MACM 401/MATH 801
Assignment 1, Spring 2019.
Michael Monagan
This assignment is to be handed in by 4pm Monday January 21st.
Hand in to Dropoff box 1A outside AQ 4100.
Late penalty: 20% for up to 48 hours late. Zero after that.
For problems involving Maple calculations and Maple programming, please submit a printout of a
Maple worksheet.
Question 1 (15 marks): Karatsuba’s Algorithm
Reference: Algorithm 4.2 in the Geddes text.
(a) By hand, calculate 5432 × 3829 using Karatsuba’s algorithm. You will need to do three
multiplications involving two digit integers. Do the first one, 54 × 38, using Karatsuba’s
algorithm (recursively). Do the other two using any method.
(b) Let T(n) be the time it takes to multiply two n digit integers using Karatsuba’s algorithm.
We will assume (for simplicity) that n = 2k
for some k > 0. Then for n > 1, we have
T(n) ≤ 3T(n/2) + cn for some constant c > 0 and T(1) = d for some constant d > 0.
First show that 3k = n
log2 3
. Now solve the recurrence relation and show that T(n) =
(2c + d)n
log2 3 2cn thus concluding that T(n) ∈ O(n
log2 3
) = O(n
1.585). Show your working.
(c) Show that T(2n)/T(n) ~ 3, that is, if we double the length of the integers then the time for
Karatsuba’s algorithm increases by a factor of 3 (asymptotically).
Question 2 (15 marks): GCD Algorithms
(a) Implement the binary GCD algorithm in Maple as the Maple procedure named BINGCD to
compute the GCD of two positive integers a and b. Use the Maple functions irem(a,b) and
iquo(a,b) for dividing by 2.
Your Maple code will have a main loop in it. Each time round the loop please print out
current values of (a, b) using the command
printf("a=%d b=%d\n",a,b);
so that you and I can see the algorithm working. Test your procedure on the integers a =
16 × 3 × 101 and b = 8 × 3 × 203.
(b) I think Maple’s command GCD(A,B) mod p; uses the Euclidean algorithm to compute the
GCD of two polynomials A(x) and B(x) in the ring Zp[x]. [ We will show later that for two
polynomials A(x) and B(x) of degree d, the Euclidean algorithm does O(d
) arithmetic operations
in Zp. ] Let’s verify if this could true by timing Maple’s Gcd(A,B) mod p; command
and seeing if the times are quadratic in the degree d. Execute the following code in Maple
and test to see if the times you get are quadratic in d. Justify your answer. Hint: if T(d) is
the time and T(d) is quadratic in d, what should T(2d)/T(d) approach when d large?
d := 1000;
p := prevprime(2^30);
for i to 7 do
A := Randpoly(d,x) mod p;
B := Randpoly(d,x) mod p;
st := time();
G := Gcd(A,B) mod p;
tt := time()-st;
printf("deg=%d G=%a time=%7.3fsecs \n",d,G,tt);
d := 2*d;
Question 3 (20 marks): The Gaussian Integers
Let G be the subset of the complex numbers C defined by G = { x + y i : x, y ∈ Z, i =
1 }.
G is called the set of Gaussian integers and is usually denoted by Z[i].
(a) Why is G an integral domain?
What are the units in G?
Let a, b ∈ G. In order to define the remainder of a divided by b we need a measure v : G → N for
the size of a non-zero Gaussian integer. We cannot use v(x + iy) = |x + iy| =
2 + y
2 the length
of the complex number x + iy because it is not an integer valued function. We will instead use the
norm N(x + iy) = x
2 + y
for v(x + iy).
(b) Show that for a, b ∈ G, N(ab) = N(a)N(b).
Show that for a, b ∈ G with b 6= 0, N(ab) ≥ N(a).
(c) Let a, b ∈ G with b 6= 0. Find a definition for the quotient q and remainder r satisfying
a = b q + r with r = 0 or v(r) < v(b) where v(x + iy) = N(x + iy) = x
2 + y
. Using your
definition calculate the quotient and remainder of a = 63 + 10i divided by b = 7 + 43i.
Hint: consider the real and imaginary parts of the complex number a/b and consider how
to choose the quotient of a divided b. Note, you must prove that your definition for the
remainder r satisfies r = 0 or v(r) < v(b). The multiplicative property N(ab) = N(a)N(b)
will help you. Now since part (b) implies v(ab) ≥ v(b) for non-zero a, b ∈ G, this establishes
that G is a Euclidean domain.
(d) Finally write a Maple procedure REM such that REM(a,b) computes the remainder r of a
divided b using your definition from part (c). Now compute the gcd of a = 63 + 10i and
b = 7 + 43i using the Euclidean algorithm and your REM procedure. You should get 2 + 3i up
to multiplication by a unit. Also, test your procedure on a = 330 and b = ?260.
Note, in Maple I is the symbol used for the complex number i and you can use the Re and
Im commands to pick off the real and imaginary parts of a complex number. Also, the round
function may be useful. For example
> a := 2+5/3*I;
a := 2 + 5/3 I
> Re(a);
> Im(a);
> round(a);
2 + 2 I
Question 4 (10 marks): The Extended Euclidean Algorithm
Reference: Algorithm 2.2 in the Geddes text.
Given a, b ∈ Z, the extended Euclidean algorithm solves sa + tb = g for s, t ∈ Z and g = gcd(a, b).
More generally, for i = 0, 1, ..., n, n+ 1 it computes integers (ri
, si
, ti) where r0 = a, r1 = b satisfying
sia + tib = ri for 0 ≤ i ≤ n + 1.
(a) For m = 99, u = 28 execute the extended Euclidean algorithm with r0 = m and r1 = u by
hand. Use the tabular method presented in class that shows the values for ri
, si
, ti
, qi
. Hence
determine the inverse of u modulo m.
(b) Repeat part (a) but this time use the symmetric remainder, that is, when dividing a by b
choose the quotient q and remainder r are integers satisfying a = bq+r and ?|b/2| ≤ r < |b/2|
instead of 0 ≤ r < b.
Question 5 (10 marks): MATH 701 and MATH 801 students only
Suppose we call the extended Euclidean algorithm with integers a ≥ b > 0. Thus r0 = a, r1 = b
and rn = g where g = gcd(a, b). Prove the following properties about the integers t0, t1, ..., tn, tn+1
that appear in the extended Euclidean algorithm (assuming the positive remainder is used).
(i) |ti1| < |ti
| for i = 3, ..., n + 1.
(ii) ri ti1 ri1 ti = (?1)i a for i = 1, ..., n + 1.
(iii) tn+1 = (1)na/g. Hint: put i = n + 1 into (ii).
Since the ti are increasing in magnitude from (i), then (iii) implies |tn| < a/g. Suppose we call the
extended Euclidean algorithm with input a = m and b = u to compute the inverse of u modulo m.
If g = 1, then we have ?m < tn < m by (iii) and hence to compute u in the positive range we have
if tn < 0 then u := tn + m else u := tn fi;
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