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Software Engineering 265
Software Development Methods
Spring 2018
Assignment 2
Due: Thursday, June 28th, 11:55 pm by “git push”
(no late submissions accepted)
Programming environment
For this assignment you must ensure your work executes correctly on the machines
in ECS B238 (i.e., these have Python 3.6 installed). You are free to do some of your
programming on your own computers; if you do this, give yourself a few days before
the due date to iron out any bugs in the Python script you have pushed to your
remote repository.
Individual work
This assignment is to be completed by each individual student (i.e., no group work).
Naturally you will want to discuss aspects of the problem with fellow students, and
such discussion is encouraged. However, sharing of code fragments is strictly
forbidden without the express written permission of the course instructor
(Zastre). If you are still unsure regarding what is permitted or have other questions
about what constitutes appropriate collaboration, please contact me as soon as
possible. (Code-similarity analysis tools may be used to examine submitted
Objectives of this assignment
• Learn to use basic features of the Python 3.6 language. If you run setSENG265
when first logging in, Python 3.6 is available from the command line as
python although the actual path is a bit of a mouthful; type which python to
discover what that pathname is! I recommend you instead use
#!/usr/bin/env python in your script’s bang path.
• Use the Python programming language to write a less resource-restricted
implementation of “” (but without using regular expressions
and without creating a new Python class).
• Use git to manage changes in your source code and annotate the evolution of
your solution with “messages” provided during commits.
• Test your code against the twenty provided test cases (i.e., ten original tests
from assignment #1 plus ten new tests) using a computer in ELW B238.
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This assignment: “”
You are to write a Python version of uvroff. You solved a version of the problem in
C, and you will now do so in Python – but be careful as you should not try to port
your C code line-by-line into Python. That languages are very different.
All of the formatting capabilities of that C program are to be implemented in this
new program. Like the C program, it must run as a command in the shell. There are
several additional abilities your Python script must have:
• If a filename is provided to the script, then that file’s contents are
formatted. If no filename is provided, then the contents of stdin are
formatted. In either case, the formatted output is sent to stdout.
• The “.LW”, “.LM” and “.FT” commands may appear at any line of the input file.
As in assignment #1, such commands are valid only if they appear at the start
of a line.
• The margin may now be specified relative to the value of the current margin
position. For example, if the margin currently is 10, then when “.LM +5” is
encountered the margin would be set to 15. If the margin currently is 20,
then “.LM -7” would set the margin to 13, and a further “.LM -7” would set the
margin to 6.
• Valid margins must be (a) greater than or equal to 0, and (b) less than or
equal to the page width minus 20. If a margin would be negative after a “.LM”
command, then the margin is set to zero. If a margin would be greater than
then page width minus 20, then the margin is set to page width minus 20.
• For this assignment, a “.LM” will never be immediately followed (i.e., on the
next line) by another “.LM” command.
• The linespacing command (.LS) will never have values greater than 2.
• There is no limit to the number of input lines. You may assume that each
input line is no longer than 132 characters.
With your completed “” script, the input would be transformed into the
output (here redirected to a file) and then checked:
% ./ /home/zastre/seng265/assign2/tests/in11.txt > ./myout11.txt
% diff /home/zastre/seng265/assign2/tests/out11.txt ./myout11.txt
where the file “myout11.txt” would be found in your current directory.
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Exercises for this assignment
1. Within your Git project ensure there is an “a2” local directory. Use the test
files in /home/zastre/seng265/assign2/tests. (Files in01.txt through to
in10.txt are the same as those used for the first assignment.) Your script must appear in this a2/ directory. Ensure the subdirectory
and script file are tracked by git (i.e., using add and commit).
2. Write your program. Amongst other tasks you will need to:
• read text input from a file, line by line
• read text input from stdin, line by line
• write output to the terminal
• extract substrings from lines produced when reading a file
• create and use lists in a non-trivial array
• use the “diff” Unix command to test the output of your program
3. Keep all of your code in one file for this assignment. We will explore
Python’s object-oriented features and module-authoring mechanism in the
next assignment (i.e., Assignment #3).
4. Use the test files to guide your implementation effort. Start with simple cases
(such as those given in this writeup). Refrain from writing the program all at
once and budget time to anticipate when “things go wrong”.
5. For this assignment you can assume all test inputs will be well-formed (i.e.,
our teaching assistant will not test your submission for handling of input or
for arguments containing errors). Later assignments may specify errorhandling
as part of the assignment.
6. Reasonable run-time performance of your script is expected. No test case
should take longer than 15 seconds to complete on a machine in ECS B238.
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What you must submit
• A single Python script file named containing a solution to
Assignment #2 within your git repository in the directory named a2/.
Our grading scheme is relatively simple and is out of 10 points. We will award
grades within the categories below.
• 10/10: runs without problems without warnings. All twenty tests
pass. The program is clearly written and uses functions appropriately (i.e., is
well structured).
• 8/10: runs without any problems. All twenty tests pass.
• 7/10: A submission completing most of the requirements of the assignment. runs with some problems; some tests do not pass.
• 5/10: A serious attempt at completing requirements for the assignment. runs with quite a few problems; most tests do not pass, although
some tests do pass.
• 4/10 or lower: No submission given, submission represents very little work,
or no tests pass.
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