ECE5550: Applied Kalman Filtering
7.1: Numeric integration to solve Bayesian recursion
■ Recall from Chap. 4 that the optimal Bayesian recursion is to:
Compute the pdf for predicting xk given all past observations
Update the pdf for estimating xk given all observations via
■ If we knew how to compute these pdfs, then we could find any desired estimator; e.g., mean, median, mode, whatever.
■ So far, we have assumed that computing these pdfs is intractable, so have made approximations to arrive at the KF, EKF, and SPKF.
■ We now revisit this assumption.
Numeric integration
■ The prediction step requires evaluating an integral.
■ Normalization of f (xk Zk ) via its denominator requires an integral
■ If state dimension n is large (e.g., n 3), evaluation of these multi- dimensional integrals may be impractical, even with modern CPUs.
■ Computation needed for a given precision scales exponentially with n. The particle filter will explore some clever ways to avoid this issue. But, first, we look at numeric integration for low-order problems.
■ Suppose that we wish to evaluate the definite integral
■ The rectangular rule approximates g(x) as piecewise constant.
■ Let Nr be the number of constant regions.
■ Then, the width of each region is w (xmax xmin)/Nr , and the integral can be approximated as
■ The trapezoidal rule approximates the function as piecewise linear.
■ The integral approximation is integral
Application to Bayesian inference
■ Can write prediction step as
■ If we can compute this integral for every value of xk , can directly estimate posterior distribution f (xk Zk ).
■ Limiting factor is precision vs. speed: Each integral requires O(Nr )
calculations at each of Nr evaluation points, or O(Nr(2)) operations.
TRACKING EXAMPLE: We wish to track time-varying xk for model
xk+1 = αxk + wk
zk = 0.1xk 3 + vk
where wk ~ N(0,σw(2)) and vk ~ N(0,σv(2)) are mutually uncorrelated and IID.
■ For the prediction step, we numerically integrate to approximate
■ For the time-update step, we directly compute
■ Note that the process model gives us
f (xk | xk-1) ~ N(αxk-1, σ2w)
and the measurement model gives us
f (zk | xk) ~ N (0.1xk 3 , σv 2 ).
■ For this example, let σw 0.2, σv 0.1, α 0.99, and x0 N(0,σw(2)).
■ Note that f (x0 Z0) needs to be specified, where
■ Since Z 1 is unknown, we assume f (x0 Z 1) f (x0) N(0,σw(2)).
■ Simulation run for 200 samples, range of integration from 3 to 3 with Nr 500 regions.
■ If we are able to find/approximate f (xk Zk ), we can compute mean, median, mode, whatever.
Can plot these point estimates as functions of time.
Alternately, can plot the sequence of distributions as a pseudo- color image (black is low probability; white is high probability).
% Code originally based on Angle TrackingExample.m by James McNames
% of Portland State University
clear; close all;
% Define User-Specified Parameters
nSamples = 201;
xMin = -3;
xMax = 3;
measurementNoiseSigma = 0 .1; processNoiseSigma = 0 .2; nRegions = 500; alpha = 0 .99;
% Create Sequence of Observations from Model
x = zeros (nSamples+1,1); % time [0 . .nSamples]
z = zeros (nSamples ,1); % time [0 . .nSamples-1]
x (1) = randn (1)*processNoiseSigma; % initialize x{0} ~ N(0,sigmaw^2)
for k=1:nSamples
x (k+1) = alpha*x (k) + randn (1)*processNoiseSigma;
z (k ) = 0 .1*x (k)^3 + randn (1)*measurementNoiseSigma;
x = x (1:nSamples); % constrain to [0 . .nSamples-1]
% Recursively Estimate the Marginal Posterior
xIntegration = linspace (xMin,xMax,nRegions) . ';
width = mean (diff (xIntegration));
posteriorFiltered |
= zeros (nRegions,nSamples); |
posteriorPredicted |
= zeros (nRegions,1); |
xHatMedian |
= zeros (nSamples,1); |
xLower |
= zeros (nSamples,1); |
xUpper |
= zeros (nSamples,1); |
% initialize pdf for f(x{0})
prior = normpdf (xIntegration,0,processNoiseSigma);
% compute f(z{0} |x{0}) *f(x{0} |Z{-1}) = f(z{0} |x{0}) *f(x{0})
posteriorFiltered(:,1) = normpdf (z (1),0 .1*xIntegration .^3, . . .
measurementNoiseSigma) .*prior;
% compute f(x{0} |Z{0})=f(z{0} |x{0}) *f(x{0} |Z{-1})/[normalizing cst]
posteriorFiltered(:,1) = posteriorFiltered(:,1)/trapz (xIntegration, . . .
for k=2:nSamples
for cRegion=1:nRegions % find f(x{k}=x{i} |x{k-1}) for each x{i}
% compute f(x{k} |x{k-1})
prior = normpdf (xIntegration (cRegion),alpha*xIntegration, . . .
% compute f(x{k} |Z{k-1})=integral[ f(x{k} |x{k-1}) *f(x{k-1} |Z{k-1}) ]
posteriorPredicted(cRegion) = trapz (xIntegration, . . .
prior .*posteriorFiltered(:,k-1));
% compute f(z{k} |x{k})
likelihood = normpdf (z (k),0 .1*xIntegration .^3,measurementNoiseSigma);
% compute f(x{k} |Z{k-1}) *f(z{k} |x{k})
posteriorFiltered(:,k) = likelihood .*posteriorPredicted;
% normalize to get f(x{k} |Z{k})
posteriorFiltered(:,k) = posteriorFiltered(:,k)/trapz (xIntegration, . . .
% Find median, 95% confidence interval
percentiles = cumtrapz (xIntegration,posteriorFiltered(:,k));
iMedian = find(percentiles <= 0 .5,1,'last' );
iLower = find(percentiles <= 0 .025,1,'last' );
if isempty (iLower), iLower = 1; end;
iUpper = find(percentiles >= 0 .975,1,'first' );
if isempty (iUpper), iUpper = length (xIntegration); end
xHatMedian (k) = xIntegration (iMedian);
xLower (k) = xIntegration (iLower);
xUpper (k) = xIntegration (iUpper);
[~,iMax] = max (posteriorFiltered);
xHatMode = xIntegration (iMax);
xHatMean = xIntegration' *posteriorFiltered.*width;
% Plot true state and observed sequence
figure (10); clf;
ax = plotyy (0:nSamples-1,x,0:nSamples-1,z);
legend ( 'True state x_k' ,'Measured z_k' );
ylabel (ax (1),'x_k' ); ylabel (ax (2),'z_k' );
title ( 'Signals for tracking example' );
xlabel ( 'Iteration k' );
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