Winter 2020 (Jan6-Apr6)
Faculty of Computer Science
CSCI 4152/6509 — Natural Language Processing
Assignment 2
Assignment Instructions:
The submission process for Assignment 2 is mostly based on the submit-nlp command
on bluenose as discussed in the lab, or in the equvalent way by using the course web site,
where you need to follow ‘Login’ and then the ‘File Submission’ menu option. Some questions
may have some specific different submission instructions, in which case you should follow
Important: You must make sure that your course files on bluenose are not readable by
other users. For example, if you keep your files in the directory csci6509 or csci4152 you
can check its permission using the command:
ls -ld csci6509
or ls -ld csci4152
and the output must start with drwx------. If it does not, for example if it starts with
drwxr-xr-x or similar, then the permissions should fixed using the command:
chmod 700 csci6509
or chmod 700 csci4152
1) (22 marks) Complete Lab 3 as instructed. In particular, you will need to properly:
a) (3 marks) Submit the example file ‘’ as instructed.
b) (3 marks) Submit the example file ‘’ as instructed.
c) (5 marks) Submit the program file ‘’ and the output file
‘out_letters.txt’ (or out_letters.txt.gz) as instructed.
d) (6 marks) Submit the program ‘’ and the output file ‘out_word_counter.txt’
as instructed.
e) (5 marks) Submit the program ‘’ as instructed (Step 6).
Note that any program that you submit needs to compile. Even if a complete source code
is given in the lab, you need to type it instead of using cut-and-paste, and you need to make
sure not to introduce any errors into the program. This follows from the lab instructions
that programs must be tested before submitting.
2) (26 marks) Complete Lab 4 (GitLab and Git) as instructed. In particular, you will need
to properly:
a) (5 marks) Prepare and submit via Git the file as instructed.
b) (5 marks) Prepare and submit via Git the directory lab5g and your public key as instructed.
c) (6 marks) Prepare and submit via Git the files (commits for version 1.0
and 1.1) and the Hamlet file as instructed.
d) (5 marks) Create the branch ada-main-program with required commits and merged
later into master as instructed.
e) (5 marks) Create the branch bob-function-explore with required commits and
merged later into master as instructed.
3) (12 marks) Complete the Lab 5 (Python NLTK 1) as instructed, and submit files using
the command submit-nlp as instructed. In particular, you will need to properly:
a) (3 marks) Submit the file ‘’ as instructed.
b) (3 marks) Submit the file ‘’ as instructed.
c) (3 marks) Submit the file ‘’ as instructed.
d) (3 marks) Submit the file ‘’ as instructed.
4) (25 marks) Your solution should be in a file named a2q4.pdf, a2q4.jpg, or a2q4.txt
and it should be submitted the submit-nlp command.
Your solution can be submitted as a plain-text, PDF, or image JPG file. The parts b)
and c) require drawing of the curves, which you can create in any software that you like, or
even draw it by hand using a ruler and take picture of it. It should be clear to read and
verify that it is correct.
Suppose that a search engine returned 16 ranked results to our query, and when we
checked them, the following are our judgements on their relevance:
1. relevant
2. relevant
3. relevant
4. not relevant
5. relevant
6. relevant
7. not relevant
8. not relevant
9. relevant
10. relevant
11. not relevant
12. not relevant
13. relevant
14. not relevant
15. not relevant
16. not relevant
Assuming that the total number of relevant documents in the collection is 25, do the
following tasks:
a) (5 marks) Calculate precision, recall, and F-measure for the returned results.
b) (10 marks) Draw the Precision-Recall curve for these results. Show how the appropriate
coordinates were calculated.
c) (10 marks) Draw the interpolated precision curve. Show how the appropriate coordinates
were calculated.
5) (35 marks) Submit your solution as a file named a2q5.txt or a2q5.pdf using the
command submit-nlp. Let us assume that you work on a problem of detecting positive
microblog messages about financial markets. After analyzing a set of messages you found
that three features F1, F2, and F3 of messages are particularly useful in recognizing whether
a message is positive or negative. You decided to work on creating a small Na¨ıve Bayes
classifier to classify messages into positive and not-positive classes. To summarize, your
model uses the following features:
• The feature F1 ∈ {t, f}, which is set to ‘t’ (true) if feature F1 is present in a message,
and otherwise it is set to ‘f’ (false).
• The feature F2 ∈ {t, f}, which is set to ‘t’ (true) if feature F2 is present in a message,
and otherwise it is set to ‘f’ (false).
• The feature F3 ∈ {t, f}, which is set to ‘t’ (true) if feature F3 is present in a message,
and otherwise it is set to ‘f’ (false).
The class itself is represented using the class variable C ∈ {p, n}, where p stands for a
positive message, and n stands for a non-positive message.
The training data is presented in the following table:
messages F1 F2 F3 C
8 t t t p
2 t t t n
42 t t f p
1 t t f n
4 t f t p
31 t f t n
22 t f f p
6 t f f n
1 f t t p
11 f t t n
3 f t f p
3 f t f n
1 f f t p
90 f f t n
4 f f f p
21 f f f n
a) (15 marks) Calculate the conditional probability tables (CPTs)
for the Na¨ıve Bayes model.
b) (5 marks) Calculate P(C = p | F1 = f, F2 = t, F3 = f) using
the Na¨ıve Bayes model and briefly describe what this conditional
probability represents.
c) (5 marks) What is the most likely value of the class variable C
for the partial configuration (F1 = f, F2 = t, F3 = f) according to
the Na¨ıve Bayes model discussed in a) and b)?
d) (5 marks) What is P(C = p | F1 = f, F2 = t, F3 = f) if we use
the Joint Distribution Model?
e) (5 marks) What is P(C = p | F1 = f, F2 = t, F3 = f) if we use
the Fully Independent Model?
Note: In assignments, always include intermediate results and sufficient details about
the way the results are obtained.
6) (30 marks) You need to write and submit a program in one of the languages: Perl,
Python, C, C++, or Java, according to the specifications given below. Depending on the
language that you use, the program must be named either (for Perl),
(for Python), a2q6.c (for C), (for C++), or (for Java). Python 2 and
Python 3 versions of the program should be distinguished by the first line, which should
be either ‘#!/local/bin/python2’ for Python 2 or ‘#!/local/bin/python3’ for Python 3
(according to the bluenose environment). The program must be submitted using the command
submit-nlp (or via the equivalent form on the web site). The program must read the
standard input, write to the standard output, and not open any files or use any other kind
of interaction with the system or network.
A frequent task that we need to do when working with HTML files from internet is
removal of the HTML tags and comments. You need to write a program similar to that,
but in order to test it, we do not want simply to remove the tags but to hide them in a
way. We want to replace any tag, such as <a href="abc"> with the string <............>.
Any character between delimiters < and > should be replaced with a period (.), except
new-line characters (\n). Additionally, we also want to recognize HTML comments in text,
which start with <!-- and end with -->, and similarly replace all characters except new-line
inside comments with periods. For example, <!-- comment<> --> should be replaced with
<!--...........-->. In case that input contains a tag that starts with < but never ends,
or a comment that starts with <!-- but never properly ends, we should still replace the
non-new-line characters with period from that position to the end of input.
Since tags and comments may overlap in different ways, you must follow the following
principles. Always detect the leftmost start of a tag or comment: if you detect the leftmost
character < to be followed by !-- it must be treated as opening comment, otherwise it is an
opening tag. After that, you must search for a corresponding closing string, either --> for
a comment, or > for a tag, and then processing continues. It is not really important how
exactly you do processing, as long as the output is exactly as specified.
Below, you can find some short examples of input and output:
Input: Start <!-- in comment><!--no nesting-->123-->
Output: Start <!--..........................-->123-->
Input: Start <tag <!--comment? --> maybe?> end
Output: Start <...................> maybe?> end
Input: Start <tag <!--comment>? --> maybe?> end
Output: Start <...............>? --> maybe?> end
Input: Start <tag <!--comment>? <--> maybe?> end
Output: Start <...............>? <--.............
For example, if we use the following file test1.html.txt as input:
<h1>This is a header</h1>
Normal text <a href="some_link">link</a>.
This is a multiline <a target="_blank"
href="this_should_all_be hidden"
>And so on</a> link.
Start comment: <!-- >this is all<inside>
comment we can use > and < and so on
until --> :this is out of comment.
Check in browser if you want.<br>
we should get the following output:
<..>This is a header<...>
Normal text <..................>link<..>.
This is a multiline <.................
.>And so on<..> link.
Start comment: <!--.....................
......--> :this is out of comment.
Check in browser if you want.<..>
These sample input and output files (test.html.txt and test1.out) are provided in the
assignment directory, and you can test your program with commands:
./ < test1.html.txt >
diff -s test1.out
and if there are no differences, it means that your program works correctly on this input.
Additionally, if you test the number of lines and characters in both files with:
wc test1.html.txt test1.out
you will notice that both files have exactly the same lenght and the same number of lines
13 53 339 test1.html.txt
13 37 339 test1.out
26 90 678 total
Note: You can also change the name of the file test1.html.txt to test1.html. We
added the extension .txt so that it does not open as an HTML file when access via a web
You can find another test case test2.html.txt and test2.out, which is based on a
Dalhousie course timetable page.
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