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日期:2020-10-12 11:28

Assignment 1

Heuristic Search

1. Setup

Consider the following problem: an agent operating in a grid-world has to quickly compute a path

from the current cell it occupies to a target goal cell. Different cells in the grid have different

costs for traversing them. For instance, some may correspond to impassable obstacles, others

to flat and easy to traverse regions. There may also be passable but difficult to traverse regions

(e.g., rocky, granular terrain or swamps) as well as regions that can accelerate the motion of a

character (e.g., highways or navigable regions, etc.).

Similar search challenges arise frequently in real-time computer games, such as Civilization

shown in Figure 1(a). Grids with blocked and unblocked cells with different costs are often used to

represent terrains in games. Grid-based discretizations are also popular in robotic applications.

To control characters in such games, the player can click on known or unknown terrain, and

the game characters then move autonomously to the location that the player clicked on. The

characters need to quickly compute a path to their final destination and they have many different

alternatives in terms of the type of terrain that they can go over. Following a longer path over an

easier to traverse terrain may bring the agent faster to the target destination than a short path

over a challenging terrain. The A algorithm is mainly used in computing such paths. The original ∗

A approach guides the search using an admissible and consistent heuristic. Such a heuristic ∗

guarantees that the path returned by A will be optimal. ∗

Figure 1: (a) Games like Civilization utilize an underlying discretization of the environment in order

to compute paths (e.g., regular or hexagonal grids), where different cells introduce a different

cost for traversing the corresponding terrain, (b) An example of a grid with 8-way-connectivity,

where there are obstacle regions (dark), free to traverse regions (white with cost to traverse 1.0),

passable but hard to traverse cells (light gray with cost 2.0) and directions where the motion of the

agent can be accelerated (blue curve, which decreases the cost of traversing a cell by 4 times).

2. Description of Discretized Maps

We consider a 2D terrain discretized into a grid of square cells that can be blocked, unblocked, partially

blocked and directions in the grid where the cost can be decreased as shown in Figure 1(b). White cells

are unblocked, light gray cells are partially blocked, dark gray cells are blocked and the blue line

indicates a direction of motion along which the motion of the agent can be accelerated (e.g., a “river” in

the game of Civilization). Figure 1(b) indicates a shortest path (black line). In the following discussion,

the start vertex will be referred to as sstart and the goal vertex as sgoal.

We will consider grid maps of dimension 160 columns and 120 rows. Initialize these maps by setting

all cells in the beginning to correspond to unblocked cells. The cost of transitioning between two

regular unblocked cells is 1 if the agent moves horizontally or vertically and sqrt(2) if the agent moves


Then, decide the placement of harder to traverse cells. To do so, select eight coordinates randomly

(xrand, yrand). For each coordinate pair (xrand, yrand), consider the 31x31 region centered

at this coordinate pair. For every cell inside this region, choose with probability 50% to mark it as

a hard to traverse cell. The cost of transitioning into such hard to traverse cells is double the cost

of moving over regular unblocked cells, i.e.,

• moving horizontally or vertically between two hard to traverse cells has a cost of 2;

• moving diagonally between two hard to traverse cells has a cost of sqrt(8);

• moving horizontally or vertically between a regular unblocked cell and a hard to traverse cell

(in either direction) has a cost of 1.5;

• moving diagonally between a regular unblocked cell and a hard to traverse cell (in either

direction) has a cost of (sqrt(2)+sqrt(8))/2;

The next step is to select four paths on the map that allow the agent to move faster along them (i.e., the

“rivers” or highways). Allow only 4-way connectivity for these paths, i.e., these highways are allowed

to propagate only horizontally or vertically. For each one of these paths, start with a random cell at the

boundary of the grid world. Then, move in a random horizontal or vertical direction for 20 cells but

away from the boundary and mark this sequence of cells as containing a highway. To continue, with

60% probability select to move in the same direction and 20% probability select to move in a

perpendicular direction (turn the highway left or turn the highway right). Again mark 20 cells as a

highway along the selected direction. If you hit a cell that is already a highway in this process, reject

the path and start the process again. Continue marking cells in this manner, until you hit the boundary

again. If the length of the path is less than 100 cells when you hit the boundary, then reject the path and

start the process again. If you cannot add a highway given the placement of the previous rivers, start the

process from the beginning.

In terms of defining costs, if we are starting from a cell that contains a highway and we are moving

horizontally or vertically into a cell that also contains a highway, the cost of this motion is four times

less than it would be otherwise (i.e., 0.25 if both cells are regular, 0.5 if both cells are hard to traverse

and 0.375 if we are moving between a regular unblocked cell and a hard to traverse cell).

Select the set of blocked cells over the entire map. To do so, select randomly 20% of the total number

of cells (i.e., 3,840 cells) to mark as blocked. In this process, you should not mark any cell that has a

highway as a blocked cell. Agents are not allowed to move into these blocked cells. Paths cannot pass

through blocked cells or move between two adjacent blocked cells but can pass along the border of

blocked and unblocked cells. For simplicity, we assume that paths can also pass through vertices where

two blocked cells diagonally touch one another.

Finally, place the start vertex sstart and the goal vertex sgoal. Select the start vertex randomly among

unblocked cells (standard or hard to traverse) on the grid in one of the following regions:

• top 20 rows or bottom 20 rows

• left-most 20 columns or right-most 20 columns

Similarly, select the goal vertex randomly among unblocked cells in the above regions. If the distance

between the start and the goal is less than 100, then select a new goal.

We assume that the grid is surrounded by blocked cells. We also assume a static environment (i.e.,

blocked cells remain blocked, unblocked cells remain unblocked, etc.). The agents are occupying and

transitioning between the centers of cells. The objective of path planning is to find as fast as possible a

short path from sstart to sgoal in terms of accumulated cost. We will be searching unidirectionally from the

start vertex to the goal vertex.

For every map you generate, you should be able to visualize it in a way that the different terrain types

are easy to figure out. Furthermore, you should be able to output a file that describes it. You should also

be able to load such files into your program. The file should indicate the following information:

• The first line provides the coordinates of sstart

• The second line provides the coordinates of sgoal

• The next eight lines provide the coordinates of the centers of the hard to traverse regions (i.e.,

the centers (xrand,yrand) from the description above)

• Then, provide 120 rows with 160 characters each that indicate the type of terrain for the map as


◦ Use ’0’ to indicate a blocked cell

◦ Use ’1’ to indicate a regular unblocked cell

◦ Use ’2’ to indicate a hard to traverse cell

◦ Use ’a’ to indicate a regular unblocked cell with a highway

◦ Use ’b’ to indicate a hard to traverse cell with a highway

The following discussion will get into the description of algorithms for computing shortest paths in

such grid worlds.

3 Review of A ∗

The pseudo-code of A is shown in Algorithm 1 (have in mind that you may be potentially able to ∗

improve the speed of your implementation relatively to this pseudo-code description). A* is described

in your artificial intelligence textbook and therefore described only briefly in the following, using the

following notation:

• S denotes the set of vertices.

• sstart S denotes the start vertex, and ∈

• sgoal S denotes the goal vertex. ∈

• c(s, s' ) is the cost of transitioning between two neighboring vertices s, s' S as defined in the ∈

previous section.

• Finally, succ(s) S is the set of successors of vertex s S, which are those (at most eight) ⊆ ∈

vertices adjacent to vertex s so that the straight line between s and a vertex in succ(s) is


For example, the successors of vertex D3 in Figure 1(b) are vertices C2, C3 and D4. The straightline

distance between vertices D3 and C2 is sqrt(2), the straight-line distance between vertices D3 and C3 is

0.25 and the straight-line distance between D3 and D4 is 1. A maintains two values for every vertex s ∗

∈ S:

1. First, the g-value g(s) is the distance from the start vertex to vertex s.

2. Second, the parent parent(s), which is used to identify a path from the start vertex to the goal

vertex after A terminates. ∗

A also maintains two global data structures: ∗

1. First, the fringe (or open list) is a priority queue that contains the vertices that A considers to ∗

expand. A vertex that is or was in the fringe is called generated. The fringe provides the

following procedures:

◦ Procedure fringe.Insert(s, x) inserts vertex s with key x into the priority queue fringe.

◦ Procedure fringe.Remove(s) removes vertex s from the priority queue fringe.

◦ Procedure fringe.Pop() removes a vertex with the smallest key from priority queue

fringe and returns it.

2. Second, the closed list is a set that contains the vertices that A has expanded and ensures that ∗

A expands every vertex at most once. ∗

A uses a user-provided constant h-value (= heuristic value) h(s) for every vertex s S to focus the ∗ ∈

search, which is an estimate of the distance to the goal, i.e., an estimate of the distance from vertex s to

the goal vertex. A uses the h-value to calculate an ƒ-value ƒ (s) = g(s) + h(s) for every vertex s, which ∗

is an estimate of the distance from the start vertex via vertex s to the goal vertex. Upon initialization,

A assumes the g-value of every vertex to be infinity and the parent of every vertex to NULL [Lines ∗

15-16]. It sets the g-value of the start vertex to zero and the parent of the start vertex to itself [Lines 2-

3]. It sets the fringe and closed lists to the empty lists and then inserts the start vertex into the fringe list

with its ƒ-value as its priority [4-6]. A then repeatedly executes the following statements: If the fringe ∗

list is empty, then A reports that there is no path [Line 18]. Otherwise, it identifies a vertex s with the ∗

smallest ƒ-value in the fringe list [Line 8]. If this vertex is the goal vertex, then A reports that it has ∗

found a path from the start vertex to the goal vertex [Line 10]. A then follows the parents from the ∗

goal vertex to the start vertex to identify a path from the start vertex to the goal vertex in reverse [not

shown in the pseudo-code]. Otherwise, A removes the vertex from the fringe list [Line 8] and expands ∗

it by inserting the vertex into the closed list [Line 11] and then generating each of its unexpanded

successors, as follows: A checks whether the g-value of vertex s plus the straight-line distance from ∗

vertex s to vertex s 0 is smaller than g-value of vertex s 0 [Line 20]. If so, then it sets the g-value of

vertex s 0 to the g-value of vertex s plus the straight-line distance from vertex s to vertex s 0 , sets the

parent of vertex s 0 to vertex s and finally inserts vertex s 0 into the fringe list with its ƒ-value as its

priority or, if it was there already, changes its priority [Lines 21-25]. It then repeats the procedure.

Thus, when A updates the g-value and parent of an unexpanded successor s 0 of vertex s in procedure ∗

UpdateVertex, it considers the path from the start vertex to vertex s [= g(s)] and from vertex s to vertex

s 0 in a straight line [= c(s, s0 )], resulting in distance g(s) + c(s, s0 ). A updates the g-value and parent ∗

of vertex s 0 if the considered path is shorter than the shortest path from the start vertex to vertex s 0

found so far [= g(s 0 )]. A with admissible and consistent h-values is guaranteed to find shortest grid ∗

paths (optimality criterion). H-values are admissible and consistent (= monotone) if and only if (iff)

they satisfy the triangle inequality, that is, iff h(sgoal) = 0 and h(s) ≤ c(s, s0 ) + h(s 0 ) for all vertices s,

s0 S with s 6= sgoal and s 0 succ(s). For example, h-values are consistent if they are all zero, in ∈ ∈

which case A degrades to uniform-first search. ∗

4 Example Trace of A*

Figure 3 shows a trace of A* over a binary grid. Note that in this example, the vertices correspond to

boundary points of cells instead of the center of cells. The algorithms uses as h-values:



and sy

denote the x- and y-coordinates of vertex s, respectively. The labels of the vertices are their ƒ-

values (written as the sum of their g-values and h-values) and parents. We assume that all numbers are

precisely calculated although we round them to two decimal places in the figure. The arrows point to

their parents. Red circles indicate vertices that are being expanded. A* eventually follows the parents

from the goal vertex C1 to the start vertex A4 to identify the dashed red path [A4, B3, C2, C1] from the

start vertex to the goal vertex in reverse, which is a shortest grid path. Note that this heuristic may not

be admissible or consistent for the problem considered in this programming assignment.

5 Implementation Aspects

Your implementation of A should use a binary heap to implement the open list. The reason for using a ∗

binary heap is that it is often provided as part of standard libraries and, if not, it is easy to implement.

At the same time, it is also reasonably efficient in terms of processor cycles and memory usage. You

will get positive experience if you implement the binary heap from scratch, that is, if your

implementation does not use existing libraries to implement the binary heap or parts of it.

Do not use code written by others and test your implementations carefully. For example, make sure that

the search algorithms indeed find paths from the start vertex to the goal vertex or report that such paths

do not exist, make sure that they never expand vertices that they have already been expanded (i.e.,

follow a GRAPH-SEARCH approach), and make sure that A* with admissible/consistent h-values

finds the shortest grid path.

Your implementations should be efficient in terms of processor cycles and memory usage. After all

game companies place limitations on the resources that path planning has available. Thus, it is

important that you think carefully about your implementations rather than use the given pseudocode

blindly since it is not optimized. For example, make sure that your implementations never iterate over

all vertices except to initialize them once at the beginning of a search (to be precise: at the beginning of

only the first search in case you perform several searches in a row) since your program might be used

on large grids. Make sure that your implementation does not determine membership in the closed list

by iterating through all vertices in it.

Numerical precision is important since the g-values, h-values and ƒ-values are floating point values. An

implementation of A with the h-values from Equation 1 can achieve high numerical precision by ∗

representing these values in the form m + sqrt(2)n for integer values m and n. Your implementations of

A and its variance s can also use 64-bit floating point values (“doubles”) for simplicity, unless stated ∗


6 Weighted A*

As stated previously, when A is used with a consistent heuristic it is guaranteed that it will return the ∗

optimal path from the start to goal state. As with many problems in Computer Science, A ’s optimality ∗

may come with some sacrifices in terms of the cost of computation, a metric for which is the number of

expanded vertices (in this way you can compare the performance of different algorithm across different

computers). In many cases, one would prefer to trade-off an optimal path with a path that may be

suboptimal but which may be calculated faster. This may be achieved if a good heuristic is available

and then you can follow a greedier approach that trusts the heuristic more.

In particular, Weighted A expands the states in the order of ƒ = g + ∗ w · h values, where w ≥ 1. In the

case that w = 1, Weighted A is identical to the original A algorithm. When ∗ ∗ w > 1, the search is biased

towards vertices that are closer to the goal according to the heuristic. Weighted A*:

• • trades off optimality for speed when the heuristic is useful; it can actually be orders of

magnitude faster than traditional A* given good heuristics, depending on the domain that the

search is performed.

• is w-suboptimal, which means that cost(Weighted A solution) ≤ ∗ w cost(optimal solution) ∗

Figure 4 shows different results from Weighted A depending on the choice of ∗ w for the same problem

over a binary grid. If a large value for w is chosen then the search is biased towards vertices that are

closer to the goal according to a Euclidean distance heuristic (a). If we chose a value closer to 1, then

the search is also biased towards the goal but at some point additional vertices are expanded (b). Finally

if w = 1, we get the optimal path (which is better by 1 move than the suboptimal one) but the number of

expansions rises by 7.

Obviously, the effectiveness of A and even more of Weighted A depends on the selection of a good ∗ ∗

heuristic. Euclidean distance may be a good choice for the example of Figure 4. Nevertheless, the path

planning problem described in this project is a little bit more complicated as the underlying grid is not

binary. For instance, the Euclidean distance between two nodes (where we assume a distance of 1

between two neighboring horizontal/vertical cells) is no longer an admissible heuristic for our problem

(why?). It is rather easy to come up with many types of inadmissible heuristics for this problem, which

may still provide some useful guidance towards solving this problem (e.g., Manhattan distance). It is

also still possible to come up with an admissible/consistent heuristic for our setup.

A question in this case is which types of heuristics are informative and helpful in finding a good

solution fast. Could it be that inadmissible heuristics can still help guide an algorithm to quickly find a

solution? You should experimentally figure out and try to verbally describe the trade-offs between

using different heuristics and algorithmic choices in the proposed setup.

Next, we will try to investigate a way that allows to integrate multiple heuristics (both admissible and

inadmissible ones) into a single search process in a way that potentially improves overall computational


7 A with sequential use of many heuristics ∗

As we mentioned during the lecture, we are typically aiming to discover and use admissible and

consistent heuristics during informed search processes so as to achieve optimal solutions. But as you

may have also discovered during your experimentation process, there are problems where inadmissible

heuristics - which do not guarantee that an optimal solution can be found - can still provide useful

information for guiding the search process.

Here we will consider a more sophisticated best-first strategy that has the capability to utilize

information from multiple heuristics simultaneously. One of these heuristics has to be admissible and

consistent in order to provide some formal guarantees but the rest do not have to be so. Overall, the

algorithm will return a solution with a known error relative to the optimum but will be guided by all

heuristics provided to them. You are asked to implement the method, experiment with it and prove

some of its properties.

Consider the method presented in Algorithm 2. This approach aims to utilize information from many

different heuristics, which are considered by running n + 1 searches in a rather sequential manner. Each

search uses its own, separate priority queue. Therefore, in addition to the different h values, each state

uses a different g value for each search. We use g0 to denote the g for an anchor search process, which

must use an admissible/consistent heuristic for the overall process to return an optimal solution. We use

gi, (i = 1, 2, ..., n) for the other search procedures, which can make use of any type of heuristic

including inadmissible ones

The algorithm uses two variables in order to control how sub-optimal the overall, final solution will be.

The first variable w1(≥ 1.0) is used to inflate the heuristic values for each of the search procedures,

similar to Weighted-A . The second variable ∗ w2(≥ 1.0) is used as a factor to prioritize the inadmissible

search processes over the anchor, admissible one. The algorithm runs the inadmissible search

procedures in a round robin manner in a way, which guarantees that the solution cost will be within the

sub-optimality bound w1w2 of the optimal solution cost.

The Sequential Heuristic A algorithm starts with initializing the variables (lines 13-18) for the ∗

different search procedures. It then performs best-first expansions in a round robin fashion from the

corresponding queue OPENi, i = 1..n, as long as OPENi.Minkey() ≤ w2OPEN0.Minkey() (line 21). If the

check is violated for a given search, it is suspended and a state from OPEN0 is expanded in its place.

This in turn can increase OPEN0.Minkey() (lower bound) and thus re-activate the suspended search.

Expansion of a state is done in a similar way as done in A . Each state is expanded at most once for ∗

each search (line 10) following the fact that Weighted A procedures similar to this one do not need to ∗

re-expand states to guarantee the sub-optimality bound. The Sequential Heuristic A terminates ∗

successfully, if any of the searches have OPENi.Minkey() value greater than or equal to the g value of

sgoal (in that search) and g(sgoal) < ∞, otherwise it terminates with no solution when OPEN0.Minkey() ≥


8 Questions and Deliverable

In this project you are asked to implement informed search algorithms, to run a series of experiments

and report your results and conclusions. You can use the programming language of your preference to

implement and visualize the results of your algorithms. You can work in groups of up to 4.

Answer the following questions under the assumption that the algorithms that you will implement are

used on an eight-neighbor grids. Average all experimental results over the same set of maps as

described in the map generation process and the questions below. You need to generate these maps

yourself. Remember that we assumed that paths can pass through vertices where diagonally touching

blocked cells meet. All search algorithms search from the start vertex to the goal vertex

unidirectionally. Different from our examples, A should breaks ties among vertices with the same ƒ- ∗

value in favor of vertices with larger g-values and remaining ties in an identical way. [Hint: Priorities

can be single numbers rather than pairs of numbers. For example, you can use ƒ (s) − c × g(s) as a

priority to break ties in favor of vertices with larger g-values, where c is a constant larger than the

largest ƒ-value of any generated vertex (i.e. larger than the longest path on the grid).]

You are asked to present the progress of your project to the TAs during an in-person demonstration.

Please schedule your meeting as soon as possible once the sign-up link becomes available.

1. Create an interface so as to create and visualize 50 eight-neighbor benchmark grids you are

going to use for your experiments, which correspond to:

• 5 different maps as described above

• For each map, generate 10 different start-goal pairs for which the problem is solvable.

Your software should be able to load a file representing a valid map and visualize: the start and

the goal location, the different terrain types on the map (e.g., use different colors or symbols)

and the path computed by an A -family algorithm. You should be able to visualize the values h, ∗

g and ƒ computed by A -family algorithms on each cell (e.g., after selecting with the mouse a ∗

specific cell, or after using the keyboard to specify which cell’s information to display). Use the

images in this report from the traces of algorithms as inspiration on how to design your

visualization. (10 points)

2. Implement an abstract heuristic algorithm and three instantiations of it: Uniform-cost search, A

∗ ∗ and Weighted A (it should be easy from the interface to define the weight w). Try to follow a

modular implementation so that the code you have to write for each one of the concrete

algorithms is minimized relative to the abstract implementation (e.g., take advantage of

inheritance in C++ or Java, etc.) Show that you can compute correct solutions with these

methods. (15 points)

3. Optimize your implementation of the above algorithms. Discuss your optimizations in your

report. (10 points)

4. Propose different types of heuristics for the considered problem and discuss them in your

report. In particular:

• Propose the best admissible/consistent heuristic that you can come up with in this grid


• Propose at least four other heuristics, which can be inadmissible but still useful for this

problem and justify your choices.

Remember that good heuristics can effectively guide the exploration process of a search

algorithm towards finding a good solution fast and they are computationally inexpensive to

compute. (10 points)

5. Perform an experimental evaluation on the 50 benchmarks using the three algorithms that you

have implemented for the 5 different heuristics that you have considered. For Weighted A you ∗

should try at least two w values, e.g., 1.25 and 2 (feel free to experiment). Compare the various

solutions in terms of average run-time, average resulting path lengths as a function of the

optimum length, average number of nodes expanded and memory requirements (average over

all 50 benchmarks). In your report, provide your experimental results. (15 points)

6. Explain your results and discuss in detail your observations regarding the relative performance

of the different methods. What impact do you perceive that different heuristic functions have on

the behavior of the algorithms and why? What is the relative performance of the different

algorithms and why? (10 points)

7. Implement the Sequential Heuristic A . Use an admissible heuristic for the anchor search. Use ∗

4 other heuristics, admissible or inadmissible ones, for the remaining search processes. You

should try at least two w1 and two w2 values, e.g., 1.25 and 2 (feel free to experiment). Make

choices so as to optimize the performance of the algorithm, i.e., aim for solutions that compute

as high-quality solutions and as fast as possible.

Perform an experimental evaluation over the 50 benchmarks you have considered above. In

particular, compare the A approach with the admissible heuristic against the Sequential ∗

Heuristic version, which utilizes all the heuristics you have considered. Compare the various

solutions in terms of average runtime, average resulting path lengths as a function of the

optimum length, average number of nodes expanded and memory requirements (average over

all 50 benchmarks). In your report, provide your experimental results. (15 points)

8. Describe in your report why your implementation is efficient. Explain your results and discuss

in detail your observations regarding the relative performance of the methods. Discuss the

relationship with your experiments for section e. What is the relative performance of the

different algorithm in terms of computation time and solution quality and why? (10 points)

9. In Weighted-A search, the g value of any state s expanded by the algorithm is at most ∗ w1-

suboptimal. The same is true for the anchor search of Algorithm 2, i.e., for any state s for which

it is true that Key(s, 0) ≤ Key(u, 0) ∀u OPEN0, it holds that g ∈ 0(s) ≤ w1 c (s), where c (s) ∗ ∗ ∗

is the optimum cost to state s.

Given this property, show that the anchor key of any state s, when it is the minimum anchor key

in an iteration of Algorithm 2, is also bounded by w1 times the cost of the optimal path to the

goal. In other words, show that for any state s for which it is true that Key(s, 0) ≤ Key(u, 0) ∀u

∈ OPEN0, it holds that Key(s, 0) ≤ w1 g (s ∗ ∗ goal).

[Hint: Think about a state si in the OPEN0 queue, which is located along a least cost path from

sstart to sgoal. Does such a state always exist in the queue? If yes, try to show first that a similar

property holds for such a state si given the properties of a Weighted-A anchor search. Consider ∗

then what this implies for the key of the state s that is the minimum.]

Then, prove that when the Sequential Heuristic A terminates in the ∗ i

th search, that gi(sgoal) ≤ w1

∗w2 c (s ∗ ∗ goal). In other words, prove that the solution cost obtained by the algorithm is

bounded by a w1 ∗w2 sub-optimality factor.

[Hint: Consider all cases that the algorithm can terminate] (10 points)

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