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日期:2024-07-21 02:13

COMP9414 24T2

Artificial Intelligence

Assignment 2 - Reinforcement Learning

Due: Week 9, Wednesday, 24 July 2024, 11:55 PM.

1 Problem context

Taxi Navigation with Reinforcement Learning: In this assignment,

you are asked to implement Q-learning and SARSA methods for a taxi nav-

igation problem. To run your experiments and test your code, you should

make use of the Gym library1, an open-source Python library for developing

and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms. You can install Gym on

your computer simply by using the following command in your command


pip i n s t a l l gym

In the taxi navigation problem, there are four designated locations in the

grid world indicated by R(ed), G(reen), Y(ellow), and B(lue). When the

episode starts, one taxi starts off at a random square and the passenger is

at a random location (one of the four specified locations). The taxi drives

to the passenger’s location, picks up the passenger, drives to the passenger’s

destination (another one of the four specified locations), and then drops off

the passenger. Once the passenger is dropped off, the episode ends. To show

the taxi grid world environment, you can use the following code:

1https://www.gymlibrary.dev/environments/toy text/taxi/


env = gym .make(”Taxi?v3 ” , render mode=”ans i ” ) . env

s t a t e = env . r e s e t ( )

rendered env = env . render ( )

p r i n t ( rendered env )

In order to render the environment, there are three modes known as

“human”, “rgb array, and “ansi”. The “human” mode visualizes the envi-

ronment in a way suitable for human viewing, and the output is a graphical

window that displays the current state of the environment (see Fig. 1). The

“rgb array” mode provides the environment’s state as an RGB image, and

the output is a numpy array representing the RGB image of the environment.

The “ansi” mode provides a text-based representation of the environment’s

state, and the output is a string that represents the current state of the

environment using ASCII characters (see Fig. 2).

Figure 1: “human” mode presentation for the taxi navigation problem in

Gym library.

You are free to choose the presentation mode between “human” and

“ansi”, but for simplicity, we recommend “ansi” mode. Based on the given

description, there are six discrete deterministic actions that are presented in

Table 1.

For this assignment, you need to implement the Q-learning and SARSA

algorithms for the taxi navigation environment. The main objective for this

assignment is for the agent (taxi) to learn how to navigate the gird-world

and drive the passenger with the minimum possible steps. To accomplish

the learning task, you should empirically determine hyperparameters, e.g.,

the learning rate α, exploration parameters (such as ? or T ), and discount

factor γ for your algorithm. Your agent should be penalized -1 per step it


Figure 2: “ansi” mode presentation for the taxi navigation problem in Gym

library. Gold represents the taxi location, blue is the pickup location, and

purple is the drop-off location.

Table 1: Six possible actions in the taxi navigation environment.

Action Number of the action

Move South 0

Move North 1

Move East 2

Move West 3

Pickup Passenger 4

Drop off Passenger 5

takes, receive a +20 reward for delivering the passenger, and incur a -10

penalty for executing “pickup” and “drop-off” actions illegally. You should

try different exploration parameters to find the best value for exploration

and exploitation balance.

As an outcome, you should plot the accumulated reward per episode and

the number of steps taken by the agent in each episode for at least 1000

learning episodes for both the Q-learning and SARSA algorithms. Examples

of these two plots are shown in Figures 3–6. Please note that the provided

plots are just examples and, therefore, your plots will not be exactly like the

provided ones, as the learning parameters will differ for your algorithm.

After training your algorithm, you should save your Q-values. Based on

your saved Q-table, your algorithms will be tested on at least 100 random

grid-world scenarios with the same characteristics as the taxi environment for

both the Q-learning and SARSA algorithms using the greedy action selection


Figure 3: Q-learning reward. Figure 4: Q-learning steps.

Figure 5: SARSA reward. Figure 6: SARSA steps.

method. Therefore, your Q-table will not be updated during testing for the

new steps.

Your code should be able to visualize the trained agent for both the Q-

learning and SARSA algorithms. This means you should render the “Taxi-

v3” environment (you can use the “ansi” mode) and run your trained agent

from a random position. You should present the steps your agent is taking

and how the reward changes from one state to another. An example of the

visualized agent is shown in Fig. 7, where only the first six steps of the taxi

are displayed.

2 Testing and discussing your code

As part of the assignment evaluation, your code will be tested by tutors

along with you in a discussion carried out in the tutorial session in week 10.

The assignment has a total of 25 marks. The discussion is mandatory and,

therefore, we will not mark any assignment not discussed with tutors.

Before your discussion session, you should prepare the necessary code for

this purpose by loading your Q-table and the “Taxi-v3” environment. You

should be able to calculate the average number of steps per episode and the


Figure 7: The first six steps of a trained agent (taxi) based on Q-learning


average accumulated reward (for a maximum of 100 steps for each episode)

for the test episodes (using the greedy action selection method).

You are expected to propose and build your algorithms for the taxi nav-

igation task. You will receive marks for each of these subsections as shown

in Table 2. Except for what has been mentioned in the previous section, it is

fine if you want to include any other outcome to highlight particular aspects

when testing and discussing your code with your tutor.

For both Q-learning and SARSA algorithms, your tutor will consider the

average accumulated reward and the average taken steps for the test episodes

in the environment for a maximum of 100 steps for each episode. For your Q-

learning algorithm, the agent should perform at most 14 steps per episode on

average and obtain a minimum of 7 average accumulated reward. Numbers

worse than that will result in a score of 0 marks for that specific section.

For your SARSA algorithm, the agent should perform at most 15 steps per

episode on average and obtain a minimum of 5 average accumulated reward.

Numbers worse than that will result in a score of 0 marks for that specific


Finally, you will receive 1 mark for code readability for each task, and

your tutor will also give you a maximum of 5 marks for each task depending

on the level of code understanding as follows: 5. Outstanding, 4. Great,

3. Fair, 2. Low, 1. Deficient, 0. No answer.


Table 2: Marks for each task.

Task Marks

Results obtained from agent learning

Accumulated rewards and steps per episode plots for Q-learning


2 marks

Accumulated rewards and steps per episode plots for SARSA


2 marks

Results obtained from testing the trained agent

Average accumulated rewards and average steps per episode for

Q-learning algorithm.

2.5 marks

Average accumulated rewards and average steps per episode for

SARSA algorithm.

2.5 marks

Visualizing the trained agent for Q-learning algorithm. 2 marks

Visualizing the trained agent for SARSA algorithm. 2 marks

Code understanding and discussion

Code readability for Q-learning algorithm 1 mark

Code readability for SARSA algorithm 1 mark

Code understanding and discussion for Q-learning algorithm 5 mark

Code understanding and discussion for SARSA algorithm 5 mark

Total marks 25 marks

3 Submitting your assignment

The assignment must be done individually. You must submit your assignment

solution by Moodle. This will consist of a single .zip file, including three

files, the .ipynb Jupyter code, and your saved Q-tables for Q-learning and

SARSA (you can choose the format for the Q-tables). Remember your files

with your Q-tables will be called during your discussion session to run the

test episodes. Therefore, you should also provide a script in your Python

code at submission to perform these tests. Additionally, your code should

include short text descriptions to help markers better understand your code.

Please be mindful that providing clean and easy-to-read code is a part of

your assignment.

Please indicate your full name and your zID at the top of the file as a

comment. You can submit as many times as you like before the deadline –

later submissions overwrite earlier ones. After submitting your file a good


practice is to take a screenshot of it for future reference.

Late submission penalty: UNSW has a standard late submission

penalty of 5% per day from your mark, capped at five days from the as-

sessment deadline, after that students cannot submit the assignment.

4 Deadline and questions

Deadline: Week 9, Wednesday 24 of July 2024, 11:55pm. Please use the

forum on Moodle to ask questions related to the project. We will prioritise

questions asked in the forum. However, you should not share your code to

avoid making it public and possible plagiarism. If that’s the case, use the

course email cs9414@cse.unsw.edu.au as alternative.

Although we try to answer questions as quickly as possible, we might take

up to 1 or 2 business days to reply, therefore, last-moment questions might

not be answered timely.

For any questions regarding the discussion sessions, please contact directly

your tutor. You can have access to your tutor email address through Table


5 Plagiarism policy

Your program must be entirely your own work. Plagiarism detection software

might be used to compare submissions pairwise (including submissions for

any similar projects from previous years) and serious penalties will be applied,

particularly in the case of repeat offences.

Do not copy from others. Do not allow anyone to see your code.

Please refer to the UNSW Policy on Academic Honesty and Plagiarism if you

require further clarification on this matter.

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