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您当前位置:首页 >> Python编程Python编程

日期:2021-04-27 10:53

COSC 450 Assignment 2:

15% of your Final Grade Due: 23:59 Friday 30 April 2021

In this assignment you will implement a basic stereo depth estimation system:

• Implement a basic stereo matching algorithm for rectified image pairs.

• Reconstruct the 3D co-ordinates of the scene.

• Experiment with the parameters of the system.

• Implement and experiment with a way to remove incorrect correspondences.

The process of taking a stereo image to a 3D model has several stages. The first two are

implemented for you:

• Stereo camera calibration. As well as the intrinsic properties (the camera calibration

matrix, K, and distortion coefficients, 𝐝) of each camera, the rotation, R, and

translation, 𝐭, between the two cameras is computed. The calibration of the stereo

camera you can use for this assignment has been precomputed, and provided as the

file calibration.txt

• Stereo image rectification. As we will discuss in lectures, the corresponding point to

a location in one image is constrained to a line (the epipolar line) in the second image.

It is computationally easier if these are horizontal lines, so a point (𝑥1, 𝑦1) in the first

image corresponds to some point on the row 𝑦2 = 𝑦1, in the second image. Warping

the images so that this is the case is known as stereo rectification, and the appropriate

warps can be computed from the stereo camera calibration data. In OpenCV1

this is

done with the functions stereoRectify and initUndistortRectifyMap, then

the warp is applied with remap.

1 https://opencv.org/

Original stereo pair (top) and rectified pair (bottom)

The next two steps you will need to implement yourself:

• Disparity estimation. The disparity is the apparent motion between the

corresponding points in the two images. For rectified images this is always positive for

points in front of the cameras, and is larger for nearer objects. While there are quite

complex stereo disparity estimation algorithms in the literature2

, a simple sum of

squared differences (SSD) or sum of absolute differences (SAD) over a sliding window

is sufficient.

Disparity map estimated from the images above –

Brighter points have larger disparity, so are closer

• Compute 3D coordinates. Disparities have an inverse relationship to distance from

the camera, and so can be converted into 3D coordinates. See the lecture notes for

details on how 3D coordinates can be computed from disparities.

Once the 3D coordinates have been computed, the data can be written to a file. A common

format is a point cloud – essentially a list of 3D co-ordinates which may have other data (such

2 https://vision.middlebury.edu/stereo/eval3/

as colour) associated with them. A simple file format for storing this data is the PLY format3


which has an ASCII version that is easy to write directly, or there are various libraries available

for managing them. PLY files (and many other 3D formats) can be viewed in MeshLab4

. The

sample code writes a PLY file directly, and ignores points with negative 𝑍 values.

A 3D view of the model produced from the stereo pair.

The models produced by simple block matching with the SSD or SAD are quite noisy, so the

last thing you need to do for the assignment is to experiment with some way to reduce the

number of errors. Possibilities include, but are not limited to:

• Thresholding the SSD or SAD: Correct matches should give low values for the SSD or

SAD. Rejecting points where the best match has a relatively high value can remove

some errors. This requires a threshold value which can either be absolute (reject

points with an error over some fixed value) or relative (keep some percentage of

points with the best matches).

• Rejecting ambiguous matches: As with SIFT feature matching, you might reject those

points where the second-best match is similar to the best match as they are

ambiguous. You need to be careful here, however, as if the correct match is at

disparity 𝑑, you can get very similar values for 𝑑 + 1 and 𝑑 − 1. An alternative is to

consider the error as a function of disparity, and reject cases where there are multiple

similar minima in the curve.

• Rejecting matches that are inconsistent with their neighbours: The world tends to be

made of continuous surfaces, so the disparity (equivalently depth) at a point is usually

similar to its neighbours. Rejecting points that don’t agree with most of the points in

some local neighbourhood can remove a lot of bad matches. This requires defining

the local neighbourhood, and determining what level of agreement is required.

3 http://paulbourke.net/dataformats/ply/

4 https://www.meshlab.net/

Disparity map and 3D view of the model produced by OpenCV’s block matching algorithm.

Note that there are many points without disparities, but those that remain are correct.

Sample Code

Sample code is provided which reads a stereo pair from an .MPO (multiple picture object) file,

which is essentially two .JPG images concatenated together. It also reads the calibration data

from a text file. From the calibration data it computes rectified images, which may also be

scaled in size. Scaling the images down can improve runtime, but also reduces the effects of

image noise or inaccuracies in the calibration estimate. Several sample .MPO files are also

provided, and you can borrow the camera to capture additional images.

Capturing Test Data

The stereo camera will be available for capturing test data by arrangement.  However, you should demonstrate a basic level

of performance on the sample images provided before you capture additional test data. Since

there is only one camera available it will only be made available for short periods of time, and

booking in advance is essential.

Assignment Requirements

You should submit the following:

• Source code for your solution. This could just be an updated version of the file

stereoDepthMain.cpp, but you may wish to write additional classes. You should

not use (or need) any third-party libraries or code.

• A report, covering the following material:

o How your code solves the problems of disparity estimation and 3D point


o The parameters that control the 3D reconstruction process, what effect they

have, and how they should be chosen. It is expected that you would need to

conduct some experiments to determine this information, and you should

present those experiments clearly.

o An evaluation of how effective your solution is, including discussion of cases

that do and don’t work well with your implementation.

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