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日期:2025-02-13 05:38





At the core of an illustrator’s portfolio, alongside commissioned work, is personally inspired or self-written project work. This unit provides the opportunity to examine a subject or theme in depth through a self-determined and challenging self-initiated project, which will demonstrate the maturity of your visual communication skills.

This project may take any form. you wish. It could explore a personal theme or interest, or you may choose to collaborate with an external partner working on a community-based project or creative enterprise for example.

The value of this type of work in a professional portfolio is manifold: it demonstrates blue-sky and independent thinking to potential commissioners of illustration, brings new ventures to the market, explores collaborative agendas, seeks to support you in developing an individual visual voice, and allows a creative freedom not so readily evident in commissioned work.

You need to make sure your project theme allows you to take conceptual and technical risks with your ideas and making and in so doing add to the current body of knowledge around the topic. It also requires you to manage and oversee your own workflow and creative process - a vital aspect of final year study.

This project will most likely form. an important part of your digital portfolio to show to clients after graduation. Work you make for this unit will also be exhibited in the end of year Degree Show and be seen by potential clients and wide-ranging audiences.

Alongside this, as part of the unit, you will be asked to engage with understanding the nuances and practicalities inherent in contemporary work situations and align this with your future vocational ambitions. We will call this part of the unit Professional Practice. This professional practice element of the unit will involve gathering and analysing research, visits and practitioner talks from Terms 2 and 1 and before. This will culminate in the development and creation of printed and digital forms of self-promotion that will be available to audiences at your degree show.



Experimentation & Innovation

Take visual risks, speculating with a broad range of experimental approaches, and solve problems using alternative systems and processes.


Research & Analysis

Compile, interpret and extensively analyse a diverse range of source material, justifying methods as to support innovative design solutions.


Engaging with Practice

Build a clear dialogue with contemporary work settings, underpinned by appropriate links to both current design insights and future vocational ambitions


Realisation & Communication

Explore a wide variety of technical processes and work readiness skills, demonstrating relevance to multiple audiences and users.


Personal & Professional Connectivity

Demonstrate awareness of how design ideas can apply to a diverse set of cultures and communities, showing how communication is adapted by context and setting.

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