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您当前位置:首页 >> Python编程Python编程

日期:2022-10-29 11:40

FIT9136 Algorithms and

Programming Foundations in


Assignment 3

OCT 2022


Table of Contents

1. Key Information

2. The Assignment

2.1. The Dataset: HardwareRecs

2.2. Task 1: Handling with File Contents and Preprocessing

2.3. Task 2: Building a Class for Data Analysis

2.4. Task 3: Analyzing the File for Data Visualization

2.5. User Manual

3. Do and Do NOT

3.1. Important NOTES

4. Submission Requirements

5. Academic Integrity

6. Marking Guide

7. Getting help

7.1. English language skills

7.2. Study skills

7.3. Things are tough right now

7.4. Things in the unit don’t make sense

7.5. I don’t know what I need


1. Key Information

Purpose This assignment will develop your skills in designing, constructing, testing,

and documenting a Python program according to specific programming

standards. This assessment is related to the following learning outcome


● LO2 - Restructure a computational program into manageable units

of modules and classes using the object-oriented methodology

● LO3 - Demonstrate Input/Output strategies in a Python application

and apply appropriate testing and exception handling techniques

● LO4 - Investigate useful Python packages for scientific computing

and data analysis;

● LO5 - Experiment with data manipulation, analysis, and

visualisation technique to formulate business insight.

Your task This assignment is a individual task where you will write Python code for

a simple application whereby you will be developing an analyser

application as per the specifications.

Value 35% of your total marks for the unit.

Due Date Friday, 4 November 2022, 4:30 PM (AEST)

Submission ● Via Moodle Assignment Submission.

● FIT GitLab check-ins will be used to assess the history of


● MOSS will be used for similarity checking of all submissions.



The following aspects will be assessed:

1. Program functionality in accordance to the requirements

2. Code Architecture and Adherence to Python coding standards

3. The comprehensiveness of documented code

Late Penalties ● 10% deduction per calendar day or part thereof for up to one


● Submissions more than 7 calendar days after the due date will

receive a mark of zero (0) and no assessment feedback will be




See Moodle Assessment page and Section 7 in this document.

Feedback Feedback will be provided via one formats:

● specific student feedback ten working days post submission


2. The Assignment

In this assignment, you will implement a basic parser to investigate the natural-language

posts from Q&A (Question and Answering) site. The parser is able to perform basic data

extraction, statistical analysis on a number of linguistic features and also to present the

analysis results using some form of visualisation.

2.1. The Dataset: HardwareRecs

Before you get started with any of the programming tasks, you should read through the

description of the dataset that we will be using for the purpose of this assignment.

The dataset is known as HardwareRecs [https://hardwarerecs.stackexchange.com] which is a

Q&A site for people seeking specific hardware recommendations. The Q&A site is a platform

for users to exchange knowledge by asking and answering questions such as Quora, Zhihu,

and Stack Overflow. Within HardwareRecs, users can ask questions about hardware

recommendations, while other users can also answer those questions with corresponding


The data is written in XML (Extensible Markup Language) format. Apart from the first two

lines and the last line which are XML specific format, each line in the dataset represents a

record of a post in the Q&A site, i.e., the row beginning with “”

is a piece of date in this assignment.

As seen in above image, each post contains four attributes:

● Id: the unique identifier to represent each post

● PostTypeId: the type of the post:

○ 1 = Question

○ 2 = Answer

○ 3 to 8 = Others

● CreationDate: the creation date and time of the post (format as



● Body: the content of the post

You should note that there are many different “PostTypeId” recorded in the dataset.

However, for the purpose of this assignment, the data required for processing and analysis

are the questions and answers in the site, which are those rows indicated by the

“PostTypeId” as 1 or 2.

Note: You should download the dataset from the FIT9136 S2 2022 Moodle site before

attempting the following tasks. The dataset is named data.xml.

2.2. Task 1: Handling with File Contents and Preprocessing

In the first task, you will begin by reading in all the posts of the given dataset. You will then

conduct a number of pre-processing tasks to clean the post content (Body) needed for

analysis in the subsequent tasks (Task 2 and 3) in this assignment. Upon completing the

pre-processing tasks, the content of questions and answers should be saved as two

individual output files. This would be a more efficient approach whenever we need to

manipulate the cleaned dataset without having to repeat the pre-processing task, especially

for large-scale data analysis.

For each post, you should first extract the content/body of it i.e., the string embedded

within “Body:"..."” in each row of the XML file. Then you need to carry out some

preprocessing steps to it as follows:

A. In HTML, XML documents, the logical constructs known as character data and

attribute values consist of sequences of characters, in which each character can

manifest directly (representing itself), or can be represented by a series of characters

called a character reference. We need to convert those special character references

back to its original form by following the rules in Table 1.


Before filtering: <p>In $200 price range, should I be looking at cards from AMD or


After filtering:

In $200 price range, should I be looking at cards from AMD or



B. Replace special characters including “ ”, “ ” by a single empty space.

C. Remove all HTML tags. All data within the body attribute are content of posts in

HardwareRecs site, and it is rendered by HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) format.

Within HTML, there are many tags to annotate the content such as

, . All tags

contain start tags like

, and end tags like

. All of these tags are written as the

format “<*>”, and some tags even have detailed attributes like ‘href=”www.google.com”>’. You should remove all these HTML tags (including their

attributes inside) accordingly.

You should remove all these HTML tags (including their attributes inside) accordingly.

Note that we assume that the content in the body contain complete tags i.e., all start

tags are also accompanied by related end tags.


Before filtering:

In $200 price range, should I be looking at cards from AMD or


After filtering: In $200 price range, should I be looking at cards from AMD or Nvidia?

Note that If you wish to read more about Character References, Wikipedia has a page on the

topic https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Character_encodings_in_HTML#XML_character_

references. More details about the HTML tags can be seen as

https://www.w3schools.com/tags/. However it is not necessary to read these or understand

HTML/XML to finish the assignment.

Finally, once you have completed with the filtering process, you should identify if the post is

a question or answer. You should then save the data into two different files “question.txt”

and “answer.txt” according to the post type shown in the data. The cleaned body/content

for each post need to be saved in one line in the output file. Examples can be seen in Figure


Note: You should write your code within the given template file

“preprocessData_studentID.py”, and name the file with your own ID. There are two

functions in the file: preprocessLine(inputLine) for dealing with the each valid data row from

the file, and splitFile(inputFile, outputFile_question, outputFile_answer) for reading the

input file, calling preprocessLine function to process the line, and saving the cleaned


questions and answers into output files. All files should be saved in the current folder as that

of source code file i.e., not using the absolute path.

2.3. Task 2: Building a Class for Data Analysis

The second task is about collating the required data for analysis. Apart from extracting the

clean body as achieved in Task 1, the main task here is to further parse the given row of the

data in XML format with object-oriented programming.

Your class “Parser” should contain the following methods:

● __init__(self, inputString):

This is the constructor required for creating instances of this class. The inputString

will be the row of data from the XML file.

● __str__(self):

Re-define this method to present your data (the instance variables) in a readable

format. You should return a formatted string in this method. The order of output

should be “ID, post type, creation date quarter, the cleaned content”.

● getID(self):

Get Id of the post (indicated by “Id” attribute)

● getPostType(self)

Get the post type of the post (indicated by “PostTypeId” attribute) with 1 as the

question, 2 as the answer, and 3-8 as others.

● getDateQuarter(self)

Get the date quarter of the creation date (indicated by the “CreationDate” attribute).

One year has four quarters including Q1 (Jan to Mar), Q2 (Apr to Jun), Q3 (Jul to Sep)

and Q4 (Oct to Dec). For example, given “2016-04-07T18:11:33.793” as the

CreationDate, your program should return a string named “2016Q2”.

● getCleanedBody(self)

Get the cleaned body of the posts (indicated by “Body” attribute) which is the

extracted cleaned body as that of task 1. You can import the function

preprocessLine() in the template of Task 1 to reuse the pre-processing functionality

of Task 1. But different from Task 1, we do not require splitting of the

question/answers or saving to the file.


● getVocabularySize(self)

Get the number of unique words in the cleaned body converted in the lower case.

Note that we do not count space or punctuation as the word. For example, given the

sentence “Although I use Mac, I do not like Mac.”, there are 7 unique words including

{“although”, “i”, “use”, “mac”, “do”, “not”, “like”}. The counting process may involve

splitting the words from the cleaned body returned from the getCleanedBody()

method. Note, just using str.split(" ") is not enough, as it may mistakenly recognize

“mac,” as a word instead of “mac”.

When instantiating this class with the data row from the XML file "data.xml" as input, e.g.,

Body="<p>In $200 price range, should I be looking at cards from AMD or

Nvidia?</p> ” /> , your class can extract the ID, post type, creation date quarter,

cleaned body, vocabulary size, and nicely print the input data.

Note: You should write your code within the given template “parser_studentID.py”, and

name the file with your own ID.

2.4. Task 3: Analyzing the File for Data Visualization

In this task, based on the class defined in Section 2.3 (Task 2) , you will implement two

functions to visualise the statistics as some form of graphs. The implementation of these two

functions should make use of the external Python packages, including NumPy, SciPy, Pandas,

and/or Matplotlib in order to create the suitable graphs for comparing the statistics

collected for posts.

The implementation of two methods should follow the requirement below:

● visualizeVocabularySizeDistribution(inputFile, outputImage):

Given the input file “data.xml”, you should count the vocabulary size for each post.

Then you should draw a bar chart in Python to visualize the distribution of the

vocabulary size of all posts. The x-axis is the vocabulary size, and the y-axis

represents the number of posts with a certain vocabulary size. Note that for the

x-axis, the vocabulary size interval is 10 and once the vocabulary size is larger than or

equal to 100, you should put them into “others”, i.e., 0-10, 10-20, 20-30, 30-40,

40-50, 50-60, 60-70, 70-80, 80-90, 90-100, others (left inclusive). You should save

your visualization figure into a png file named as “vocabularySizeDistribution.png”.

● visualizePostNumberTrend(inputFile, outputImag):

This function displays the trend of the post number in the Q&A site. Given the input

file “data.xml”, you should first get the number of questions and answers in each

quarter. Then following the time order, you should draw a line chart to annotate the

number of posts in each quarter. Note that you should draw two lines for question

number and answer number respectively, and add a legend in the figure to tell which


line is for which type of posts. You should save your visualization figure into a png file

named “postNumberTrend.png”.

Note: Please import the class defined in Section 2.3 (Task 2). Apart from the defining these

two functions, you should also call these two functions and obtain the png files. You should

put your code for this final task into the template file “dataVisualization_studentID.py”,

and name the file with your own ID.

2.5. User Manual

Apart from the comments along with the code, you should also prepare a user

documentation (at least 4 pages but not more than 8 pages) in the PDF format with clear

and complete instructions on how to run your programs and the analytical outputs (tables

and graphs). For the graphs in Task 3, it is required to add an explanation to describe the



3. Do and Do NOT


● Maintain appropriate citing and referencing1,

● Get support early from this unit and other

services within the university,

● Apply for special consideration or for

extensions2 early if needed.

● Leave your assignment in draft mode

(assignments in draft mode will not be


● Submit late (10% daily penalty applies)3,

● Attempt to submit after 7 days of the due

date (they will not be accepted), unless

you have special consideration.

3.1. Important NOTES

● For all tasks, we provide the template source code files, please fill in your code within

the template files following the instructions. Not following the rules in the template

file may invite mark penalties.

● Please make sure your file reading/writing operations include encoding type utf8.

Changing the application running environment could cause issues if you do not have

the encoding type. Any character encoding issues/exceptions will cause serious mark


● If one method is not working and it hinders the program from continuing running to

show other functionalities, the following functionalities will get no mark. Therefore,

it is important to finish the methods one by one and make sure they work properly.

● If any exception/errors happen when running your program, you will lose 50% of

allocated function logic marks.

● Add correct validation and output messages to make your code more user-friendly to


● The assignment must be done using the Pycharm, Python Version 3.9.

● The Python code for this assignment must be implemented according to the PEP

8-Style Guide for Python Code.

● The allowed libraries are Math, re, Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib, Pandas. You will not

receive marks for the components if you use any other libraries apart from the

mentioned library.

3 e.g.: The original mark was 70/100, submitting 2 days late results in 50/100 (20 mark

deduction). This includes weekends and public holidays.

2 https://www.monash.edu/exams/changes/special-consideration



● Commenting on your code is an essential part of the assessment criteria. In addition

to inline and function commenting on your code, you should include comments at

the beginning of your program file which specify your name, student ID, the creation

date, and the last modified date of the program, as well as a high-level description of

the program.

● This assignment cannot be completed in a few days and requires students to apply

what we learn each week as we move closer to the submission date. Please

remember to show your progress weekly to your tutor.

● You must keep up to date with the Moodle Ed Assignment 3 forum where further

clarifications may be posted (this forum is to be treated as your client).

● Please be careful to ensure you do not publicly post anything which includes your

reasoning, logic or any part of your work to this forum, doing so violates Monash

plagiarism/ collusion rules and has significant academic penalties. Use private posts

or email your allocated tutor to raise questions that may reveal part of your

reasoning or solution.


4. Submission Requirements

The assignment must be submitted by Friday, 04 November 2022, 4:30 PM (AEDT).

The following files are to be submitted and must exist in your individual FITGITLab server


● A series of .py files (i.e., dataVisualization_studentID.py, parser_studentID.py,


o A template, A3_student_template.zip, is available on the Moodle

Assessments page. You have to use this template.

● A userManual_studentID.pdf file.

The above files must be compress to a .zip file named ass3_studentID#.zip and submitted

via Moodle.

The .py files must also have been pushed to your individual FIT GitLab server repo with an

appropriate history as you developed your solutions. Please ensure your committed

comments are meaningful. Do NOT need to push the history of the user manual file to the

individual FIT GitLab server. Only push the final version of the PDF file. DO NOT push the .zip


● No submissions will be accepted via email,

● Please note we cannot mark any work on the GitLab Server, you need to ensure that

you submit correctly via Moodle since it is only in this process that you complete the

required student declaration without which work cannot be assessed.

● It is your responsibility to ENSURE that the submitted files are the correct files. We

strongly recommend after uploading a submission, and prior to actually submitting in

Moodle, that you download the submission and double-check its contents.

● Please carefully read the documentation under the “Special Consideration” and

"Assignment Task Submission" on the Moodle Assessments page which covers things

such as extensions, correct submission, and resubmission.

● Please note, if you need to resubmit, you cannot depend on your tutors' availability,

for this reason, please be VERY CAREFUL with your submission. It is strongly

recommended that you submit several hours before due to avoid such issues.

● Marks will be deducted for any of these requirements that are not strictly complied



5. Academic Integrity

Students are expected to be familiar with the University Academic Integrity Policy and are

particularly reminded of the following:

Section 1.9:

Students are responsible for their own good academic practice and must:

● undertake their studies and research responsibly and with honesty and integrity;

● credit the work of others and seek permission to use that work where required;

● not plagiarise, cheat or falsify their work;

● ensure that their work is not falsified;

● not resubmit any assessment they have previously submitted, without the

permission of the chief examiner; appropriately acknowledge the work of others;

● take reasonable steps to ensure that other students are unable to copy or misuse

their work; and

● be aware of and comply with University regulations, policies and procedures relating

to academic integrity.

and Section 2.9:

Unauthorised distribution of course-related materials: Students are not permitted to share,

sell or pass on to another person or entity external to Monash:

2.9.1 any course material produced by Monash University (such as lecture slides, lecture

recordings, class handouts, assessment requirements, examination questions; excluding

Handbook entries) as this is a breach of the Copyright Compliance Policy and such conduct

may be a copyright law infringement subject to legal action; or

2.9.2 any course-related material produced by students themselves or other students (such

as class notes, past assignments), nor to receive such material, without the permission of

the chief examiner. The penalties for breaches of academic misconduct include

● a zero mark for the assessment task

● a zero mark for the unit

● suspension from the course

● exclusion from the University.

Where a penalty or disciplinary action is applied, the outcome is recorded and kept for seven

years, or for 15 years if the penalty was excluded.


6. Marking Guide

Your work will be marked as per the following:

● Main Task:

○ 65% for working program — functionality (for all three tasks);

○ 10% for code architecture — algorithms, data types, control structures, use of

internal libraries and/or external packages;

○ 10% for coding style — clear logic, clarity in variable/function/class names,

code readability;

○ 15% for documentation — program comments and user documentation.


7. Getting help

7.1. English language skills

if you don’t feel confident with your English.

● Talk to English Connect: https://www.monash.edu/english-connect

7.2. Study skills

If you feel like you just don’t have enough time to do everything you need to, maybe you just

need a new approach.

● Talk to a learning skills advisor: https://www.monash.edu/library/skills/contacts

7.3. Things are tough right now

Everyone needs to talk to someone at some point in their life, no judgement here.

● Talk to a counsellor: https://www.monash.edu/health/counselling/appointments

(friendly, approachable, confidential, free)

7.4. Things in the unit don’t make sense

Even if you’re not quite sure what to ask about, if you’re not sure you won’t be alone, it’s

always better to ask.

● Ask in Ed: https://edstem.org/au/courses/8843/discussion/

● Attend a consultation:


7.5. I don’t know what I need

Everyone at Monash University is here to help you. If things are tough now they won’t

magically get better by themselves. Even if you don’t exactly know, come and talk with us

and we’ll figure it out. We can either help you ourselves or at least point you in the right


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