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日期:2021-10-30 10:14

Assignment 2: Reinforcement Learning

This assignment focusses on reinforcement learning (RL) techniques. You will need to implement some

RL methods and explain the behaviour of the different algorithms.

1 General Instructions

1.1 List of Files

Domain files These files are used to represent problems on which the algorithm can be applied.

MDP.py is the file from the previous assignment. Remember that RL is applied over systems that are

generally assumed to be MDPs.

domain.py defines the RLEnvironment interface which specifies how one can interact with an environment,

through the following methods:

• reset(): returns the environment to its initial state;

• applicable actions(): returns the list of actions applicable in the current state;

• execute(action): executes the specified action, which returns the new state and the immediate


• current state(): returns the current state.

Notice that, as opposed to an MDP, an RLEnvironment does not provide the probability distribution associated

with each action. You can only find out about the next states and benefits of actions by interacting

with the environment.

cricket.py defines a domain that mimics the game of cricket. cheatingcricket.py provides a variant of

Cricket in which agents have access to a “cheating” strategy. These domains are described in Subsection 1.2.

Files to Implement The following files contain the methods you will need to implement.

q.py contains classes and methods related to Q functions, where a Q function associates a value to each

pair state/action. A Q object includes two methods:

• value(state,action) returns the estimated value of the specified action in the specified state. The

reward here is the long term reward, i.e., not just the immediate reward from performing the action

but also the discounted reward that the agent will obtain in the future.

• learn(state,action,reward) tells the Q function the reward associated with the state/action pair

the last time this action was performed. From this information, the Q object can refine its estimate of

the value of the state/action pair. Once again, the reward here is the long term reward, i.e., not just

the immediate reward from performing the action but also the discounted reward that the agent will

obtain in the future.


The file contains an implementation LastValueQ, in which LastValueQ(s, a) is the value of a in state s

from the last time that action was executed. (This is a very bad idea in a stochastic context.) This class is

here for testing and to give an example implementation.

sarsa.py and qlearning.py contain an implementation of the two algorithms, sarsa and QLearning.

Test Files The files starting with test are used to test the implementations.

The files starting with question are used to demonstrate the behaviours of different algorithms. These

files use rewardwrapper.py, which contains a wrapper that collects the rewards of the implementations, and

plot.py, which provides a method to draw the rewards.

1.2 Description of the Cricket Domain

The implementations are tested with the Cricket domain.1

In this domain, the agent plays the two batters.

The ball is first batted far from the wickets, and it will return to the wicket in the next steps. The

two batters can run to exchange their position; they can stop running at any time. If the players are at

their starting positions when the ball returns, the players score as many points as the number of position

exchanges they managed to perform. If at least one of them is not back at their starting position, the two

players get a penalty of −10. The stochasticity comes from the varying speed of the batters and the ball.

The CheatingCricket domain extends the Cricket domain with the following action. At the beginning

of the run, the batters can decide to cheat. If they do cheat, they have to conceal this action by

performing the hide action before scoring. If they do so, their score is double; if they don’t, they get a huge

penalty (−100).

Together with the domains are given several instantiations with different parameters.

2 Implementation

This section describes the 6 methods/classes that you are supposed to implement. These methods are

generally no longer than a dozen lines.

2.1 greedy action(q: Q, env: RLEnvironment) -> Action

In file q.py, implement the method that computes the greedy action that should be performed in the

environment according to the specified Q function.

Test this method with file test greedy.py.

2.2 epsilon greedy action(q: Q, env: RLEnvironment, epsilon: float) -> Action

In file q.py, implement the method that performs the epsilon-greedy strategy discussed during the lectures.

Test this method with file test eps.py.

2.3 TemporalDifference

In file q.py, implement the class TemporalDifference that learns using the TemporalDifference strategy

with a fixed alpha parameter.

Test this method with file test td.py.

1With apologies to the fans of cricket.


2.4 Average

In file q.py, implement the class Average that stores the average of the learnt rewards given to state/action


Test this method with file test ave.py.


In sarsa.py, implement the method execute one action which performs one iteration of the SARSA


Test this method with file test sarsa.py.

2.6 QLearning

In qlearning.py, implement the method execute one action which performs one iteration of the QLearning


Test this method with file test qlearning.py.

3 Interpretation

In this section, you will be asked to explain the behaviours of various algorithms. Specifically, you will have

to look at the evolution of the reward function over time, and to explain (in a few sentences) why the rewards

associated with one implementation is higher than the other at some points during the execution.

Each python file questionx.py contains a question. Answer this question in a few sentences.

There are two ways to run these files:

1. You can run them directly such as:

python3 question1.py

and they will use your implementation from the previous section. Notice however that the code may

require a substantial amount of time to complete.

2. You can run them using the recorded values:

python3 question1.py r solutions/

This allows you to answer the questions even if your implementation is incorrect.

You can also use python3 question1.py w prefix if you want your execution to be saved (this creates

text files such as prefixq1_1), and later use the same command with r instead of w to show the graph again

(without re-running the code).

Running the python file will generate a graph that shows how the reward function evolves over time, as

well as a table that shows the general trend. If the graph is too messy to interpret (which should happen

sometimes), use the table instead.

3.1 Question 1

Explain why Q-learning with ε = 0.01 performs better than ε = 0.1.

3.2 Question 2

Explain why SARSA performs better than Q-learning during the learning process.


3.3 Question 3

Explain why Q-learning performs better than SARSA after the learning process.


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