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日期:2025-02-13 05:38

Commerce 2KA3

Information Systems in Business (Winter 2025)

Hands-on Using Microsoft Access

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to learn how to create a database by using Microsoft Access. In this assignment, you will create tables, and make queries for course registration from the perspective of a system administrator. This assignment has two parts: (1) completion of the hands-on and (2) development of an E-R model.

Total Marks: This assignment is scored out of 100 marks, which is worth 10% of your final grade.

Late Penalty: Late submissions will incur a 20% (i.e., 20 marks) penalty per day, meaning that after 5 days past the due date, late submissions receive zero marks. Due to unexpected difficulties that may arise, please start and finish the assignment as soon as possible.

Submission Instructions: You are required to follow the steps described in this document as well as submitting the materials described on page 12. The submissions (i.e., Access file and a pdf file must be uploaded to the Dropbox for Access assignment (assignment 1) on the pertinent Avenue account under Assessments > Assignments > Assignment  1). Please note that any other form of submission will not be accepted.

Submitting your assignment to the Dropbox on Avenue is a two-step process. One step is uploading your document to the Dropbox folder for Access Assignment on Avenue; next step is actually submitting your document to be marked. Make sure you actually submit your assignment (and not just upload it).

Send an email to TA Ms. Fatemeh Navazi (navazif@mcmaster.ca), for any questions that you may have about this assignment. (mention 2KA3 in the title of your email)

In this assignment MS Access Software will be used. Windows users can use MS Access installed on the laptop/PC, Microsoft 365 or Vlab to access MS Access. Mac users need to use Vlab to access MS Access.

To use Microsoft Access on Vlab, Please Connect to McMaster VPN First. Instructions on how to connect to McMaster VPN from out of campus are available at:



To use Microsoft Access on Vlab, please choose the document that matches the operating system of your computer between the following two documents and follow the instructions. Both documents are shared on Avenue.

Windows Instructions:

Avenue-> COMMERCE 2KA3:Information Systems in Business-> Content-> Assignments-> Assignment #1 -> vlab-Virtual-Applications-Instructions-Windows

Mac Instructions:

Avenue-> COMMERCE 2KA3:Information Systems in Business-> Content-> Assignments-> Assignment #1 -> vlab-Virtual-Applications-Instructions-OSX1

You may access MS Access Software through the "Access" icon on VLAB Resources.

For any issues related to Vlab, please Contact DSB IT department at

dsbhelp@mcmaster.caand make sure to include your full name, your MacID, and the course number in your request.

Part 1

1. Getting started

Before starting the assignment, make yourself familiar with the Microsoft Access Interface.

2. Creating tables (20 Marks)

From the Access file menu, select New, then:

a. Select the Blank Desktop Database icon in the main panel. Name your database file Assign and click the folder icon next to the FileName

b. From the opened window, select Desktop and click OK.

c. Finally, click on Create button.

Data are stored in tables in Access. A table consists of columns, called fields, and rows, called records. To store data for course registration processing you need to create four tables: Courses, Registrations, RegistrationLn,  and Students.  The Courses table  is  used  to  store  course information; the Registration table is used to store student registration; the RegistrationLn table is used to store detailed registration lines for each registration; and the Students table is used to store detailed student information. Their structures are shown as follows:

Table 1. The Structure of Four Tables

Table Name

Field Name


Data Type

Field Size



Course_Name Course_Days Prof_Name


Short Text Short Text Short Text Short Text






Registration_Number Student_ID



Number Number


Integer Integer

Current date as

the default



Registration_Number Course_ID

* *

Number ShortText

Integer 4



Student_Name Email




Number ShortText ShortText ShortText Number

Integer 20

20 50

Long Integer

Now we want to create a table for Courses, Registrations, RegistrationLn, and Students. To create a table, under the Create tab, select the Table Design icon. You need to specify the field Name, the Data Type, the key, and field properties. All the required data to create tables is shown in Table 1. Give the table a name when you save it (see the table names in the above list).  Please reference the following  figure  for  creating  each  of your  new  tables.  The  specification  of  field  properties  is straightforward. Learn the meanings of field properties from Help and specify them accordingly.

Note: To specify a key field, click the cell to the left side of a field name and then right click and select Primary Key or select the Primary Key icon under the Design tab.

Figure 2. Use Design View to Create a Table

Set the Default value of Registration_Date field as Date() by clicking the button of the field Default

Value and building expression in the following window.

Figure 3. Build expression Date()

Note: To   specify    a   concatenated   key    in   the RegistrationLn table,    select   both   the Registration_Number field and Course_ID field (hold  while you left click them), and then right click or push the icon to set both fields as the concatenated primary key.

3. Specifying relationships and integrity control (20 Marks)

Referential Integrity refers to  ensuring that the records in related tables in our database are consistent with one another.  When  enforcement of referential  integrity is in effect, Microsoft Access does not let you add records to a related table when there is no associated record in the primary table. For example, in the RegistrationLn table, there is a record Registration_Number which should also exist in the Registration table.  Referential integrity also allows updating and deleting data in related tables.  For example, when a Registration_Number is deleted from the Registration table,  then   all  associated Registration_Numbers  are  also  deleted  from  the RegistrationLn table.

In Access, the relationships (the links created through foreign keys) between tables can be explicitly specified. Integrity can then be defined based on these links.

From  the  main  toolbar,  select  the Relationships icon  from  the Database Tools tab.   The Relationships window  will   emerge  and  the Show   Table window  will  popup.   Click  the Registration table,  and  the Add button.  Similarly,  add  the RegistrationLn, Courses and Students tables, so the fourstables appear in a row in the Relationships window. Close the Show Table window.

Click   and   drag   the Registration_Number field   in   the Registration field   list   to   the Registration_Number field in the RegistrationLn field list. An Edit Relationships window opens. Then, click the Enforce Referential Integrity check box.  Click the Cascade Delete Related Records check box.  This means that, if you delete a registration, the system will delete all  the  registration  lines  related  to  this  registration.   Click  the Create button  to  create  this relationship. The Relationships window display now illustrates that you have created a One to Many relationship from Registration to RegistrationLn.

Note - Ifyou receive a table locked error message, close the tables you are working on.

Figure 4.  Edit Relationships

Click and drag the Course_ID field in the Courses field list to the Course_ID field in the RegistrationLn field list.  Click the Enforce Referential Integrity check box, and then click the Cascade Update Related Fields check box. This means that, if you change the Course_ID in the Coursestable, the same Course_ID will be changed in all of related records in the RegistrationLn table. Click the Create button to create this relationship.

Click and drag the Student_ID field in the Students field list to the Student_ID field in the Registration field  list.  Click  the Enforce Referential Integrity check  box.Then  click  the Cascade Update Related Fields check box. This means that, if you change the Student_ID in the Students table, the same Student_ID will be changed in all of related order records in the Registration table.

The Relationship dialogue box should appear as shown in the following figure (Figure 5).

Note: If you want to delete or edit an existing relationship, right click the line joining the two tables of interest and select Edit Relationship. After finishing with your relationships, click the X icon in the upper right corner of the Relationships window and Close this window.  The relationships you defined will be saved automatically.

Figure 5.  Define the Relationships between Four Tables

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