Fall 2018 Final Examination
Exam Type: open book
Exam Duration: 00:00 am Dec 8, 2018 to 12:00 pm Dec 10, 2018 Exam
Rule: Must be completed by individual students. Students cannot
collaborate with anyone.
This exam contains 8 questions in 9 pages (not including the cover page).
You have 60 hours to complete this exam.
Max Points
1 15
2 8
3 5
4 8
5 18
6 18
7 10
8 18
Total 100
Exam Data
1. Since the amount of data on some questions is relatively large, in
order not to affect the progress of the exam, students can try to
figure out the questions without using data first.
2. The data is in the corresponding folder for each question, for
example, the data of Question 1 is in folder Data_Q1.
1. Turn in
2. Students should submit files/folders for each question in
corresponding folder named as QX (X represent question
number). For example, students must put files for Question 1 in
Q1 folder.
3. Students should pack all the folders together in one folder name
as: studentID_final. If there are codes,
student should pack all your code files in a folder named as
QX_code(X represent question number). The example of
directory structure is shown as below (Note that the contents in
QX changes according to the requirements of each question):
4. Compress studentID_final folder and send
to specified email address. Don’t use any web link in email, you
must submit it as an attachment.
5. If you store training models or use some data resources, please
put the them into the network disk, and then write the links in the
readme.pdf. Please do not add them directly into your
6. You MUST submit all your files before 12:00 pm Dec 10, 2018. In
order to avoid network congestion and submission failure, please
submit your attachment in advance. Any late submissions will
lead to zero points.
1. There is noise in real data, please remove noise first.
2. For programming language, in principle, python is preferred.
Codes MUST be runnable, and code comments are necessary.
Missing the necessary comments will be deducted a certain
score. For programming question, your grade will be based on the
corresponding metrics, efficiency and clarity.
3. If your codes or answer refer to any blog, github, paper and so
on, please report their links in corresponding readme.pdf.
4. Computation of some questions is very large, students might use
cloud computing platform, such as azure, AWS, aliyun.
5. This exam must be completed by individual students. Students
cannot collaborate with anyone.
6. Please arrange your time reasonably and try to answer every
question, since report also takes part of the score.
7. Plagiarism will lead to zero points.
Q1. Supervised Outlier Detection (15 points)
In this question, you need to use a supervised classification model to find
outliers from our given image data set. The data set will contain two types of
tags: outliers and inliers. And the main content of the data set is some random
scenes with text as the main body.
Data Descriptions:
1. All the data is in Data_Q1.
2. Folder Outlier_train contains all training data labeled as outlier.
3. Folder Inlier_train contains all training data labeled as inlier.
4. Folder test contains all the testing data.
1. Please write your main experimental steps and the methods to a report
in Q1_readme.pdf. If your code refer to any blog, github, paper and so
on, please write the their links in it.
2. Output your results in Q1_output.csv. Your .csv file should contain 2
columns as shown below. In "Result", 0 represents negative and 1
represents positive.
ID Result
0 0
1 1
… …
n 1
3. Pack all code files in folder Q1_code.
4. Pack all files/folders above in folder Q1 like below:
1. Because the number of outliers and inlier is extremely uneven, you need
to deal with the problem of data imbalance in the given dataset.
2. You are allowed to use any of the methods we mentioned in class or
methods and libraries you searched from the Internet.
3. We will grade according to the code, the experiment steps and methods
you mentioned in the report and the recall and precision of the your
model’s prediction.
Q2. Grid-Based Outlier Discovery Approach (8 points)
In this question, you should implement a grid-based outlier detection method
to find outliers in a large data set.
Data Descriptions:
1. Relevant data is in folder Data_Q2.
2. X.csv: Testing data, as input.
submissionSample.csv: sample of submission, 0 indicate inlier, 1
indicate outlier.
1. No relevant third-party packages, you must implement the algorithm by
1. Please report your main experimental steps in Q2_readme.pdf. If your
codes refer to any blog, github, paper and so on, please report their
links in it.
2. Output your results in Q2_output.csv. The format refer to
submissionSample.csv or below. Note that the .csv file should contain
one column.
3. Pack all code files in folder Q2_code.
4. Pack all files/folders above in folder Q2.
We will grade according to the code, efficiency of your method, the
experiment steps and methods you mentioned in the report and the recall
and precision of the your model’s prediction.
Q3. Data Augmentation (5 points)
We all know that adequate training data is a precondition for training machine
learning models. But in real-world problems, the data that can be used to train
the model is often not enough. Suppose you are doing a classification task
and your training dataset is extremely insufficient. Please explain how you will
expand the amount of data.
You do NOT need to code in this question, but you need to answer in detail.
Please give at least two specific examples to illustrate, such as image
classification, text classification and so on. You can also refer to other
materials to answer this question, if you do so, please also list your
1. Put your answer and references in Q3_readme.pdf, and put it in folder
2. No page limit for the answer.
Q4. Expectation-Maximization Algorithm (8 points)
In this question, you are required to code by yourself to complete the EM
Data Descriptions:
1. The data is in Data_Q4 folder.
2. The test data is shown in Q4_Data.csv. There are 6 attributes, which
are ‘A’,’B’…’F’, and totally 626 instances in the dataset. You need to
cluster all the instances into two classes. Assume the initial centers are
c1=(0,0,0,0,0,0) and c2=(1,1,1,1,1,1).
1. Report the updated centers and SSE for the first two iterations.
2. Report the overall iteration step when your algorithm terminates.
3. Report the final converged centers for each cluster.
1. Put all reports in requirements in Q4_readme.pdf.
2. Submit your source code in folder Q4_code.
3. Put files/folder above in folder Q4.
Please use the terminate condition below:
Terminate condition: the EM algorithm will terminate when:
1). The sum of L1-distance for each pair of old-new center
each center
‖C ‖ old ? Cnew 1
is smaller than 0.0001, or
2). The iteration step is greater than the maximum iteration step 100.
Q5. Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining (18
Generally speaking, sentiment analysis aims to determine the attitude of a
speaker, writer, or other subject with respect to some topic or the overall
contextual polarity or emotional reaction to a document, interaction, or event.
The attitude may be a judgment or evaluation (see appraisal theory), affective
state (that is to say, the emotional state of the author or speaker), or the
intended emotional communication (that is to say, the emotional effect
intended by the author or interlocutor).
Recently, the birth of genetically edited babies has created a huge
controversy. People have different opinions on the development of genetic
technology. Now you are asked to do a Sentiment Analysis Task based on
topics such as “gene editing”, “genetic engineering”, and “transgene”.
In this task, you need to implement a series of processes from background
investigation to collecting data to determining the solution to implementing the
algorithm to get the results.
? About training:
1. You can use any algorithm that you know, supervised learning and
unsupervised learning are both ok.
2. You can use any data resource. You need to find your own data resources
such as some corpus or lexical resource.
3. You can not directly use complete models that others have already trained
to do classification without any detailed process.
4. You can use some basic word vector models to build your algorithm, such
as word2vec.
About testing:
1. You need to collect 100 pieces of news/comments/articles related to the
above topic, then use your algorithm or model to divide them into two
categories——positive or negative. (You may need some knowledge of
Crawler, in Python, BeautifulSoup is a very useful crawler tool.)
2. You can get the test text from any website or social media.
3. The text you collect must be in English.
1. Please write down your algorithm details and all links of the model/data
resources you used in the Q5_readme.pdf. If your code refer to any blog,
github, paper and so on, please write the their links in it.
2. Please put all the code of this question in the Q5_code folder.
3. You need submit Q5_output.csv. Your .csv file should contain 3 columns
as shown below. In "Result", 0 represents negative and 1 represents positive.
ID Contents Result
0 text0 0
1 text1 1
… … …
99 text99 1
4.Put all files/folders above in folder Q5.
1. Crawler is not required and will be not included in the scoring criteria. You
can also get the text manually or by other tools.
2. Your grade will be based on your report, code and accuracy of the results.
Q6. Short Video Classification (18 points)
Short video applications are becoming more and more popular among the
young. In reality, internet companies generally use automatic classification
algorithms to process large amounts of short video uploaded by users. Now
you are asked to implement a short video classification algorithm.
Data Descriptions:
1. Data is in Data_Q6 folder:
2. In our data set, there are a total of 2063 training videos (in the
“train_video” folder) and 896 test videos (in the “test_video” folder).
They belong to the following 15 categories:
Label ID Video Content
0 dog
1 boy selfie
2 seafood
3 snack
4 doll catching
5 Ballroom dance
6 origami
7 weave
8 ceramic art
9 Zheng playing
10 fitness
11 parkour
12 diving
13 billiards
14 eye makeup
“train_tag.txt” stores the label information. For example, in the line
“873879927.mp4,3”, “873879927.mp4” represents the file name of the video,
“3” is the label of the video.
About training:
1. You can use any algorithm that you know.
2. You can not directly use complete models that others have already trained
to do classification without any detailed process.
About grading rule
Your grade will be based on your report, code and accuracy of the results.
1. Please write down your algorithm details in the Q6_readme.pdf. If your
code refer to any blog, github, paper and so on, please write the their links in
2. Please put all the code of this question in the Q6_code folder.
3. You need submit Q6_output.csv. Your .csv file should contain 2 columns
as shown below.
file_name label
861108106.mp4 0
… …
801454381_11_21.mp4 13
4. Put all files/folders in Q6 folder.
Q7. Selective Materialization Problem (10 points)
(1) Can you select a set V of k views such that Gain (V U {top view}, {top
view}) is maximized? Set k=3. Please give your answer. (7 points)
(2) The lecture note shows how greedy algorithm perform badly. Please give
a complete proof of the lower bound of this greedy algorithm. (Maybe you
need some references.) (3 points)
1. For (1), you must code by yourself rather than calculate by hand.
1. Put your codes in Q7_code folder.
2. For (1), you should give the answer in Q7_readme.pdf.
3. For (2), you should give the proof in Q7_readme.pdf.
4. Put all files/folders in Q7 folder.
Q8. Recommendation System (18 points)
You have learned some basic models including user-based and item-based
collaborative filtering methods in class. However, some features of items or
users can also help to improve the performance of recommendation system.
In this question, you are given a movie rating dataset which contains basic
rating information, movie titles, movie genres and user information. You
should try to figure out how to utilize these features to construct a
recommendation system.
You need to:
Based on rating_train.csv and other relevant data in this question, build a
recommendation system to predict user ratings for movies in rating_test.csv.
Data Descriptions:
1. Data is in Data_Q8 folder.
2. Data descriptions are shown in Data_Q8.
1. Put all you codes in Q8_code folder.
2. Your prediction result named as Q8_output.csv. (Notes: Each line
represents the user’s rating of the movie, which means your final
output should contain 3 columns: ‘UserID’, ‘MovieID’ and ‘Rating’)
There will be some bonus score if you use some creative or the state-of-arts
models . Please report the advantages of your methods and list all your
references in Q8_readme.pdf.
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