entire job but with many


Style considerations include: readability, structured programming and good commenting.


Group submissions will not be allowed. Your program must be entirely your own work. Plagiarism

detection software will be used to compare all submissions pairwise (including submissions for

similar projects in previous years, if applicable) and serious penalties will be applied, particularly in

the case of repeat offences.

Do not copy from others; do not allow anyone to see your code, not even after the deadline

Please refer to the on-line sources to help you understand what plagiarism is and how it is dealt

with at UNSW:

Plagiarism and Academic Integrity

UNSW Plagiarism Procedure


See FAQ for some hints on how to get started.

Finally …

Best of luck and have fun! Michael

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