OS 1 Course Project
Time period: FOUR weeks(June 26 - July 23)
Goal: Build a further understanding of Operating Systems
Source data: Systor'17 trace (systor17-01.tar) from (iotta.snia.org/tracetypes/3)
Where to get the trace:
Go to: iotta.snia.org/tracetypes/3
You'll find the Systor'17 Traces, use the drop-down menu under Actions choose the
following options:
"Download README", to get the README file
"Download Sample", to get a sample trace
"view subtraces", to go to the next level page:
choose "view subtraces" under "Systor'17 Paper Traces", to go to the subtraces
download page
choose "Download via HTTP" under "Systor'17 Part 01 "
before a download starts, you are supposed to fill a Download License
Acceptance form online by providing the required information
Once you click the "Yes, I Accept", the download will start automatically
The filename "systor17-01.tar", size is 1007MB
Analysis: Once the trace is downloaded correctlly, it's your turn to analysis and manipulate the
trace data.
Task 0: You might need to de-compress the .tar file twice to get the .csv files (e.g.
2016022207-LUN0.csv). According to the trace sample file, there will be SIX types of entries
in each .csv file: Timestamp, Response, IOType, LUN, Offset, and Size
Task 1: Separate .csv files into two independent files according to "IOType", there should be
two files after the separation (R.csv and W.csv)
Task 2: Sort the entries of those two files by "Size", if the same "Size", sort by "Timestamp",
the sorted data should be written back in separate to the R.csv and W.csv accordingly
Task 3: Collect the data access pattern based on the sorted data: collect the number of
entries of each "Size"
Present Results: You are supposed to present the following topics:
Two independent files in total(R.csv & W.csv), one of which holds the analized data with the
"IOType" "R" while another holds that of "W" (Task 1). Note that the summary of the entries
of R/W files should equal to the total number of entries in the orignial systor17-01 after the
In each of the file, there should have two segments with a blank line between them: the
first segment is the sorted data by "Size" (Task 2), and the second segment is the statistic
analysis result (Taks 3).
A report describes Design of the project, followed by the Performance Results that
includes the total time span (calcuate by T_analysis_completes - T_analysis_starts ), the
average CPU utilization, and the average I/O bandwidth. Note that we assume the
analysis starts at Task 0ҁecompression of systor17-01.tar҂, and ends after Task 3
You may need to improve the system efficiency by reducing the total time span.
Assignment Requests: You must pack the following document tree as a "[your name].zip" file
and upload it to the Bloackboard.
[student id]
src_before // containing your source codes before optimizing
src_after // containing your source codes after optimizing
*README // a file showing how to run your codes
results // containing one R.csv and one W.csv, each of which holds sorted entries and
analized results.
*report // your report file
Grading: You should run your code and collect results for twice: the first time when your code
runs correctly , collect the time span as the base line; then start to optimize your code to make
sure that the time span should be at least 10% shorter. Otherwise you fail the project.
Hints: Any kinds of optimizations based on what you learned from the OS are encouraged such
as multiply threads, parallel IO, interleaved IO. You may consider the following issues during
your design and testing:
You may need to use multiple processes/threads, that some of them are handling
decompression, some are handling read data, and some are analyzing.
You may also need to think about the situation that if the main memory is not large
enough to place the entire decompressed systor17-01, some techniques and eviction
policies may be involved
There will be a decent numbers of I/Os, you may need to consider the memory
management to reudes small writes.
In order to reduce the total time span, you may need to use different processes/threads to
parallelization (e.g. one thread for decompress, one thread for read, and other thread(s)
for analysis).
Since the I/O operations during the analysis are mixed with decompress, read, and write,
you need to be careful of synchronlization issue. Especially, try to make sure that two
concurrent I/O, two writes don't write to the same location, always read the updated files
after writes.
You may need to write a "shell" to run the task 0-3 while collecting the timestamp
information as part of performance results.
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