EECS 391 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (Fall 2018)
Programming Assignment 1
Due on Thu Sep 27 before midnight
In this assignment, you will explore problem solving by search by
writing algorithms to solve the 8-puzzle. A description of this problem
appears on pp. 70-71 of the textbook. The puzzle begins with
scrambled tiles, and the goal is to move the tiles (or equivalently the
blank “tile”) so that the blank tile in the upper left corner and the
numbers are in order as shown.
You can do the assignment in either Java, python, or Matlab. If you would like to use a
different language, you need to check with me (Prof. Lewicki) within a week of when the
assignment is handed out. The only constraint that we have to be able to run and test
your assignment at least one of our computers using standard installations and libraries.
Your code will read text input for commands and write the solution as text output.
Your code should support command line input that accepts commands that operate on
the current puzzle state. It should also read sequences of commands from a text file
specified as an argument to your program. You will implement the following commands:
setState <state>
Set the puzzle state. The argument specifies the puzzle tile positions with a sequence
of three groups of three digits with the blank tile represented by the letter ‘b’. For
example, ‘1b5’ specifies a row with 1 in the left tile, nothing in the middle tile and 5 in the
right tile. The goal state is "b12 345 678”.
randomizeState <n>
Make n random moves from the goal state. Note that the goal state is not reachable
from all puzzle states, so this method of randomizing the puzzle ensures that a solution
Print the current puzzle state.
1 2
3 4 5
6 7 8
move <direction>
Move the blank tile 'up', 'down', 'left', or 'right'.
solve A-star <heuristic>
Solve the puzzle from its current state using A-star search using heuristic equal to “h1”
or “h2” (see section 3.6, p. 102). Briefly, h1 is the number of misplaced tiles; h2 is the
sum of the distances of the tiles from their goal positions. You are free to try other
heuristics, but be sure that they are admissible and describe them in your writeup.
When the goal is found, your code should print the number of tile moves needed to
obtain the solution followed by the solution as a sequences of moves (up, down, left, or
right) from the starting state to the goal state.
solve beam <k>
Solve the puzzle from its current state using using local beam search with k states. You
will need to define an evaluation function which you should describe in your writeup. It
should have a minimum of zero at the goal state. When the goal is found, print the
number of tile moves and solution as for A-star search.
maxNodes <n>
This specifies the maximum number of nodes to be considered during a search. If this
limit is exceeded during search an error message should be printed.
Code and Design
You are encouraged to library functions for data structures such as arrays, lists, or hash
tables. You should, of course, implement the search algorithms. You are free to define
additional methods as you see fit.
Your writeup should be tutorial in natural. Write as if you are sitting down with the
grader and demonstrating to them your understanding of the problems and the
correctness of the code.
1. Code Design
The first part of your write should describe how your code is organized and what design
choices you made. You should include code in your writeup, but do not include not all of
it. Only use the relevant portions for specific points.
2. Code Correctness
The next part of the writeup should demonstrate your code on examples with the goal of
proving to the grader that your search algorithms function correctly. This should explain
and illustrate how the search algorithms work and how they can fail. Choose examples
that are concise and easy to verify.
These examples should be created by reading commands from a file, which you should
include with your submission. Be sure to set the seed of your random number
generator so that your code generates the same random examples across multiple
runs. When we run your code, we should get the same output that you did.
Not everything you include in your writeup needs to have been generated from the
command file. For example, you will need to write methods for the experiments below.
The purpose of the command file is to allow the grader to check basic functionality and
3. Experiments
The next part of your writeup should include a set of experiments to answer the
following questions that compare the different search methods. For these answers, you
will need to collect statistics from different random initial stats as was done on p.104.
(a) How does fraction of solvable puzzles from random initial states vary with the
maxNodes limit?
(b) For A* search, which heuristic is better?
(c) How does the solution length vary across the three search methods?
(d) For each of the three search methods, what fraction of your generated problems
were solvable?
4. Discussion
The final part of your write up should discuss the following:
(a) Based on your experiments, which search algorithm is better suited for this
problem? Which finds shorter solutions? Which algorithm seems superior in terms
of time and space?
(b) Discuss any other observations you made, such as the difficulty of implementing
and testing each of these algorithms.
Extra Credit
Re-use your search code to solve a 2x2(x2) Rubik’s cube (or some other relatively
simple puzzle). You can write a different set of commands for each puzzle (or a
different program with the same commands), but you can should re-use the same code
for your search algorithms for the 8 puzzle. For the 2x2 puzzle, use standard notation
and colors. (Note: Part of the extra credit is to fill in the details yourself, so you don’t
need to ask me what I want. Just do something reasonable and explain it clearly.)
What to submit
Prepare a ZIP file that contains: 1) source code (do not include the binaries), 2) your
writeup, which should be a PDF document, and 3) the command file(s) used for your
writeup. Name your file as “” and submit it via canvas.
Code that we cannot compile, run, or test will receive a maximum of 50% of the total
grade. Please comment your code so we can more easily understand it, and use
sensible variable names.
% Description & Criteria
commands 10% Everything but the “solve” methods; graded on correctness
A* search 30% Search algorithms are graded on correctness and design, which is
the choice of data structures, algorithms, and code organization. beam search 30%
writeup 30% The writeup is graded on the clarity of the explanations, choice of
examples, and experimental parameters. Conciseness is
encouraged, redundancy and unnecessary examples without a
clear purpose are penalized.
1. code design 5%
2. code correctness 10%
3. experiments 10%
4. discussion 5%
total 100%
extra credit 33% (Bonus) The extra credit portion of the assignment does not have
strict guidelines, but your write up should follow the format of the
main assignment. Points will be award based on correctness, your
description, and to what extent you were able to re-use your
search code. 33% corresponds to 5% of the total grade as extra
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