FSP Computing &
Information Systems
JavaScript Assignment
Dates Due:
Part A: Friday 18th June 2021
Part B: Friday 25th June 2021
Creating a Web-Based Order Form
Using the HTML project you completed earlier in this course you are required to produce an additional web page,
which provides the ability to order products from that company over the web. The web page must be well formatted
and provide pictures (where possible) and details of the products that are available for order, including the price. The
user will select which products he/she wants to order and the quantity to order. The total price will then be displayed.
A promotional code of HOLIDAYS21 has been emailed to regular customers. Customers will receive a 10% discount
on the total cost of their purchases. No discount is given to customers who do not enter the correct password. A
customer is only allowed to be given three chances to enter in the correct password.
FREE EXPRESS SHIPPING is available to customers with purchases of $300 or more.
Orders $1-$299.99 $20
Orders $300+ FREE
The HTML page must be well formatted in keeping with a company web page. The JavaScript code can input using
prompt boxes. Marks will also be awarded for the use of forms, textboxes and buttons for the selections.
Requirements: PART A – Due Friday 18th June 2021
(Part A may be word processed or handwritten – use a photo to submit)
1. Write an algorithm in pseudo-code that will:
o Ask the user for the items that wish to purchase and the quantity
o Ask a user for the password with only 3 chances to enter the correct password
o Add the shipping method to the total
o Calculate the total price of the purchases
2. Provide 3 DESKCHECKS to test 3 different scenarios along with test data that adequately checks the
algorithms. For example,
o Correct password first time & Order over $300
o Incorrect password (3 chances given) & Order under $300
o No promotional code & Order over $300
3. Submit your algorithms and desk checks in E-College using the link Programming Assignment link under the
June 21 2
Programming Using Javascript
FSP Computing & Information Systems
Requirements: PART B – Due Friday 25th June 2021
4. Using the algorithms you wrote, produce a web page or pages which provide the ability to order products from
that company over the web
o The use of Functions is required.
o The JavaScript code should be set out and indented so that it is easy to follow.
o Variable names should be meaningful and adhere to standard coding practices.
o The order form must be easy to use. HTML concepts such as background colour and fonts are to be used.
o At least five articles of varying prices must be available to purchase
5. Submit your website in E-College
Marking Scheme
Submitting your website/assignment in E-Learning :
1. Place all your html documents and images (which should be in an “Images” folder) in a folder labelled with
your name
2. “Zip” your folder (right click on the folder and select Send to and then select Compressed (zipped) folder).
3. Finally, save your compressed (zipped) folder in E-college using the link Programming Assignment under
the ASSESSMENTS section.
Description Mark Your
Algorithms in pseudo-code
• Asks user for the password with only 3 chances to enter
the correct promotional code(10)
• Calculates the total price of the purchases based on the
promotional code and shipping. (5)
Desk check
• 3 Desk checks
• Desk check your algorithms by working through the
program by hand, keeping track of the values of each
variable and the statements that are executed.
• Correctly laid out; easy to read
• Corresponds to the pseudocode in Part A (5)
• Correct use of variable names (5)
• Code indented correctly (5)
• Asks for password – loops three times only (10)
• Shipping charges (5)
• Calculations correct (5)
Web page formatting:
• Easy to use,
• At least five articles for sale
• Output is displayed clearly (easy to see and find)
• Links to the HTML assignment (Topic 7)
Total 75
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