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日期:2019-02-12 11:35

ACIT 2515 – Object Oriented Programming - Lab 5 (Monday Sets)

Inheritance and

Instructor Mike Mulder (mmulder10@bcit.ca)

Also available on Slack.

Total Marks 25

Due Dates Sunday, Feb. 10, 2019 by midnight

You must use your Lab 4 code as your starting point for this lab.


Apply the Object Oriented Programming Principles of Inheritance and Polymorphism

(and the Template Method design pattern).

To read and develop objects based on UML Class notation and relationships.

Continue to exercise good Python programming practices including naming conventions,

documentation and unit testing.


Your company has decided to add a line of pressure sensors to their product offering, in

addition to the existing temperature sensors. Since you have refactored the sensor_results.py

script to be more object oriented, you believe to can easily refactor that code again using

inheritance and polymorphism to support both temperature and pressure sensors.

Your approved design is expressed below in UML format. You are now ready to refactor your

code once again to conform to the design.

The reading data for the pressure sensor in the csv file is slightly different than that of the

temperature sensor.

Temperature Sensor:

2018-09-23 19:59:01.873,1,ABC Sensor Temp M301A,20.212,21.641,22.017,OK

2018-09-23 20:00:02.453,2,ABC Sensor Temp M301A,100.000,100.000,100.000,HIGH_TEMP

2018-09-23 20:00:03.563,3,ABC Sensor Temp M301A,-50.000,-50.000,-50.000,LOW_TEMP

Pressure Sensor:

1,2018-09-23 19:59:01.234,ABC Sensor Pres M100,49.512,51.841,55.418,GOOD

2,2018-09-23 20:00:02.452,ABC Sensor Pres M100,100.000,100.000,100.000,HIGH_PRESSURE

3,2018-09-23 20:01:03.876,ABC Sensor Pres M100,0.000,0.000,0.000,LOW_PRESSURE

The sequence number is in a different location and the status values have different values for

pressure sensor readings.


You have represented your design with the following UML Class diagram:


- sensor_readings : AbstractReading[0..*]

+ get_sensor_name() : string

+ get_time_period() : string[2]

+ get_reading_stats() : ReadingStats

+ get_error_messages() : string[0..*]

- _load_reading_row(row : string[]) : AbstractReading


- lowest_reading : float

- average_reading : float

- highest_reading : float

- largest_reading_range : float

+ get_lowest_reading() : float

+ get_average_reading() : float

+ get_highest_reading() : float

+ get_largest_reading_range() : float


Methods in italics are abstract methods (which must be implemented in a child class).

Items highlighted in yellow show key changes to the design from your previous lab(s).

1 *


<Your Existing Attributes>

<Your Existing Methods>

+ is_error() : boolean

+ get_error_msg() : string


- _load_reading_row(row : string[]) :



- _load_reading_row(row : string[]) :



+ is_error() : boolean

+ get_error_msg() : string


+ is_error() : boolean

+ get_error_msg() : string



Sensor Readings

Rename the existing SensorReading class to AbstractReading and make abstract

methods for handling the error readings as the temperature and pressure sensor

readings have different status values (is_error and get_error_msg methods).

Create new TemperatureReading (temperature_reading.py) and PressureReading

(pressure_reading.py) classes that are child classes of the AbstractReading parent class.

They will provide concrete implementations of the is_error and get_error_msg



o is_error returns False for a status of “OK” and True otherwise.

o get_error_message returns the formatted error message for a temperature

reading (i.e., High Temperature (100°C) at 2018/09/23 20:00, Sequence: 5)

o Define and use constants for the temperature sensor status values


o is_error returns False for a status of “GOOD” and True otherwise.

o get_error_message returns the formatted error message for a pressure reading

(i.e., High Pressure (100 kPa) at 2018/09/23 20:00, Sequence: 5)

o Define and use constants for the pressure sensor status values

You do NOT need to submit any unit tests for the AbstactReading, TemperatureReading

or PressureReading classes.

Make sure the attribute and method names in AbstractReading are NOT specific to

temperature or pressure readings. For example, a method called get_avg_temp should

be renamed get_avg_reading. Likewise, a method called get_temp_range should be

renamed as get_reading_range.


Rename the existing Sensor class to AbstractSensor with an abstract method for loading

a row representing a single reading from the csv file (_load_reading_row).

AbstractSensor must be updated to use the is_error and get_error_msg methods from

AbstractReading (if you have not already done so in the previous labs).

o is_error – to determine if the reading is an error in AbstractSensor methods

get_reading_stats and get_error_messages

o get_error_msg – to get the error message of a reading in AbstractSensor method


Create new TemperatorSensor (temperature_sensor.py) and PressureSensor

(pressures_sensor.py) classes that are child classes of the AbstractSensor class. They will

provide concrete implementations of the _load_reading_row method specific to each of

the temperature and pressure sensor csv reading formats.


Create unit tests for both the TemperatureSensor (test_temperature_sensor.py) and

PressureSensor (test_pressure_sensor.py) classes using mocked csv data. These unit

tests will be identical to your previous unit test for the Sensor class except:

o TestTemperatureSensor will create instances of TemperatureSensor

o TestPressureSensor will create instances of PressureSensor

o TestPressureSensor will have TEST_READINGS that contain pressure reading data

(see section Pressure Readings Test Data of lab write-up).

Do NOT include a unit test for AbstractSensor.


Refactor this script to create both a TemperatureSensor and a PressureSensor object

and generate a report for each.

Make sure to pass the “temperature_results.csv” filename to the constructor for

TemperatureSensor and the “pressure_results.csv” filename to the constructor for

PressureSensor when creating these objects. These csv files have been provided in the

Lab 5 zipfile.

See below for the expected output from sensor_results.py.

Expected Output:

Sensor: ABC Sensor Temp M301A

Period: 2018/09/23 19:56 to 2018/09/23 20:04

Lowest Temp: 20.142000°C

Average Temp: 21.57878°C

Highest Temp: 22.703000°C

Largest Temp Range: 1.940000°C

Error Messages:

High Temperature (100°C) at 2018/09/23 20:00, Sequence: 5

Low Temperature (-50°C) at 2018/09/23 20:04, Sequence: 11

Sensor: ABC Sensor Pres M100

Period: 2018/09/23 19:56 to 2018/09/23 20:06

Lowest Pressure: 50.142000 kPa

Average Pressure: 51.58633 kPa

Highest Pressure: 55.017000 kPa

Largest Pressure Range: 4.805000 kPa

Error Messages:

High Pressure (100 kPa) at 2018/09/23 20:00, Sequence: 5

Low Pressure (0 kPa) at 2018/09/23 20:06, Sequence: 11

Grading Summary

Sensor Readings Implementation

AbstractReading, TemperatureReading and

PressureReading classes (6 marks)

6 marks

Sensor Implementation

AbstractSensor, TemperatureSensor and

PressureSensor classes (9 marks)

13 marks


Unit Tests for TemperatureSensor and Pressure

Sensor classes (4 marks)

Integration – sensor_results.py

Refactoring and adding in the new Pressure

Report (4 marks)

Correct report output (2 marks)

6 marks

Marks will be subtracted poor programming practices,


Violations of naming conventions

Missing or invalid DocString

Failing unit tests

Unnecessary print statements left in code

Note: Not applicable to the sensor_results.py script.

-1 mark each

Total 25 marks


The following files must be submitted as a zipfile called lab5.zip:











Sufficient code must be submitted to run sensor_results.py otherwise no marks will be received

for the lab.

Pressure Readings Test Data

You may use this as the test data for your unit tests. It matches the readings in



["1", u"2018-09-23 19:56:01.345", "ABC Sensor Pres M100", "50.152", "51.367", "52.005",


["2", "2018-09-23 19:57:02.321", "ABC Sensor Pres M100", "50.163", "51.435", "52.103",


["3", "2018-09-23 19:58:01.224", "ABC Sensor Pres M100", "50.142", "51.528", "51.803",


["4", "2018-09-23 19:59:03.843", "ABC Sensor Pres M100", "50.212", "51.641", "52.017",



["5", "2018-09-23 20:00:01.143", "ABC Sensor Pres M100", "100", "100", "100",


["6", "2018-09-23 20:01:01.111", "ABC Sensor Pres M100", "51.244", "51.355", "52.103",


["7", "2018-09-23 20:02:02.324", "ABC Sensor Pres M100", "51.112", "52.345", "52.703",


["8", "2018-09-23 20:03:02.744", "ABC Sensor Pres M100", "50.513", "51.745", "52.105",


["9", "2018-09-23 20:04:01.321", "ABC Sensor Pres M100", "50.333", "51.348", "51.943",


["10", "2018-09-23 20:05:01.999", "ABC Sensor Pres M100", "50.332", "51.445", "52.013",


["11", "2018-09-23 20:06:02.022", "ABC Sensor Pres M100", "0", "0", "0", "LOW_PRESSURE"] ]

Documentation Best Practices

Use the following documentation practices below for this lab.

Class Documentation Add a comment describing what the class represents.

Use DocString as per the following example:

class Point:

"""Represents a point in 2D geometric coordinates"""

def __init__(self, x=0, x=y):


Method Documentation Add a comment describing what the method does.

def __init__(self, x=0, x=y):

"""Initialize the position of a new point. The x and y

Coordinates can be specified. If they are not, the

point defaults to the origin. """

def move(self, x, y):

"""Move the point to a new position in 2D space. """

self.x = x

self.y = y

Docstring Reference: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0257/

Naming Best Practices

Use the following naming practices for this lab.

Class Name CapitalizedWords (aka CamelCase)

Instance Variables lower_case_with_underscores

Note: Use _lower_case_with_underscores for internal (i.e.,

private) instance variables.

Methods lower_case_with_underscores

Note: Use _lower_case_with_underscores for internal (i.e.,

private) methods.

Reference Style Guide: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/

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